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Gungan to the left

Not Mine (G)

By : TKeira_Lea

Archived on: Tuesday, August 2, 2005

An old friend visits the Lars' Homestead, bearing news. The unexpected visit becomes little Luke Skywalker's first lesson in the Force.


At the sound of Luke's earsplitting yell, Beru's gaze popped up from her stitchwork. Her instantaneous panic vanished in a heartbeat. It vanished at the sight of her little son toddling around, swiping and swatting at something only he could see. He was so beautiful in those moments, sandy hair flowing and blue eyes sparkling, that she felt a place deep inside swell with love as if he were her own.

A smile erupted on her face, and a giggle followed. A giggle with two echoes. Around the quilt, her girlfriends Redya and Aleon were just as amused by Luke's merry antics. They joined her laughter until it became a bubbling chorus.

Then Redya's eyes widened, and a gasp replaced the happy sound.

Swinging her head back toward Luke, Beru's smile was chased away by a mother's fear. He had swiped again, knocking his tiny body out of equilibrium. One precarious misstep after another, the boy teetered between remaining upright and smacking the earthen floor. Hands shot out. Legs scrambled. Yet somehow Luke found his balance - before Beru could even think of extricating herself out from under the quilt.

"Amazing," Redya whispered.

"I can't believe he didn't fall," Aleon added.

Beru said nothing. She should have known Luke wouldn't fall. He would never fall. Because her son was special. Her son - who wasn't her son, but rather the son of the greatest Jedi ever - had unique powers. If she were honest, Beru might never have to fear the obvious. Instead, she would always fear the future, the unknown. She feared Luke's destiny.


Luke, on the other hand, feared nothing. He resumed his hunt with carefree abandon, determined to finish his quest.

For a few more heartbeats Beru watched her son careen and leap around the sunken courtyard of their Tatooine home Satisfied he was fine, she returned to the task at hand. They needed to get this quilt finished quickly. It was only a matter of days until their friend Lapa's wedding, and this was their gift to her. So for days they had sat in the shade of the dining area, buried in the monotony of sewing.

"He must be getting bored," she wondered aloud, glancing back at Luke as he danced around in the light.

"We're almost finished." Aleon gestured to the nearly complete design.

From her spot finishing the trim, Redya nodded. "Almost."


There was a different tone to the child's voice this time that gave Beru cause to look up once more. Luke stood in place now, utterly still, with one hand extended forward in a fist. He held it up like he was offering it to someone, someone Beru couldn't see. She was out of her seat in an instant, her corner of the quilt practically forgotten on the ground.


He walked away, still holding out his offering. "Choy-kla."

"Lu-" His name died in her throat when she saw who Luke was addressing.

Kneeling down to the toddler's height was a man hidden among the furls of a large brown cloak. The material seemed to consume him, yet he still existed within it. The cowl hid his face, but she knew exactly who he was. And her son went to him without hesitation or fear.

Luke stopped before the uninvited guest, his fist held up to the man's face. One finger after another uncurled to reveal his hidden prize. "Choy-kla."

The man chuckled softly, the sound a low melodic hum that possessed little volume yet managed to resonate everywhere. "Hello there."

Luke thrust his upturned palm at the man. "Choy-kla."

The man slowly wrapped a hand around each side of his hood, then drew it back with such deliberate efficiency the action seemed perfect. Gazing upon Luke, his bearded face knew only a smile, and his eyes twinkled with mirth. Anyone could have seen that this man loved the boy, or so Beru worried.

"Who is that?" Redya asked.

Aleon tipped her head closer as if to share a secret. "Isn't that the hermit who took up residence -"

"Oh-bi-en...Ben. Ben Kenobi," Beru told them brusquely. She wanted them to be quiet. Now.

Not Obi-Wan. Ben. She had to force herself to remember.

By now Ben had brought his hand out of the deep robes and held a finger up to Luke's hand. "Yes. I see. A shoikler," he pronounced in a smooth voice, which spoke of elegance and roots closer to the Core.

"I caught 'im," Luke declared.

"Good job, hmmm?" A tiny insectoid jumped onto Ben's finger and flapped its wings to celebrate a newfound freedom. He drew his finger up toward his face, then grinned at the buzzing shoikler. "You gave a good chase, my little friend."

With a flap of his hand, Ben sent the insect flying.

Grunting in protest, little Luke jumped and swiped at his prize. "Mine!"

Ben caught the boy by the arm before he could resume the chase. "No," he said firmly. "Not yours."

Beru wanted to be mad, wanted to shoo this man away. She wanted to tell him to leave her son alone. But in the end, they needed him. Luke needed him. She listened as the lonely man from the desert, their benefactor and Luke's protector, explained to the boy about the value of all life, how no individual was more important than another, not even an insect like the tiny shoikler. That no living thing could ever be truly possessed. And Luke simply listened, entranced by the rhythmical truth-filled cadence of the man's voice.

