Fan Fiction
 | The Princess of Ondos (PG-13)
239.66 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Brendon Wahlberg Archived on: Monday, May 28, 2001
Last Updated : Thursday, August 9, 2001
This is a script sequel to George Lucas'
second draft of the Original Star wars film,
Adventures of the Starkiller.
It is set in the alternate universe of Lucas'
early drafts. Full background information
concerning this universe is included, as
is a link to the original script.
It is a time of decision for the Galactic Civil War. The
Starkiller, the aged leader of the Rebellion against the Empire,
has rallied his forces with the Kiber Crystal, a talisman of the
Force of Others. The Rebels have destroyed the Empire's dreaded
Death Star, and this great victory has inspired a thousand new
systems to join their cause.
As the tide of battle turns, Emperor Cos Dashit trembles upon his
throne in the Cloud City of Alderaan, capital of the Empire and
stronghold of the evil Sith. Imperial spies report the gathering
of a large fleet in Rebel Space, and warn of a bold Rebel strike
at the heart of the Empire.
Another vital confrontation is taking shape within the Force.
Young Luke Starkiller must be trained by his father to face the
dark Master of the Bogan, Espaa Valorum. The prophecy of the Son
of the Suns may give rise to the galaxy's savior, or the
malevolent Sith will have a final victory over their hated foes,
the Jedi Bendu of Ashla...
Time Periods :
e. Classic Trilogy Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Script; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical Primary Characters :
Luke Skywalker; other : Luke Starkiller
[Comments - 5] [Rating -
9.21; Total Ratings - 14]
Of Pilots and Jedi (PG-13)
87.876 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Melyanna Archived on: Monday, February 18, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, March 4, 2002
In a post-Rebirth AU, Lieutenant Jaina Solo finds herself with a bounty on her head and in hiding, so her commanding officer, Gavin Darklighter, sends someone to protect her- Colonel Jag Fel and Spike Squadron.
Time Periods :
h. New Jedi Order Era Genres :
Alternate Universe; Humour; Romance Primary Characters :
Jaina Solo; other : Jag Fel
Secondary Characters :
Corran Horn; Gavin Darklighter; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Wedge Antilles
[Comments - 43] [Rating -
9.6; Total Ratings - 146]
 | Hold Me (PG)
47.019 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Tycalibur Archived on: Monday, September 8, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, September 8, 2003
This story is a missing scene from ‘Return of the Jedi’. Luke has just told Leia the truth, and she has to come to terms with who she really is. The story begins in the Ewok village on the forest moon of Endor, after Leia simply says to Han, “Hold me.”
Time Periods :
e. Classic Trilogy Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Missing Scene; Romance Primary Characters :
Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker Secondary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Bail Organa; Darth Vader; Padmé Amidala
[Comments - 31] [Rating -
9.5; Total Ratings - 114]
In Darkness I Dwell (PG)
22.77 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Scoobert Archived on: Monday, June 28, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, June 28, 2004
Based on the speculated events are supposed to occur in Episode 3, this is a tale about how Anakin regains consciousness prematurely on the operating table with no memory of his identity or past events. Little does he know what is about to occur...
Time Periods :
c. Prequels Genres :
Angst; Drama Primary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Darth Vader Secondary Characters :
[Comments - 39] [Rating -
8.07; Total Ratings - 275]
 | Banquet Encounter (G)
8.013 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Sreya Archived on: Monday, May 14, 2001
Last Updated : Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Princess Leia encounters an enigmatic figure when at a banquet with her father, Bail Organa, a figure Bail doesn't exactly want Leia around...
• Encounter is an Apt Description... by Valeda Kor
Time Periods :
d. Intertrilogy Genres :
Drama; Vignette Primary Characters :
Leia Organa Solo Secondary Characters :
Bail Organa
[Comments - 34] [Rating -
7.52; Total Ratings - 282]
To Cast Away Stones (PG)
414.069 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
DarthIshtar Archived on: Monday, January 22, 2007
Last Updated : Monday, January 22, 2007
In order to change the course of the war, Alliance High Command orders three soldiers to eliminate Darth Vader. The difficulty is just when they are expected to do it and who those three soldiers are.
Time Periods :
c. Prequels Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama Primary Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Padmé Amidala Secondary Characters :
Bail Organa; Carlist Rieekan; Mon Mothma
[Comments - 14] [Rating -
8.88; Total Ratings - 41]
 | Old Friends, Long Gone (G)
24.112 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
FernWithy Archived on: Monday, February 17, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, February 17, 2003
The day after the battle of Endor, an old family friend tells the Skywalker twins a story.
Time Periods :
d. Intertrilogy; g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Drama Primary Characters :
Jar-Jar Binks; Leia Organa Solo Secondary Characters :
Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker
[Comments - 41] [Rating -
9.37; Total Ratings - 169]
No One (G)
8.271 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Darth Kylosss Archived on: Monday, July 23, 2001
Last Updated : Wednesday, July 25, 2001
A short story chronicling the events following an alternate ending to Return of the Jedi.
Time Periods :
g. Post-RotJ Genres :
Alternate Universe; Drama Primary Characters :
Darth Vader; Palpatine Secondary Characters :
Luke Skywalker
[Comments - 35] [Rating -
7.67; Total Ratings - 189]
 | Joy to Sorrow (PG)
6.838 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
RebelMom Archived on: Thursday, December 13, 2001
Last Updated : Saturday, July 31, 2010
A first-person Amidala vignette chronicling the loss of a child
Time Periods :
c. Prequels Genres :
Angst; Vignette Primary Characters :
Padmé Amidala
[Comments - 31] [Rating -
9.36; Total Ratings - 88]
Friends Like These (PG-13)
68.441 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
Jane Jinn Archived on: Sunday, July 8, 2001
Last Updated : Friday, July 13, 2001
What's worse, enemies--or friends like these?
• A very interesting, action-filled story by Valeda Kor
Time Periods :
b. Pre-TPM Genres :
Adventure; Humour; Jedi Apprentice Primary Characters :
Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn
[Comments - 25] [Rating -
9.42; Total Ratings - 99]
 | Salvaging Hope (PG-13)
122.268 K -- Printer-Friendly Version
By :
obaona Archived on: Monday, January 13, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, January 13, 2003
AU from Episode III. A woman on the verge of being a full-blown alcoholic buys a mentally damaged slave called Ben (Obi-Wan). Stuff happens. Mostly drama and angst. Has been called a character study.
Time Periods :
c. Prequels; d. Intertrilogy Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Romance Primary Characters :
Obi-Wan Kenobi; other : Dela Medorn
[Comments - 47] [Rating -
8.56; Total Ratings - 120]
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