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Gungan to the left

Reader Comments on "Freedom to Err"

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Author: Davedrag
Date posted: 2/16/2006 3:51:13 AM
Davedrag's Comments:

I love it Luke showed real charter in keeping the pilot alive In war you have to understand that on both sides of war there is good loving people that are fighting. They maybe fighting thinking that they are doing good or that they have a family to sopport.

Author: simondarth
Date posted: 2/17/2006 3:01:27 PM
simondarth's Comments:

I will allow a sigh for this moving story.

I thought it was good.

Why not tell a story about Chalmun?

Author: barissa
Date posted: 2/19/2006 1:12:14 AM
barissa's Comments:

Yay for seeing this fic archived. About time! You know I love it. It's great. It's real - Luke isn't the farm boy we usually see in your fics, but instead he's a commander who has to make a judgment call.

It's a lovely fic. Well done Obaona. And when will you update your website??? ;)


Author: Nevarion  (signed)
Date posted: 2/21/2006 9:24:03 AM
Nevarion's Comments:

Fantastic! I loved it. What you captured with this story was a small piece of the conflict that we never really saw in the movies, but we know had to have happened. It also opened a new window into a favorite old character's development. Very well done!

Author: Gabri_Jade  (signed)
Date posted: 6/17/2006 9:13:28 PM
Gabri_Jade's Comments:

Could have sworn that I'd responded to this. Still, you know how I feel about it. ;) I love, love, love this story. It's hard to explain exactly why, beyond saying that it perfectly captures the OT feel. You and I share a love for Rogue Leader Luke, and he's so well written here. Everything about this story is so well done that it could easily fit in with the canon storyline. It makes me happy to read it. Definitely one of my favorite fanfics. :)

Author: Kirsten
Date posted: 12/1/2015 10:32:01 PM
Kirsten's Comments:

Important because the gotbdos love referring to figures from census that they are so numbered and therefore we should all join the party. It's a bit like the claim that the bible is the worlds best seller . Have you ever met anyone that actually paid for a bible? Seems to me that churches hand them out with (gay) abandon and then count these as sales . Godbots are ever encroaching in australian politics. If they're to be subverted, those doing the subverting need the correct number. My favourite is the 2006 figure of under 9% of couldn't be bothered Aussies attending church regularly.

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