"I could listen to that man talk all day," Redya said quite suddenly.

Aleon giggled. "It's not his voice that has you enamored, Reddie."

Beru gawked at her friends. They had stopped sewing and sat dumbstruck, watching the man formerly known as Obi-Wan instruct Luke in one of his first lessons about the mystery called the Force. A lesson so cleverly disguised and the deeper truth so powerfully veiled that its meaning would be lost to all, even Luke. For now. There was a momentous turn of history in the making, yet all her friends saw was a mysterious handsome stranger with an intriguing accent. She couldn't help but laugh. "You two!"

Aleon shook a finger at Beru. "Don't you lecture us, Berrie. You have a wonderful husband, and now a son. Reddie and I are stuck hoping to find happiness among the dregs of Anchorhead and Mos Eisley."

Beru bit her lip. Aleon was right. To all appearances Beru had everything - and everything to lose. They would never understand; they never could. This was the price of the gift Obi-Wan Kenobi had given them. This was the price for Luke.

"I made fwend with choy-kla, Auntie." At some point Luke had dragged Ben over to table. Beru should have realized by the silly expressions blooming on her friends' faces.

"Apparently, that is not your only new friend," Beru said, indicating Ben with the shift of her eyes.

"Ben? He been my fwend fo-eb-er."

Beru exchanged a knowing look with the lonely Jedi and found longing intermixed with hope. She turned back to the boy and forced a smile. "You have lots of friends, don't you?"

"Uh-huh." Luke nodded. "I tink I wanna show Ben my mousedwoid."

"Luke, wait for -" Beru started to call after the boy as he scampered away up the stairs, but she recognized the futility of the effort.

She was about to chase after him when a comforting palm stayed her. "He'll be fine."

Beru met Ben's guarded stare. "The Tuskens?" The raids had been brutal recently, and closer than ever.

"Gone. That is why I came by today." His eyes pierced her with truth. "You have no more reason to worry."

"You chased them away?" Aleon exclaimed.

Ben removed his hand, tucking it into his cloak. "Perhaps you could say I... negotiated them into finding a new hunting ground."

"Negotiated?" Aleon practically swooned over the word. "All by yourself?"

He tipped his head respectfully. "Of course. The Sand People are my speciality."

"Spe-ci-ality?" This time it was Redya. "Where are you from? Certainly not from around here."

He chuckled once. "I suppose not. But is anyone really from Tatooine?"

Redya giggled, flirty and saucy, as she tipped her head back. "No. Or at least no one I know would care to admit it."

Beru rolled her eyes, but even as she did she recognized discomfort coloring Ben's face. He stepped back and bowed respectfully. The robes once more were the man, and Obi-Wan Kenobi disappeared behind an emotionless mask.

"I should be going, then."

"Must you?" Redya asked.

The corner of his mouth curled upwards. "I must."

With a graceful whirl Ben turned on his heel and headed for the stairs. Inexplicably, Beru found herself chasing him. "Wait."

Ben stopped on the steps, and faced her. "Yes, Beru?"

"Will you send Luke down...before you leave?"

"Of course."

"His mouse droid is - "

"In the garage," Ben finished. "He returns with it now."

Beru blushed. He would know; he would always know. "He likes to fix things. He fixed that silly droid all on his own, at only five. I imagine he gets that from his father..."

She left the rest unsaid as sadness rolled across Obi-Wan's face. Beru wondered often - about Anakin and Padm?, Luke's mother and father. Obi-Wan had brought Luke to the homestead five years before. A tiny infant swaddled in Jedi robes. Those had been the darkest hours of the galaxy, and as much as she had needed to know, Beru hadn't asked. The haunted look in Obi-Wan's eyes even now told her perhaps she would never want to know. Anakin had been a Jedi, and the Jedi were no more. Save one. And she would no more forsake him, than forsake her son.

Obi-Wan pulled up the cowl of his cloak so his expression was hidden. "Always fixing things. Perhaps more like his mother in that way."

"Ben?" Luke's voice called from above.

The flash of a toothy grin beamed from the shadow of the Ben's hood. "Always on the move." He spun and bounded up the steps. Luke appeared in the arched portal, the mouse droid in his hands. Ben scooped the boy into his arms, and the two friends grinned at each other.

Beru felt Redya and Aleon at her sides. Together they watched Ben walk away with Luke.

"What an odd man," Redya said.

"Not odd." Aleon sighed. "Just... different."

Beru wrapped an arm around each of her friends. "No. A very dear man." She left the rest unsaid. A friend with no friends. The last of a dying breed. A hero.

Original cover by Altaira. HTML formatting copyright 2005 TheForce.Net LLC.

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Current Rating is 9.67 in 129 total ratings.

