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Reader Comments on "The One"

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Author: Nhorse77
Date posted: 7/6/2004 8:12:55 AM
Nhorse77's Comments:

Awesome story. The backflashes were done very well, and really added to the story. The pace was perfect, just slow enough to add some suspense with out being overdramatic and losing the feeling behind it. I just loved this story, great work :)

Author: Nemesis
Date posted: 7/6/2004 10:27:49 AM
Nemesis's Comments:

Woah . . . that was very, very good. A very original idea and beautifully written. Both Melini and Kamian were very realistic OCs and you should be proud. Well done.

Nem :)

Author: Gogeta
Date posted: 7/6/2004 3:04:20 PM
Gogeta's Comments:

I liked the ending. It seemed the woman had been through much suffering. It reminds me how trillions of others were also treated in the SW Galaxy.

Author: Sapadu
Date posted: 7/8/2004 5:38:18 PM
Sapadu's Comments:

Original. Very sweet, but sad, and indeed dark.
Good job, even if it is tragic.

Author: dark_jedi_
Date posted: 7/9/2004 8:47:53 AM
dark_jedi_'s Comments:

I liked it.
Original. Really well written.
The flashbacks were done really nicely
The ending is a bit sad but good. =)

Author: Thrawn90
Date posted: 7/9/2004 10:00:00 AM
Thrawn90's Comments:

She wasn't the only woman to wear stormtrooper armor. Leia wore it during 'Tatooine Ghost'.

Author: DarthGrievous  (signed)
Date posted: 7/11/2004 9:23:35 PM
DarthGrievous's Comments:

Very intriguing story, held my focus and attention. Very delightful use of description, I absolutely loved the twist at the end! A+

Author: Darth Vooghtyais Inzagi
Date posted: 7/14/2004 2:28:47 AM
Darth Vooghtyais Inzagi's Comments:

Very Good story, Nice to see X wings doing some nice damage. Excellent flashback scenes.

Author: darth yazid
Date posted: 7/14/2004 2:43:49 AM
darth yazid's Comments:

great story. The element of forbiden love always works.

Author: Knight-Ander
Date posted: 7/14/2004 9:29:20 AM
Knight-Ander's Comments:

Fantastic story. I can't believe it held my attention as well as it did. I'm only taking one point off for the ending. Wasn't exactly thrilled with the image of them both blowing up.

Author: Cadno
Date posted: 7/14/2004 3:55:52 PM
Cadno's Comments:

Awsome, I really enjoyed this story and if the author has written anything else in the starwars universe i would be really interested in reading it.
Well Done

Author: solojones  (signed)
Date posted: 7/17/2004 11:22:43 AM
solojones's Comments:

That was a really nice story, one of the most original fic ideas I've seen. I really loved that you were able to show that there were humans fighting on both sides. The average soldier still has a life, and it was sad and touching to see that. I also thought the idea of a female who had worked hard enough to become a Stormtrooper was really nice. I had never really considered that there might be female Stormtroopers, but why not? Very nicely done.

Author: Kerran Dana
Date posted: 7/19/2004 12:37:14 PM
Kerran Dana's Comments:

I don't have much spare time at the moment (too much schoolwork to do), so I haven't read all of the story - only the first two parts (one 'then' and one 'now'). It looks pretty good, although one or two of the sentences seem a little broken up. Not enough to really complain about though. Nice one.

Author: bluestocking
Date posted: 7/20/2004 12:27:03 PM
bluestocking's Comments:

I enjoyed the poignant love story, but I thought the summary was a bit misleading. I expected to learn something about how Melini became "the only woman to wear Stormtrooper armor," such as her motivations for pursuing such a career and the obstacles she presumably faced.

Author: Archangel
Date posted: 7/20/2004 7:30:23 PM
Archangel's Comments:

Oh my soul.
That has got to be the most incredible love story I've ever read. The beginning was good. The story was original. The ending was riveting.
I guess all I have left to say is WOW.

(and *sniff*) ;)

Author: Nirune Syne  (signed)
Date posted: 8/20/2004 10:41:00 PM
Nirune Syne's Comments:

My stars this story was so touching. I love the way it flipped from now and then, adding a nice feel to the story. Very, very nicly written.

Author: Force-flow_girl
Date posted: 10/6/2004 5:49:02 PM
Force-flow_girl's Comments:

That was interesting,but...what happened to him? Did he...You know, blow up or something?Still, a good story.

Author: jalesta
Date posted: 10/13/2004 12:57:35 PM
jalesta's Comments:

Kudos to you on writing action sequences I can actually understand! Just enough description to get what's going on without a lot of confusing detail. Ah, refreshing! Must say, though, that the ending left me a little flat. Did he suspect there was a detonator underneath her? Otherwise, what a very rude thing to do! I think the narrative could also have benefitted from a little more detail about her rise to stormtropper status. I liked the direction you took with her abusive homelife, but it felt like there needed to be more of a tie-in with the rest of the story. Kind of like reading the Reader's Digest version of a much more involved novel! Good job, overall.

Author: GanDalfTheStoned
Date posted: 12/2/2004 3:00:21 PM
GanDalfTheStoned's Comments:

I'm kind of awed right now and at a lack of words after reading this fanfic. It was very well-written, and in short, beautiful. Kudos.

Author: Satan's Apprentice
Date posted: 2/20/2005 7:32:07 PM
Satan's Apprentice's Comments:

call me stupid(which you will) but I thought storm troppers were clones, so what? the cloners screwed up?

Author: BobaFettFanatic
Date posted: 4/10/2005 12:44:19 PM
BobaFettFanatic's Comments:

Wow...well done! I think the ending gave the story a finished touch. The flash backs made the story more realistic. They also held my attention very well.

Author: Mr. T
Date posted: 5/8/2005 6:55:17 AM
Mr. T's Comments:

After the Clone wars... recuits were taken into an academy, or so I believe.

Citizens rebelled against the senate and emperor for creating such a travesty.

Author: Korr  (signed)
Date posted: 8/8/2005 1:13:49 PM
Korr's Comments:

I truly enjoyed this. It seems like a tale that is told all too often, but you put it excellently.

Author: .Roger Memb
Date posted: 2/3/2006 3:24:38 PM
.Roger Memb's Comments:

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