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The Sweetest ThingThe Sweetest Thing (PG)
6.044 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : anakin_walker_of_sky
Archived on: Monday, February 4, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, February 4, 2002

Summary: Between Episodes I and II, Anakin and Padme have a "chance" encounter in the waiting room of the Chancellor's office. Short and hopefully sweet. Their first kiss, and first meeting in 10 years.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Humour; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : C-3PO; Palpatine; R2-D2

[Comments - 8]
[Rating - 7.7; Total Ratings - 105]

Thief (G)
8.164 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : obaona
Archived on: Monday, November 10, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, November 10, 2003

Summary: When everything has been stolen from you, what is left? Padmé tells an absent Anakin.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Drama; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Anakin Skywalker

[Comments - 35]
[Rating - 8.82; Total Ratings - 121]


Goodbye, My LoveGoodbye, My Love (PG)
3.654 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Princess Beccerz
Archived on: Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Last Updated : Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Summary: Anakin's thoughts as he goes to bury Padme and makes the final step towards becoming Vader.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Darth Vader

[Comments - 62]
[Rating - 7.99; Total Ratings - 202]

Dear Irritating, Dear Irritated (G)
11.458 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : obaona; Gabri_Jade
Archived on: Monday, July 26, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, July 26, 2004

Summary: She never thought he would be so cruel as to make her write a love letter.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Humour; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade

[Comments - 36]
[Rating - 9.46; Total Ratings - 106]

Dear Irritating, Dear Irritated

The Quality of MercyThe Quality of Mercy (PG)
14.096 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Lady Moonbeam
Archived on: Monday, July 14, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, July 14, 2003

Summary: After falls from darkness and light, Anakin needs mercy more than anything else. And Obi-Wan is the only one who can give it to him, but will Anakin be able to take it?

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Obi-Wan Kenobi

[Comments - 34]
[Rating - 9.27; Total Ratings - 83]

She Kissed My Wookiee (G)
6.376 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : DarthIshtar
Archived on: Monday, November 22, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, November 22, 2004

Summary: Before Han and Leia can become man and wife, she has one confession to make.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Alternate Universe
Primary Characters : Leia Organa Solo
Secondary Characters : Han Solo

[Comments - 43]
[Rating - 8.79; Total Ratings - 89]

She Kissed My Wookiee

Acquainted with the NightAcquainted with the Night (PG)
9.063 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : LianaMara
Archived on: Monday, March 1, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, March 1, 2004

Summary: Mara struggles with an event in her past.

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Angst; Drama; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade

[Comments - 45]
[Rating - 9.07; Total Ratings - 80]

Reflection (PG)
4.71 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : vader-incarnate
Archived on: Monday, February 28, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, February 28, 2005

Summary: A reflection on hatred: what does Lord Vader hate most in the galaxy?

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Angst
Primary Characters : Darth Vader

[Comments - 34]
[Rating - 9.08; Total Ratings - 126]


I RefuseI Refuse (G)
3.353 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Jane Jinn
Archived on: Sunday, October 28, 2001
Last Updated : Sunday, October 28, 2001

Summary: Qui-Gon defies the Council

Time Periods : b. Pre-TPM
Genres : Humour
Primary Characters : Qui-Gon Jinn
Secondary Characters : Yoda

[Comments - 50]
[Rating - 8.84; Total Ratings - 122]

Rain of a Thousand Tears (PG)
15.746 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : obaona
Archived on: Monday, February 17, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, February 17, 2003

Summary: How and why Anakin and Padme split up.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Drama; Vignette
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Darth Vader

[Comments - 50]
[Rating - 8.92; Total Ratings - 211]

Rain of a Thousand Tears

The 181st Imperial Fighter GroupThe 181st Imperial Fighter Group (PG-13)
207.261 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Shock Wave
Archived on: Monday, May 8, 2006
Last Updated : Monday, May 8, 2006

Summary: They are icons of an Empire’s might; while the Rebels have their vaunted X-wings, the Galactic Empire is defended by its legions of heroic TIE fighter pilots. The 181st Imperial Fighter Group, the most elite fighting unit of the Imperial Navy was once led by Baron Soontir Fel. Now with Fel’s defection and the attrition from Brentaal, the 181st is left to Fel’s second, Major Turr Phennir. Now he must reform the fighter group and build it back up to its former glory.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Adventure; Romance; Squadron
Primary Characters : _Original character(s); other : Turr Phennir
Secondary Characters : Ysanne Isard; other : Sate Pestage, Warlord Zsinj

[Comments - 6]
[Rating - 8.65; Total Ratings - 26]

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