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Reader Comments on "Shades of Grey"

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Author: Herman Snerd  (signed)
Date posted: 3/22/2004 9:12:04 PM
Herman Snerd's Comments:

What I like best about this story is how the two characters remain true to themselves. Often in stories, enemies (especially when of the opposite sex) who are forced to work together too easily forget what it is that made them enemies and then become friends or even lovers.

Here, even though the two main characters come to somewhat understand each other in the short time they're together, there's never once even so much as a hint of a developing relationship. One is a Rebel and the other is an Imperial and they remain so until the end.

Date posted: 3/24/2004 7:32:07 PM
MJSLSBS's Comments:

it was great betering this. its even beter now.

Author: boondock saint m
Date posted: 3/24/2004 8:24:09 PM
boondock saint m's Comments:

Very good story! Touching, and tragic, unlike so many other stories that usually end up with a happy ending. I also liked the way you painted the Rebels as soldiers too, not just idealistic, goody-two-shoes heroes. Great Job!

Author: BoondockSaintM  (signed)
Date posted: 3/24/2004 9:03:10 PM
BoondockSaintM's Comments:

Kewl, I get to rate again, this time more thoroughly ;) Once again, I liked this story very much. It's so rare to find nice originial charcter stories. I also thought the development of affection was in keeping with the peice. After all, the two don't fal in love, but it's easy to see how the stress of the situation might work on them in the short run and lead to all sorts of angsty feelings. Just one thing, I would have liked to have known more about the family situations of both characters. It sounded really interesting! Maybe you could take either of these two characters "back in time" and do a prequel at flight training or childhood or something. Once again, great job!

Author: Ldihawk
Date posted: 3/25/2004 11:56:07 AM
Ldihawk's Comments:

I was really impressed with this fic. The development of two basically good but tortured characters was excellent! The writing was great, especially the battle sequences which can be difficult. Excellent work!

Author: sicilian87mafia  (signed)
Date posted: 3/25/2004 12:12:53 PM
sicilian87mafia's Comments:

I'm still confused on how the pilot ended up in the wreckage, Why do the Imperial always have to die?

Author: Haris
Date posted: 3/27/2004 6:27:23 PM
Haris's Comments:

Man, I'm speechless. Everything about this story was great. Aside from "Down and Out on DB-24", this is my favorite fan fic, I've read yet. I was thinking of finishing my own fan fic with original characters, and submitting it sometime soon, but compared to this, my story sucks. I better wait a couple more months, until there isn't a new story that's this hard to live up to.

Author: MariahJade2  (signed)
Date posted: 3/29/2004 10:36:11 AM
MariahJade2's Comments:

Been meaning to pop in here to say congrats on getting archived. I was one of the reviewers on this story and it was a great pleasure to read. I won't repeat what Herman said as he already put my thoughts into words much better than I would have. Good work!

Author: X-Imperial
Date posted: 3/31/2004 2:51:43 AM
X-Imperial's Comments:

awww... no happy ending! :(

Author: Sith0  (signed)
Date posted: 4/11/2004 12:10:47 AM
Sith0's Comments:

An excellent original story, with lots of emotion. Good job!

Author: KingTyro  (signed)
Date posted: 4/16/2004 4:30:31 AM
KingTyro's Comments:

This is a great story, The way it was written made me think that it was a professional writer.


Author: Jake
Date posted: 4/16/2004 7:58:48 PM
Jake's Comments:

Very original story with every You could want in a fan-fic. This was truly touching piece. I almost got a little teary-eyed in the end when they were forced to say goodbye. The writing and characterization was excellent, and the space battle sequence was well done, despite the fact that those bits are hard to describe in writing.

This definitly makes the Top 3 of my favorite Fan Fics.. Excellent Work.


Author: Emiri Skywalker  (signed)
Date posted: 6/19/2004 3:26:15 PM
Emiri Skywalker's Comments:

This has got to be the best fanfic I have ever read. I loved it!!!!! You did the characterization so well, and the plot-line was excellent. You are a truly talented person!

Author: gold_leader  (signed)
Date posted: 9/2/2004 7:59:41 PM
gold_leader's Comments:

Excellent story. I've always wonder about this type of situation in SW and what would happen. Title is very appropriate. Started this when first submitted and just finished because it took forever to recognize cover art! Which is awesome BTY!

Author: online craps
Date posted: 5/7/2005 7:30:35 PM
online craps's Comments:

removed spam.

Author: Lost Jedi
Date posted: 9/14/2005 7:54:52 PM
Lost Jedi's Comments:

I really love this story. It was really well written and I think that you should try to get it published or something like that. I think peaple would buy it if you tried.

Author: SW fan
Date posted: 11/16/2005 5:14:59 PM
SW fan's Comments:

I really honestly enjoyed this story, you got a real talent. A second one with Cairne somehow surviving would be awesome, but you know, thats just me. :)

Author: SW fan
Date posted: 11/16/2005 5:16:03 PM
SW fan's Comments:

I really honestly enjoyed this story, you got a real talent. A second one with Cairne somehow surviving would be awesome, but you know, thats just me. :)

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