Fan Fiction
| By the Grace of Lady Vader (PG)
695.745 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
FernWithy; ami-padme; Aeryn Archived on: Monday, April 7, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, April 7, 2003
When Amidala of Naboo rejoins her husband in Imperial high command after the battle of Yavin, they will stop at nothing to reclaim their family and avenge themselves upon those who tore it apart.
Time Periods :
e. Classic Trilogy Genres :
Alternate Universe; Drama; Political Intrigue Primary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Darth Vader; Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Padmé Amidala Secondary Characters :
Admiral Piett; C-3PO; Lando Calrissian
[Comments - 62] [Rating -
9.63; Total Ratings - 173]
The Sands of Time (PG)
567.01 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Jeff 42 Archived on: Monday, July 30, 2001
Last Updated : Monday, July 30, 2001
Five hundred years after the Battle of Endor, Obi-Wan Kenobi is reincarnated by the Force to find a galaxy much different from the one he left, and a Jedi order much different from the one he remembers. Now he must take the lead as a new generation of Jedi, including a descendant of Luke Skywalker's, battles the resurgent Sith menace.
Time Periods :
j. Far (SW) Future Genres :
Adventure; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Romance Primary Characters :
_Original character(s); Obi-Wan Kenobi Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s)
[Comments - 134] [Rating -
9.69; Total Ratings - 345]
| About Turn (PG-13)
345.953 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Mina Archived on: Monday, January 7, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, February 4, 2002
Recovering from Bespin, a feverish Luke Skywalker lets slip his parentage, but what will the Alliance do with the son of Darth Vader? Their mistake proves monumental and delivers Luke into the hands of his worst nightmare. Destiny goes into an about turn where there’s only one person who can save Luke from the darkside - his father
Time Periods :
e. Classic Trilogy Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama Primary Characters :
Darth Vader; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Palpatine Secondary Characters :
Han Solo; Mon Mothma
[Comments - 62] [Rating -
9.71; Total Ratings - 214]
The Ascension of the Queen (PG)
847.881 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
FernWithy; ami-padme Archived on: Monday, April 14, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, April 14, 2003
In the sequel to "By the Grace of Lady Vader," the Skywalker family battles the galaxy and one another for ultimate control.
Time Periods :
f. Post-ANH Genres :
Alternate Universe; Drama Primary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Padmé Amidala Secondary Characters :
Admiral Piett; Lando Calrissian
[Comments - 65] [Rating -
9.65; Total Ratings - 182]
| Star Wars: Redemption (PG-13)
685.099 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
WookieeLiberationFront Archived on: Saturday, October 30, 2010
Last Updated : Saturday, October 30, 2010
It is the height of the Galactic Civil War. Two Wookiees from different backgrounds are put through similar trials during the Empirical oppression of their world of Kashyyyk. One finds solace in the Dark Side, one finds hope in the Light Side. Makaashyya comes into conflict with her very being after losing everything. The Dark Side consumes her and she is corrupted into helping the very tyrants and murderers that destroyed her life. Echobe never had much to begin with, and what he did have was taken from him by the Empire, but the hate doesn't rule him. He fights back during his search for his missing senator parents while trying to help his people he once neglected . Eventually, these two Wookiees meet, and with Echobe, his pet rancor, Bilebelch, and with comrades in arms he meets along the way, Makaashyya is able to fight her demons and find redemption, ultimately giving Echobe his.
Time Periods :
d. Intertrilogy; e. Classic Trilogy Genres :
Adventure; Angst; Drama; Humour; Romance; Squadron; Star Wars Historical Primary Characters :
_Original character(s); other : Bilebelch Echobe Makaashyya Yaminul Burmar
Secondary Characters :
Darth Vader; Mon Mothma; Palpatine; other : Desco R2-L7 Yaminul Rikot Hase Scious
[Comments - 9] [Rating -
10; Total Ratings - 10]
The Dark Path (PG)
335.958 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Jeff 42 Archived on: Monday, February 16, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, February 16, 2004
What if Vader didn't turn back to the light side at Endor?
Time Periods :
g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama Primary Characters :
Darth Vader; Leia Organa Solo; Mara Jade; Wedge Antilles Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s); C-3PO; Chewbacca; Han Solo; Lando Calrissian; Luke Skywalker; Mon Mothma; Palpatine; R2-D2; Wes Janson
[Comments - 67] [Rating -
9.34; Total Ratings - 167]
| Dark Emperor (PG)
559.307 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Brendon Wahlberg Archived on: Tuesday, April 17, 2001
Last Updated : Monday, August 5, 2002
A six part story about Palpatine. It takes the Dark Empire comics series into account. The six parts are: Ebony and Jade; A New Enemy; The Hand of Fate; The Emperor Eclipsed; The Power of the Dark Side; Emperor's End. It has been edited to fit with Episode I.
Time Periods :
c. Prequels; d. Intertrilogy; e. Classic Trilogy; f. Post-ANH; g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy Primary Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Palpatine; Yoda; other : Sate Pestage
Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s)
[Comments - 22] [Rating -
9.69; Total Ratings - 109]
Father's Heart (PG)
230.945 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
FernWithy Archived on: Monday, April 8, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, April 8, 2002
During Princess Leia's teenage years, she discovers a friend in an unlikely -- and disturbing -- person: Lord Vader.
Time Periods :
d. Intertrilogy Genres :
Adventure; Drama Primary Characters :
Darth Vader; Leia Organa Solo Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Bail Organa; C-3PO; Grand Moff Tarkin; Handmaidens; Padmé Amidala; R2-D2; other : Original Characters: Kel Rejuo, Jaet Bishapi
[Comments - 70] [Rating -
9.82; Total Ratings - 254]
| Shackled Past (PG-13)
621.441 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
RebelMom Archived on: Monday, April 14, 2003
Last Updated : Saturday, July 31, 2010
This alternate version of Luke and Mara's romance centers around the lasting effects of past love, the emergence of a new enemy and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of the former Mrs. Skywalker.
Time Periods :
g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Romance Primary Characters :
Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s); Corran Horn; Han Solo; Jar-Jar Binks; Leia Organa Solo; Talon Karrde
[Comments - 29] [Rating -
9.08; Total Ratings - 59]
If I Don't Catch You (PG)
232.99 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Julie Archived on: Monday, August 13, 2001
Last Updated : Saturday, April 17, 2010
When events at the end of The Phantom Menace change, Anakin, Qui-gon and Obi-wan find themselves on a different -- and dangerous -- path to destiny.
Time Periods :
c. Prequels Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Missing Scene Primary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn Secondary Characters :
Padmé Amidala
[Comments - 28] [Rating -
9.52; Total Ratings - 188]
| Drive You Mild (PG-13)
404.173 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
obaona Archived on: Monday, June 6, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, June 6, 2005
How do two powerful, individualistic people who were formerly enemies unite? Emperor Luke Skywalker, meet Jedi Knight Mara Jade.
Time Periods :
g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Romance; Sith Philosophy Primary Characters :
Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade Secondary Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Bail Organa; Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi
[Comments - 40] [Rating -
9.96; Total Ratings - 196]
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