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Reader Comments on "To Walk the Sky"

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Author: Jedi Princess
Date posted: 1/13/2004 8:18:54 PM
Jedi Princess's Comments:

I love the way you describe Luke! It's perfect. I can imagine the whole story in my head (perfectly). Good job in writting.

Author: Mark Jade
Date posted: 1/13/2004 8:30:37 PM
Mark Jade's Comments:

Another great story... one I was greatful to get a sneak peek of when I was doing your cover.. excellent work can't wait for your next story!


Date posted: 1/14/2004 1:06:35 AM
MJSLSBS's Comments:

I loved this when i was betering it. i'm glad it got in. u really diserved it. can't wait till i can read it again


Luke and Mara 4 eva

Author: Rido Jod  (signed)
Date posted: 1/14/2004 4:16:20 AM
Rido Jod's Comments:

A BIG thank you to the beta readers. You helped make this story into something I can be proud of.

And a salute to the highly talented Mark Jade for doing an outstanding cover.

Hope everyone reading enjoys this!

Author: darthdeb
Date posted: 1/14/2004 6:21:03 PM
darthdeb's Comments:

GREAT story!! I loved the way the Han & Leia were metioned in this. Luke's enthusiasm was described to a tee in this story. Thanks for a enjoyable read. Keep up the good work!!

Author: Katrine
Date posted: 1/14/2004 6:33:37 PM
Katrine's Comments:

Great story! I think the Examiner was my driving instructor. This was how I felt when I took my road test to get my licence!

Author: Amidala_Skywalker  (signed)
Date posted: 1/15/2004 3:38:13 PM
Amidala_Skywalker's Comments:

Fantastic story! The Examiner is hilarious! I didn’t realise that there was a base of stormtroopers on Tatooine. If Tatooine is in the Outer Rim, would the Emperor’s hand stretch out there? In any case, I like how you portrayed Luke trying to be a hero, only to be fooled by the rebels. That’s another thing. The rebels – or rebel, should I say - were well-characterised in this fic; snappy and sharp. Thanks for sharing!

Author: Adept_Mike  (signed)
Date posted: 1/16/2004 7:59:40 AM
Adept_Mike's Comments:

I have to say that this is quite the story. Excellent descriptions! A worthy story for this fan fiction site. Loved the Examiner's description. Not many stories include an Imperial officer's descriptions and emotions.

Absolutely fabulous. Was that Princess Leia in the canyon? I was almost certain it was.

Author: rido jod
Date posted: 1/16/2004 8:57:28 AM
rido jod's Comments:

You could be right there, Mike... Of course, people will have to read it to see!

Author: CieSharp
Date posted: 1/19/2004 12:32:56 PM
CieSharp's Comments:

I really enjoyed this story; it reminded me of my grumpy driving evaluator at the DMV :D

Author: The Stormtrooper Shrink
Date posted: 1/20/2004 12:42:30 AM
The Stormtrooper Shrink's Comments:

Funny. I still got *my* driving test to go through, and I'm a bit scared about it. This made it seem less...Well, I laughed. Good story.

Author: ungwendil  (signed)
Date posted: 1/21/2004 5:26:08 AM
ungwendil's Comments:

This was a good story with nice pacing. I just did not really buy the officer shoving aside his sense of honour and shame to grant Luke a Skyhopper though ;-)
The writing was enjoyable. Keep up.

Author: Rido Jod  (signed)
Date posted: 1/21/2004 9:24:30 AM
Rido Jod's Comments:

Stormtrooper Shrink -- good luck with the driving test. May the Force be with you.

Author: Sith Lord Steve
Date posted: 1/23/2004 7:31:45 AM
Sith Lord Steve's Comments:

Well written, good pacing, dialogue and descriptions were very good, but I do have some criticisms. I grew up on a farm and was driving when I was 6. Given the remoteness of the moisture farms, I imagine Luke was driving well before 16 in a variety of transports. I doubt he would have been nervous, more likely confident, just as I was. I did like the "strange environment" aspect of the new speeder, but it nagged at me that luke was that scared and hesitant. And just like another other boy that dreams of driving, I would think we would have had holoscans/pictures and have read up on every latest and greatest form of transport - what else is there to do on a moisture farm? All, in all, good writing, but the plot needed help. I wish I could have beta-read this to make it more plausible.

Author: BoondockSaintM
Date posted: 1/23/2004 8:31:31 AM
BoondockSaintM's Comments:

Great story! I love the way you sort of hinted that the girls might be Leia and that the Wookie and the pedestrian might be Han and Chewie, but then again left it open (I somehow don't think Leia would find herself on a place like Tatooine at the tender age of 16, but who knows?). I also liked the way you portrayed the rebels as less than sympathetic in this piece. Goes to show how the Empire could be seen as a bastion of order and stability in the galaxy by many people. In any case, well done, and a very original story!

Author: Mara T
Date posted: 1/23/2004 6:42:02 PM
Mara T's Comments:

I laughed the whole time I read this story! Good job!

I can't agree with Sith Lord Steve. I also was raised on a farm, but driving a big truck for years did not prepare me for driving an ordinary car. I nearly wrecked the car because I'd never experienced power steering or power brakes and I felt like I couldn't see anything sitting so close to the ground. This story's premise is quite believable for me!

Author: Dex Meridian
Date posted: 1/26/2004 3:05:30 PM
Dex Meridian's Comments:

This was a particularly well written discription of life before Jedi for Luke. Very good. Top notch. A+. It also clears up how a poor farmer could afford a T-16 for his nephew.

Author: MutantJediBouer
Date posted: 1/26/2004 9:11:38 PM
MutantJediBouer's Comments:

I love the story, it is described so well. Plus it shows how Luke got a Skyhopper. I like the way Han and Leia were portrayed without acually coming out and saying it though. Excellent Story.

Author: Kiraha
Date posted: 2/8/2004 5:57:29 PM
Kiraha's Comments:

I might also have to disagree with Sith Lord Steve, but for different reasons. We _are_ dealing with the Luke from ANH, only to make matters worse, he's also been scaled back to 16. Half-hearted teenage rebellion perhaps, but multiply general wishy-washy nature a few times, decrease already minimal self-assurance and forget any emotional stability. Under the circumstances, the characterisation seems pretty accurate :)

(Examiner last sighted on Friday in Western Australia)

Author: Anakin Starkiller  (signed)
Date posted: 3/8/2004 10:00:08 PM
Anakin Starkiller's Comments:

I always wonderd just how "standard" speeder and space-ship controls were in the GFFA. We see our heros always jumping into the driver's seat with no problems.

I've also wondered about licensing and the such. The scenes of Coruscant in the PT make me wonder what the GFFA DMV lines must be like. There are like a zillion speeders on Coruscant alone!

I thought the charcterization of Luke was pretty good. I really enjoyed the Imperial Officer. You could feel how though he had a minor position, he relished in what little authority he had.

I gave it a 9!

Author: Ki-Aaron-Mundi  (signed)
Date posted: 8/21/2011 4:22:42 PM
Ki-Aaron-Mundi's Comments:

What a fun little story! Translating the everyday chores of our own world into the Star Wars galaxy is a subject ripe for humor, and you've handled it masterfully. I especially like that you injected plenty of humor while still maintaining a compelling plot (something many humor pieces forget to do).

And of course, it's fun to think Luke's T-16 was a gift from the Empire!

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