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Hidden AgendasHidden Agendas (PG)
77.272 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Quiller
Archived on: Monday, June 18, 2001
Last Updated : Sunday, July 15, 2001

Summary: Evil is spreading across the galaxy, despite all attempts to stem the tide. Now, Obi-Wan is on a mission, the ramifications of which he doesn't even begin to understand. But he must, if he is to succeed.
  •  First book in Trilogy sets scene for the end of the Jedi by Valeda Kor

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Finis Valorum

[Comments - 43]
[Rating - 8.46; Total Ratings - 202]

The Betrayal (PG-13)
19.915 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Gina
Archived on: Monday, June 30, 2003
Last Updated : Monday, June 30, 2003

Summary: Although his growing relationship with Chancellor Palpatine has been causing a strain on their marriage, Padmé has something important to share with her husband and is anxiously awaiting Anakin's return from a mission. Her excitement is dampened when she receives tragic news, and an innocent family memento reveals a devastating secret that forces Padmé to make a decision that will change their lives forever.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Drama
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi

[Comments - 38]
[Rating - 9.38; Total Ratings - 160]

The Betrayal

A Day Long RememberedA Day Long Remembered (PG)
11.033 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : red_rose_knight
Archived on: Monday, March 25, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, March 25, 2002

Summary: Darth Vader’s thoughts as he goes to confront Ben Kenobi on the Death Star.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : Darth Vader; Obi-Wan Kenobi

[Comments - 25]
[Rating - 8.93; Total Ratings - 161]

A Hope in Hell (PG-13)
178.255 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Mina
Archived on: Monday, July 28, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, July 28, 2008

Summary: Thirteen years after her death, Vader finally locates his wife's grave in the rubble of a decimated Naboo. Doubting his master and doubting his own convictions, he travels to Naboo to discover the truth about her death. But he finds more at that grave than just memories. Waiting for him are the angry survivors of Theed's destruction... and the son he'd assumed dead.

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst
Primary Characters : Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 16]
[Rating - 9.85; Total Ratings - 62]

A Hope in Hell

Chandrila SurpriseChandrila Surprise (PG)
32.778 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Darth_Lex
Archived on: Monday, February 16, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, February 16, 2004

Summary: Two years after the peace with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Solo twins arrive at Chandrila for a holiday family gathering. Each bears a secret – will they be revealed?

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Humour; Romance
Primary Characters : Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Tahiri Veila
Secondary Characters : Han Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles

[Comments - 66]
[Rating - 9.55; Total Ratings - 193]

Dark Side Rising (PG)
331.921 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Ki-Aaron-Mundi; N11ORDO; Armanus; KBA; Echo7Solo
Archived on: Sunday, August 14, 2011
Last Updated : Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summary: A Jedi Master searching to reclaim his past.
A Sith apprentice who cannot see a way forward.
A former Sith haunted by the power he once knew.
A Jedi Knight wrestling with the dark side's call.

All are drawn to the same backwater planet by the darkness hidden there. But as their destinies become more and more intertwined, are they growing closer to discovering the truth, or merely all pawns in some greater scheme?

Time Periods : b. Pre-TPM
Genres : Adventure; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical
Primary Characters : _Original character(s); other : Darth Plagueis
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s); Palpatine; Yoda

[Comments - 5]
[Rating - 9.69; Total Ratings - 13]

Dark Side Rising

Fallen AngelFallen Angel (PG)
11.071 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : AngelQueen
Archived on: Monday, May 28, 2001
Last Updated : Tuesday, May 29, 2001

Summary: After turning to the Dark Side, Anakin must say goodbye to a fallen angel.
  •  Luxury Violence by Amidala_Skywalker

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Drama; Romance
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala
Secondary Characters : Darth Vader; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Qui-Gon Jinn

[Comments - 52]
[Rating - 9.31; Total Ratings - 166]

The Other Half, Part 3: When Morning Comes (PG-13)
143.919 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : DarthIshtar
Archived on: Monday, February 18, 2002
Last Updated : Monday, February 18, 2002

Summary: As the Galaxy prepares for the turning point of the war and a Jedi prepares to face her destiny, the forces of light and darkness come together to determine once and for all the balance of the Force.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy; g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Philosophy
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Darth Vader; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker
Secondary Characters : Han Solo; Mara Jade; Palpatine; Yoda

[Comments - 27]
[Rating - 9.02; Total Ratings - 59]

The Other Half, Part 3: When Morning Comes

Campaign 20,000Campaign 20,000 (PG)
29.005 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Jeff 42
Archived on: Saturday, April 28, 2001
Last Updated : Tuesday, July 3, 2001

Summary: Mon Mothma, Emperor Palpatine, and Nom Anor engage in a political debate to decide who will be elected ruler of the galaxy--with hilarious results.

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Alternate Universe; Humour; Political Intrigue
Primary Characters : Mon Mothma; Nom Anor; Palpatine
Secondary Characters : Darth Maul; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Wedge Antilles

[Comments - 74]
[Rating - 9.43; Total Ratings - 257]

Cast My Soul to the Sea (PG-13)
40.442 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Avalon
Archived on: Monday, June 18, 2001
Last Updated : Saturday, July 14, 2001

Summary: What if Qui-Gon had not accepted Obi-Wan as his Padawan, all those years ago? And what if things had gone horribly wrong because if it.
  •  Writer Explores Forgiveness in This Excellent Story by Valeda Kor

Time Periods : b. Pre-TPM
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst
Primary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn

[Comments - 49]
[Rating - 9.58; Total Ratings - 173]

Cast My Soul to the Sea

The End of Emperor PalpatineThe End of Emperor Palpatine (G)
7.863 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Gabri_Jade
Archived on: Monday, December 20, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, December 20, 2004

Summary: Palpatine meets his end in a most unexpected way.

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Alternate Universe; Humour; Vignette
Primary Characters : Darth Vader; Mara Jade; Palpatine

[Comments - 46]
[Rating - 8.8; Total Ratings - 183]

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