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Reader Comments on "Since Forever"

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Author: Gina
Date posted: 1/20/2009 7:49:46 AM
Gina's Comments:

Letting go of our children is never easy, and you capture the fear, pride and mix of emotions of that moment perfectly. So glad to see this fic in the Archive!

Author: Skywalker45
Date posted: 3/7/2009 11:02:51 PM
Skywalker45's Comments:

The comparison between Luke and Owen is SPECTACULAR!! When you think about it this story's not just about letting go it's on in your heart to old memories, failures, achievements, but...not physically forcing it to stay. It's like time itself you can't stop it, you can't bring it back, but you can cherish every moment so when it is time to let go, you can.

Author: Ki-Aaron-Mundi  (signed)
Date posted: 8/20/2011 11:09:44 PM
Ki-Aaron-Mundi's Comments:

I'm really glad to have read this now, well after the conclusion of the [i]Legacy of the Force[/i] series and well into [i]Fate of the Jedi[/i]. It's wonderful to see some more Mara Jade-and-Luke moments, and it's great to read this with the foresight of who Ben's becoming.

Nice job capturing an intimate moment and making it feel real, like an everyday conversation for these two.

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