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Author: Jedi_Master_Mouf
Date posted: 8/2/2005 6:39:20 PM
Jedi_Master_Mouf's Comments:

that last line was wonderful, very intresting, I enjoyed it

Author: bobill  (signed)
Date posted: 8/2/2005 6:52:05 PM
bobill's Comments:

Such a sad, yet heartfelt piece. I love the "Choy-kla" over and over in the beginning; so cute, yet so reminiscent of what his father had become. The title is so fitting! And I agree that that last line was really nice.

Author: Daryle
Date posted: 8/3/2005 4:00:15 AM
Daryle's Comments:

i could feel how loving Beru was about Luke and how Ben(Obi-Wan)felt more of a friend then a mentor.

Author: darshaassant
Date posted: 8/3/2005 8:15:32 AM
darshaassant's Comments:

Oh man oh man this is so beautiful I wanna cry. Liked the last line too. Heh I could listen to him talk all day too.

Author: me_luv_darth_squishy
Date posted: 8/3/2005 5:55:59 PM
me_luv_darth_squishy's Comments:

That was a very interesting story. I liked it.


Author: BarissaOffee
Date posted: 8/3/2005 8:01:41 PM
BarissaOffee's Comments:

Thats great. Very different, but I reallly enjoyed it. The girlfriends... just about right, thats for sure. Choy-kla! Very Lukeish and the focusing on the present was interesting for Obi-Wan, yet you allowed the aching desolation to be there and that showed skill. Very nicely done!

Author: DarthIshtar  (signed)
Date posted: 8/3/2005 8:30:53 PM
DarthIshtar's Comments:

While it was an interesting idea, it seemed very undeveloped, too casual and unemotional.

Author: obi_ew
Date posted: 8/3/2005 8:51:59 PM
obi_ew's Comments:

Beautiful. Excellent job with Obi-Wan and Luke was adorable. Your talent always amazes me.

Author: VaderLVR64
Date posted: 8/4/2005 7:13:59 AM
VaderLVR64's Comments:

As always, you portay the emotions of all the characters flawlessly. This piece showed a very beleivable slice of their lives at this time. Supber writing, but then the quality of your work is always amazingly lovely! Subtle elegance is what I would say desribes this piece best.

Author: Shaindl
Date posted: 8/4/2005 9:59:36 AM
Shaindl's Comments:

TKL, that was just lovely. You said so much in so few words. The quiet sadness, contrasted with the simple joy of a five-year-old was lovely.

I loved Beru's friends - could certainly relate to them! :p

Great job, TKL!

Author: Koon  (signed)
Date posted: 8/4/2005 3:24:55 PM
Koon's Comments:

A breath of fresh air in a time rife with "Obi-Wan, post purge" fics. Its nice to see something different.

I like how Obi-Wan taught luke the ways of the Jedi without anyone ever knowing it!

Overall, an excellent story.

A sequel, perhaps?......?

Author: Idrelle_Miocovani
Date posted: 8/4/2005 6:04:05 PM
Idrelle_Miocovani's Comments:

This was lovely! Luke was adorable. :)

Author: JediJainaSoloFel  (signed)
Date posted: 8/4/2005 7:15:01 PM
JediJainaSoloFel's Comments:

Well, you already know that I absolutely loved this! It was very insightful and gave us a look at a character that isn't often mentioned. And little Luke was so cute. I couldn't help but feel bad for both Beru and Obi-Wan. Great Job!!! A+++++

Author: LuvEwan
Date posted: 8/4/2005 7:19:43 PM
LuvEwan's Comments:

So beautiful, TKL. I loved the characterization of both Beru and Obi-Wan. They're both so quiet, but stronger than they give themselves credit for. I loved this:

"The man chuckled softly, the sound a low melodic hum that possessed little volume yet managed to resonate everywhere. "Hello there."

Wonderful. You should be very proud of this.

Author: Mcily Nochi  (signed)
Date posted: 8/5/2005 4:43:00 PM
Mcily Nochi's Comments:

This is so lovely. I enjoyed the glimpse into Beru's mind as she raises this special child who isn't even her own. I always wondered what kind of history Luke had with Ben, and what his relationship was to Owen and Beru. Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.

Author: Erela
Date posted: 8/7/2005 8:59:07 AM
Erela's Comments:

Wow. I really liked this. Very sweet, and Ben already saying "you can't possess living things" to Luke is pretty funny. Well done.

Author: Jon Cory
Date posted: 8/9/2005 8:58:53 AM
Jon Cory's Comments:

Excellent use of Ep III lines and phrases. I very much enjoyed your story.

Author: Jedi Knight Safira Felan
Date posted: 8/10/2005 4:12:02 PM
Jedi Knight Safira Felan's Comments:

Very good fic! I enjoyed it. LOL. And I certainly could agree with Beru's friends! Luke was so cute, and I liked the way mixed Obi-Wan's sadness with his...I guess comfort at being around Luke. Like being around Luke brings him peace. Very good. May the Force be with you!

