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Reader Comments on "Dance"

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Author: Jade the Sith
Date posted: 9/23/2003 8:25:11 AM
Jade the Sith's Comments:

First review!
I loved this-very sweet...sad, which is good. I loved Mara's line "I would have your idealism to balance out my pessimissm anymore"
Well written, and small, good plot-I enjoyed it a lot
Good job!

Author: Mcily Nochi  (signed)
Date posted: 9/23/2003 9:48:24 AM
Mcily Nochi's Comments:

This is lovely! I enjoy how it continues the themes in "Infinite Possibilities" without repeating them. I especially love the last sentence-- the fitting end of a happily ever after.

Author: MoriahthePariah
Date posted: 9/23/2003 11:19:26 AM
MoriahthePariah's Comments:

Oh, that was a nice little twist. Like a sweet version of "The Sixth Sense." Too bad it wasn't a bit longer, to keep me hanging. I didn't figure it out until the end!

Author: obaona  (signed)
Date posted: 9/23/2003 12:22:09 PM
obaona's Comments:

Thanks to all the people that commented!

I just wanted to say thanks to my betas, Burkie and Gabri_Jade. :)

Author: socal-schitzophrenic
Date posted: 9/23/2003 9:13:24 PM
socal-schitzophrenic's Comments:

oh, that was sad, but cool(if that makes any sense). i just love luke/mara mush, it warms my heart. great writing!!!!!!

Author: jaded of mara
Date posted: 9/24/2003 4:24:01 PM
jaded of mara's Comments:

I loved your story, but i'm confused is that an image of luke or what?

Author: Darth_Pepsi
Date posted: 9/24/2003 9:01:40 PM
Darth_Pepsi's Comments:

He's deeeeaaaaddddd... mwa-ha ha ha ha haaaa!
Loved it... incredibly sweet... and it made me cry!

Author: YDM
Date posted: 9/25/2003 3:53:39 PM
YDM's Comments:

soo... i'm a bit confused... is luke dead? that was a bit unclear to me. otherwise, WHAT A SWEET STORY!!

Author: Gabri_Jade  (signed)
Date posted: 9/26/2003 2:31:10 AM
Gabri_Jade's Comments:

I'm so pleased to see this in the Archive, oba! Although I hate to think of Luke's death and Mara's sorrow, this vignette is very eloquent and touching, and perfectly in line with my interpretations of Luke and Mara in 'Infinite Possibilities'. This is just the ending I'd want for them: a lifetime of happiness, and a bond of love that not even death can break. Simply beautiful, dearest.

Author: blazer003
Date posted: 9/26/2003 12:29:49 PM
blazer003's Comments:

Um, yeah he's dead. In "Heir to the Empire" OB-1 comes back one last time to Luke. Luke is doing the same for Mara. He is just like the blue force beings that OB-1, Yoda, and Anakin all turn into. This is a very creative and well written little story, and it sounds so very plausible in the STAR WARS universe, which is what I think that the books and fan fiction should be all about.

Author: padme64
Date posted: 9/26/2003 1:21:01 PM
padme64's Comments:

I loved the story as I was reading it. I was a bit shocked about Luke's death, but you showed how strong Mara is in the story and the love they both shared even in death they could not be parted except in the force.

Author: vadersangel
Date posted: 9/26/2003 2:14:32 PM
vadersangel's Comments:

I so enjoyed your story. It was so beautiful and so touching. Very tender. Well done. :)

Author: Darthdeb
Date posted: 9/26/2003 5:51:32 PM
Darthdeb's Comments:

A sweet story, but sad at the same time. I know that the characters can't live forever but this was well written. Especailly the way Mara was when Luke came back to her as one w/the Force. Well done!!!

Author: Jedi-2B  (signed)
Date posted: 9/27/2003 11:27:51 AM
Jedi-2B's Comments:

Wonderfully sweet little story. Though I hope Luke makes it past his 60's!

Author: LianaMara  (signed)
Date posted: 10/2/2003 5:45:11 PM
LianaMara's Comments:

Congrats on getting this archived, oba! :)

This story is so beautiful, and even though it has a sad ending I think it's wonderful. You captured Mara's personality, and her inner strength, perfectly in such a short vig. But like all your other stories, you describe everything so vividly, so it feels like I'm standing there and watching the whole scene.

And like everyone else has said, the last line is true fairy tale material. Excellent job, dear!

Author: KypKarrde
Date posted: 10/2/2003 10:07:43 PM
KypKarrde's Comments:

Ooooh...I didn't guess this until I finished! Then, of course , I had to go back and read it over again. Nice, how you squeezed so much mileage out of a few paragraphs. good writing.

Author: Archangel
Date posted: 10/4/2003 5:22:41 PM
Archangel's Comments:

...someone needs to get me a hanky, oba.
Awesome, as always.

And email me, before I get bored! ;)

Author: The Stormtrooper Shrink
Date posted: 1/18/2004 12:17:10 AM
The Stormtrooper Shrink's Comments:

"sniff, sniff" ! I loved it...but I *hate* it when Luke dies in fanfiction. That's why I'm reading this stuff, to break me into it when he does it "for real". Thanks for this.

Author: JadeTakashi
Date posted: 6/7/2007 2:21:11 PM
JadeTakashi's Comments:

I'm with the Stormtrooper. I have to read this stuff, so when they kill him off in the actual official productions, i'm prepared. Now that Sacrifice is out...well, i missed that preparation. I mean everyone has to die, but that makes it no easier.

I'm lovin it Obaona. This is a great fic.

Author: Jimmy Pilrose
Date posted: 8/30/2007 9:55:12 PM
Jimmy Pilrose's Comments:

Very, very good. But there is one slight problam... Luke never dies! I love the kissing and muxh beetween Starwars caracters, especialy Luke and Mara but still good, very good. I am like the Master of Star Wars Expanded Universe and movie history of Starwars and even out of all the caracters, Mara Jade is my favrite.

Oh and if you have any questions at all about Starwars Email me and I mean any questions, even the impossible to anwser ones because I'll know it. Email:

Author: darthmatrix101
Date posted: 10/12/2008 7:30:43 PM
darthmatrix101's Comments:

ok let me get this straight...
luke is dead
and he shows up as a force spirit
and he's going to become even more of the force as Obi wan had in ... heir to the empire i think it was??

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