Author: Jedi of Imladris
(signed) Date posted: 11/28/2005 10:40:09 PM
Jedi of Imladris's Comments:
Beautifully written throughout! I love the idea of Padme never telling Ani her birthdate--it seems like something she would really do. The flashbacks were a lovely touch. The whole story was very touching and moving. I especially enjoyed the 'spirit' Padme at the end.
Excellent job!
Author: someone who doesnt have a name
Date posted: 11/28/2005 10:45:39 PM
someone who doesnt have a name's Comments:
Wow. This is short but its quite powerful. I liked it alot. It created this sense of something that i cant explain. Well done, well done.
Author: VaderLVR64
Date posted: 11/28/2005 10:47:16 PM
VaderLVR64's Comments:
Wow! That was incredible! It was beautifully written and very powerful! Lovely, lovely work!
Author: DarthTrump
Date posted: 11/29/2005 7:54:37 AM
DarthTrump's Comments:
Wow!!! great story form begining to end. i really loved the end when her ghost came and talked as Vader was leaving.
Author: Dawn_Amidala
Date posted: 11/29/2005 10:11:00 AM
Dawn_Amidala's Comments:
Excellent work. I loved it. I loved the end when her ghost came back. I love the idea of her waiting for him, it echoes the last words she spoke. Great job!
Author: me_love_darth_squishy
Date posted: 11/29/2005 6:31:57 PM
me_love_darth_squishy's Comments:
Wow. I mean Wow. i started to cry. That's a great story. I love it.
Author: Aglor
(signed) Date posted: 12/4/2005 7:47:18 AM
Aglor's Comments:
Very interesting. It was very good. Very good work.
Author: Voldader
Date posted: 12/6/2005 7:46:13 PM
Voldader's Comments:
An awesome read! Words cannot express how this story made me feel. I absolutely loved it. Keep writing!
Author: retard18426
Date posted: 12/10/2005 9:55:35 PM
retard18426's Comments:
That was beautiful. It really brought tears to my eyes. I felt the pain for Vader all throughout that. And while Darth Vader did some horrible things in his life, there is no denying how much pain he sufferred through. That last part about her date of birth being the day she died was truly cruel and ironic, it just added one last painful burden onto a life already ridden with tragedy. I loved this, it was truly one of the most moving things I've ever read. Thanks.
Author: Jericho
Date posted: 12/15/2005 5:58:51 PM
Jericho's Comments:
This is one of the best I ever read. Beautiful throughout. I really affects me deeply. If it doesn't affect you, you have no soul!
Author: Marjory
Date posted: 12/25/2005 12:17:35 PM
Marjory's Comments:
Well done on a lovely story. Especially liked the ending.
Author: Gina
(signed) Date posted: 1/2/2006 8:14:09 PM
Gina's Comments:
I loved this vignette. So heartbreaking, yet so beautiful.
Well done!
Author: Cronos
Date posted: 1/5/2006 12:08:58 PM
Cronos's Comments:
Awesome story, I especially liked the irony of Padme dying on her birthday.
Author: Corana
Date posted: 1/27/2006 6:52:57 AM
Corana's Comments:
That was amazing!! I have read a couple of fan fics of vader remembering padme or going to her grave but yours was the best!
Author: 'saberbabe
Date posted: 1/30/2006 8:59:53 PM
'saberbabe's Comments:
*sniff* wow. that was amazing! the end was PERFECT!
Author: 1-800-jedigirl
Date posted: 2/2/2006 5:25:46 PM
1-800-jedigirl's Comments:
how can a story be so crual and yet so beautiful it tore at my heart in a way i cant remember feeling since revenge of the sith watching as these things happen and theres nothing i can do to prevent it and what her spirit said it reminded me of a tatooine folk song that i read part of in the planet of twilight about how no matter what happens true love allways meets in the end
Author: 1-800-jedigirl
Date posted: 2/2/2006 5:27:30 PM
1-800-jedigirl's Comments:
how can a story be so crual and yet so beautiful it tore at my heart in a way i cant remember feeling since revenge of the sith watching as these things happen and theres nothing i can do to prevent it and what her spirit said it reminded me of a tatooine folk song that i read part of in the planet of twilight about how no matter what happens true love allways meets in the end
Author: love_dolphins
Date posted: 4/18/2006 6:36:25 AM
love_dolphins's Comments:
AAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! So Cute nice job............
Author: Kadi-Ahn_Tanye
Date posted: 7/14/2006 10:27:58 AM
Kadi-Ahn_Tanye's Comments:
This is one of the saddest stories I have read. Keep up the good work, VA-Parky!
Author: Caroline
Date posted: 1/4/2007 2:51:43 AM
Caroline's Comments:
I'm seriously crying. Most romantic thing I've read in a long time!!!
Author: Brooke
Date posted: 2/28/2007 6:45:20 PM
Brooke's Comments:
Wow, that was amazing. It almost made me cry. It was so sad and sweet that Vader's last happy memory of her was that she never told him her birthday, and he always tried to guess. Then when he realizes he killed her on her birthday... and his last happy memory is destroyed.... beautiful... A truly wonderful story.
Author: ratna
Date posted: 3/18/2007 12:19:02 AM
ratna's Comments:
"... People tell me it's a sin To know and feel too much within. I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring. She was born in spring, but I was born too late Blame it on a simple twist of fate."
Author: kiki
Date posted: 5/23/2008 6:08:05 AM
kiki's Comments:
that was really good. i really liked padme at the end and how she wouldnt tell him her birth date. great plot and i loved the story!
Author: kimmi j
Date posted: 8/10/2010 11:45:09 PM
kimmi j's Comments:
i love this story! It made me cry!
Author: Anakin+Padme
(signed) Date posted: 12/27/2011 11:09:22 PM
Anakin+Padme's Comments:
Wow! This was amazing. This shows me that love can last and go on forever no matter what happens to the ones in love. The ending was terrific and I love the last line.Thanks so much for entertaining me with this story.