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Found and LostFound and Lost (PG)
8.855 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Aunecah_Skywalker
Archived on: Monday, February 24, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, February 24, 2003

Summary: Everyone has to make hard choices at some point in their lifetimes, but Padmé has to make perhaps one the most difficult decisions. This is just a small introspection 'fic that deals with her emotions as she spends her last day on Naboo.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; other : Saché

[Comments - 44]
[Rating - 9.36; Total Ratings - 182]

Almost Family (PG-13)
12.94 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Mcily Nochi
Archived on: Monday, September 10, 2001
Last Updated : Friday, October 26, 2001

Summary: What if Leia married Prince Isolder instead of Han?

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama
Primary Characters : Han Solo; Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 35]
[Rating - 7.75; Total Ratings - 112]

Almost Family

You Don't Bring Me Flowers AnymoreYou Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore (PG)
35.505 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Amidala_Skywalker
Archived on: Monday, February 3, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, February 3, 2003

Summary: For twenty years, Han Solo and Leia Organa have been separated by forces beyond their control. Now, as they come together one last time, they must make the largest sacrifice of their lives. They must let go and end the affair for the greater good.

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo

[Comments - 43]
[Rating - 8.99; Total Ratings - 79]

Luke Skywalker and the Outer Rim Profiteer (PG)
127.345 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Niralle
Archived on: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Last Updated : Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summary: Okay, let's get something straight right now ... I'm not a bad guy. I didn't ask for bounty hunters to shoot at me, Imperial enthusiasts to hunt for me, Hutts to torture me, and I certainly didn't want to involve any Jedi Masters in this mess. Who knew everyone would get so up in arms about ancient Death Star blueprints? So, when the blasters start blasting and lightsabers start swinging, just remember ... this is not my fault.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Adventure; Humour
Primary Characters : _Original character(s); Luke Skywalker
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 1]
[Rating - 9.73; Total Ratings - 11]

Luke Skywalker and the Outer Rim Profiteer

Moving OnMoving On (PG)
133.977 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Herman Snerd
Archived on: Monday, August 6, 2001
Last Updated : Tuesday, August 7, 2001

Summary: It's been more than a year since the death of Luke Skywalker, and a new threat to the stability of the New Republic emerges. A mysterious leader has emerged who heads a political faction intent in fracturing the structure of the New Republic. When Anakin Solo disappears on a mission to uncover the identity of this new leader, Mara Jade Skywalker follows the clues of her newest nightmares and sets out to learn what happened to her missing nephew. But once she sets out on this quest, Mara uncovers more than she ever imagined.
Genres : Drama; Political Intrigue; Romance
Primary Characters : Anakin Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade
Secondary Characters : Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo

[Comments - 24]
[Rating - 9.15; Total Ratings - 82]

A Moment of Understanding (G)
11.184 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : BeElleGee
Archived on: Tuesday, April 24, 2001

Summary: Admiral Piett goes to face Lord Vader after the Falcon escapes, and discovers that the officers aren't the only ones who must live with a fearful authority.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Drama; Missing Scene
Primary Characters : Admiral Piett; Darth Vader; Palpatine

[Comments - 40]
[Rating - 8.77; Total Ratings - 241]

A Moment of Understanding

Ignite the StarsIgnite the Stars (PG)
58.623 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Jedi Trace; rhonderoo
Archived on: Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Last Updated : Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Summary: An introspective piece interpreting the relationship between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in the Original Trilogy, in light of Revenge of the Sith.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Angst; Drama
Primary Characters : Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 23]
[Rating - 9.74; Total Ratings - 73]

I am the Darkness (PG)
10.499 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : VaderLVR64
Archived on: Monday, March 14, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, March 14, 2005

Summary: Anakin must make a choice between the light and the dark.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Vignette
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker
Secondary Characters : Palpatine

[Comments - 38]
[Rating - 9.22; Total Ratings - 122]

I am the Darkness

No Greater LoveNo Greater Love (PG)
14.025 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : RebelMom
Archived on: Monday, May 31, 2004
Last Updated : Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summary: Luke and Leia's last mission together ends in tragedy.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ; h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Angst; Drama
Primary Characters : Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 26]
[Rating - 8.71; Total Ratings - 73]

The Handmaiden's Gift (PG)
17.943 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Gina
Archived on: Monday, June 14, 2004
Last Updated : Sunday, May 9, 2010

Summary: On her Fifth Lifeday, Princess Leia receives a special gift from a mysterious member of the Organa household.

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Angst
Primary Characters : Leia Organa Solo; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Dormé; Obi-Wan Kenobi

[Comments - 25]
[Rating - 9.72; Total Ratings - 120]

The Handmaiden's Gift

Between Flight and LongingBetween Flight and Longing (PG-13)
295.013 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Sheila Snow
Archived on: Monday, June 30, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, June 30, 2008

Summary: Attempting to find a cure for a critically ill Luke, Han travels to a backwater planet in the armpit of the galaxy, piloting an aging freighter discarded by the Alliance because it was unsafe to fly. With time running out for Luke, Han figures things couldn't get much worse. He's been known to be wrong before.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst
Primary Characters : Darth Vader; Han Solo; Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 11]
[Rating - 9.93; Total Ratings - 46]

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