Author: Shada  (signed)
Date posted: 8/11/2005 2:11:58 PM
Shada's Comments:

Cute little piece. :) I have to say that I enjoyed seeing Obi-Wan and Luke interact with one another. I'm not certain how much contact they did have, but this was an interesting take on it.

Just because I love Obi-Wan, I would have liked to have seen the lesson written out. His words. :)

But still, nice job.

Author: darth_sparrow  (signed)
Date posted: 8/11/2005 5:11:08 PM
darth_sparrow's Comments:

I really loved this story, probably because it is one of the best Obi-Wan Kenobi characterizations I have read. You captured the sadness and also the joy at being able to interact with Anakin Skywalker's son.

I loved the descriptions of Obi-Wan's voice and mannerisms...and how Beru's friends flirted so shamelessly. I can truly relate with them. Obi-Wan's blush was so funny.

It's obvious, to me, in Episode 4 that Luke has some memory of 'Old Ben', so it follows that Obi-Wan must have made some early visits to the moisture farm.

Beautifully done.

Author: rangerkom
Date posted: 8/16/2005 7:13:44 PM
rangerkom's Comments:

It's interesting that Owen is absent. It seems like beru let Ben visit Luke while Owen was away.

Author: JediMartynAntilles
Date posted: 8/23/2005 2:20:44 PM
JediMartynAntilles's Comments:

Very nice. I can completely relate to Beru's friends' response to Obi-Wan. And Luke was so cute! Five year old hero of the galaxy...!

Author: Lindz
Date posted: 8/25/2005 9:35:40 AM
Lindz's Comments:

So pretty I almosted cried. It goes right witht eh star wars story line! GOOD JOB!

Author: JediKat
Date posted: 9/2/2005 1:31:53 PM
JediKat's Comments:

Oh, this was such an interesting idea! And you developed it so well. I loved the personal feeling of the whole thing, and Beru's emotions were so wonderfully portrayed.

Great job!

Author: Alaska Steele
Date posted: 11/21/2005 4:39:42 PM
Alaska Steele's Comments:

That was simply beautiful. Hats off to you.

Author: Veloz  (signed)
Date posted: 12/26/2005 3:32:30 PM
Veloz's Comments:

Aww this was too cute for words, great job! (and yeah, i also agree with Beru's friends regarding Obi Wan *wink wink* )

Author: Jedi Cat Kenobi  (signed)
Date posted: 5/14/2006 8:15:12 PM
Jedi Cat Kenobi's Comments:

oh this was beautiful!!! I loved it!!!

Author: Joon
Date posted: 11/26/2006 6:04:33 PM
Joon's Comments:

Oh my goodness. That was absolutely touching and lovely. The characterizations of everyone from Luke to Beru's friends was startlingly clear. You have a very clear way about your writing, an easy clear feel, that does not skimp on emotion or atmosphere. The last line was a cold spike to my heart. How beautifully poignant. That's what this story was, beautifully soft, quiet, and poignant.

Author: Thrace_adams
Date posted: 4/17/2007 1:49:48 PM
Thrace_adams's Comments:

Oh this was awesome! What a wonderful story. I really enjoyed this, it was very heartwarming. I would love to see more like this. Thank you so much for sharing!

Author: jedigirl
Date posted: 11/4/2007 1:13:19 PM
jedigirl's Comments:

A friend with no friends. The last of a dying breed. A hero.

Loved that.

Author: Cor
Date posted: 11/27/2007 5:15:41 PM
Cor's Comments:

Wunderbar! I do not enjoy most fanfiction, but this hit the spot!

I noticed at least 2 typos as I went through, but spelling and grammar were fine (except one spot that rolled off the tongue with difficulty).

The meaning behind the Force is also clearly present with Ben elaborating on the philosophy that surrounds it. Luke's speech is well done also. The "Choy-kla!" seemed like random babytalk, but when the reader finds out what he is saying, Luke is seen as intelligent. The way he speaks seems too childish at first, but it really ends up giving Luke a distinct voice.

The last line also gives a definition of hero that one can ponder.

Author: Kristina
Date posted: 8/13/2008 4:21:44 PM
Kristina's Comments:

Well written story. You gave the characters depth out of line with the length of the story.

The only critique I have is the way you wrote Luke's speech. Very few five year olds still speak with such a pronounced baby mode. The cadence resembled more of a three year old child.

I quite enjoyed this scene.

Author: xXJedi Knight BlazeXx  (signed)
Date posted: 3/3/2010 11:50:22 PM
xXJedi Knight BlazeXx's Comments:

That was very good, I loved the ending the best.

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Archived: Tuesday, August 2, 2005

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