Author: obaona
(signed) Date posted: 3/22/2007 2:00:39 AM
obaona's Comments:
Oh, wow. You say a lot with a little here, sketched out this AU in such a believable way with so few words. Really powerful writing - hit me with an emotional punch, and I love the code as it's used in the story, because it's so cold, but by that you let the implications speak for themselves, in the reader's mind. Very skillful.
Author: ratna
Date posted: 3/22/2007 4:16:15 AM
ratna's Comments:
The Death Star and Vader are still kicking around, but the Empire was defeated.
And Luke has half a mind. The compassionate half.
I liked the use of code (computer ... DNA ... it's all code ....), too.
Author: VaderLVR64
(signed) Date posted: 3/22/2007 4:46:25 PM
VaderLVR64's Comments:
You know how much I love this. It packs an emotional punch every time I read it.
Author: Fantasmic17
(signed) Date posted: 3/25/2007 12:27:06 AM
Fantasmic17's Comments:
This is probably the most original of any fan fiction that I have ever read anywhere. Congrats on creating a very good something out of literally nothing. I never would have thought of an alternate ending to A New Hope! You've successfully made a virtually impossible work, INCLUDING depth, character, and above all else, style.
Author: Diane Kovalcin
Date posted: 3/26/2007 5:51:28 AM
Diane Kovalcin's Comments:
Nem, you know how much I love this story. It's brilliant both in the way it's told and the sheer horror/despair of the story. Wonderfully done. Bravo.
Author: furrylittlebantha
Date posted: 4/5/2007 2:28:49 PM
furrylittlebantha's Comments:
Oh my. That was incredible. I have the highest admiration for writers who employ this style, minimalistic, almost bare. You are a master of it.
I feel all emotionally torn up, now.
Author: Nemesis
(signed) Date posted: 4/5/2007 4:59:47 PM
Nemesis's Comments:
Author checking in :)
Thanks so much Diane and VaderLVR for beta'ing this for me - it means a lot - and to everyone who's read this, on the boards as well as here. :)
Happy writing, all.
Author: Roger Memb. .
Date posted: 6/24/2007 2:47:52 PM
Roger Memb. .'s Comments:
No. I am afraid this did not satisfy. The prose was awkward, making the reading a chore.
Author: wover30
(signed) Date posted: 3/6/2008 11:18:23 PM
wover30's Comments:
Wow. That was really intense. I stared at the computer screen for a couple seconds before completely registering what I read and I loved it. Wonderful interpretation for what might of been. Good writing. Keep up the great work.
Author: Starr
Date posted: 6/17/2011 12:52:36 PM
Starr's Comments:
And I thuoght I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.
Author: Jeff
Date posted: 12/4/2012 2:31:18 AM
Jeff's Comments:
You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it btteer.
Author: Sumeyra
Date posted: 4/7/2015 12:28:10 PM
Sumeyra's Comments:
Para instalar dirteo do multiman, vc pode ir no menu de atualiza o e selecionar por l .Antes era no R3. Claro que tem que estar conectado na internet. Para instalar o BDEmu via PKG. O multiMAN tamb m pode ser atualizado assim.
Author: Yasunori
Date posted: 12/1/2015 5:29:10 PM
Yasunori's Comments:
if I opened an inrneett account I would give up paper statements. I had the inrneett account closed during one of my telephone calls to their UN-HELP desk. I have telephoned 6 times, agreed to the a310 charge, been in 3 shops and in the shop on Edgeware Road they have tried 3 times to put me back on paper statements. This has been on-going for nearly three years.All to NO avail!! I shall be switching companies when I return to UK in Mid-May. I have been with Vodafone since they took over a City of London seller in the 1990 s.Posted 26/04/2013 at