Author: Rori Firehawk
(signed) Date posted: 1/19/2002 10:03:09 PM
Rori Firehawk's Comments:
Very helpful article- I have a fic I'm cowriting with someone else outside TFN, and we've created a coupla worlds... we've sorta based part of our plotline on the Russian Revolution, hehehe. The planet's really hot in the summer, and really cold in the winter... :-P
Author: Muurnk
(signed) Date posted: 1/27/2002 1:24:35 PM
Muurnk's Comments:
Ya know I made a lot of planets, one, Sierra Verrn had to be colonized inside of it, because in the spring its 103 degrees, in the summer its 250, in the fall its -4 and in the winter its -150!