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Reader Comments on "Down & Out on DB-24"

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Author: Jane Jinn
Date posted: 10/30/2001 4:11:30 AM
Jane Jinn's Comments:

Great characterizations, and an exciting, suspenseful story that was also amusing in places. Good work!

Author: Clutch Drofab
Date posted: 10/30/2001 9:44:01 AM
Clutch Drofab's Comments:

Great characters and great story! Hopefully we'll see more of Rex's adventures documented in the future, maybe?

Author: Quiller  (signed)
Date posted: 11/6/2001 12:38:12 PM
Quiller's Comments:

I also really enjoyed the characterization -- consistent, believeable and very cleary drawn. The tension was palpable, ensuring that I had to read the story in a single sitting.

Author: Valeda Kor  (signed)
Date posted: 11/13/2001 8:33:25 AM
Valeda Kor's Comments:

The writer already knows I loved this story! The characterization is excellent, and Rex is an original, very believable "hero in spite of himself." Great addition to the genre.

Author: Lau-ra Anu
Date posted: 6/17/2002 10:32:26 AM
Lau-ra Anu's Comments:

Totally Awesome!!!!!!! I like "Taxi!" better.....but I can't wait for more!!! Please, please, please write more!!!!!

Author: Haris
Date posted: 12/22/2002 10:57:08 AM
Haris's Comments:

I think this story is the best fanfiction story I have ever read. I have probably read it about 5 times now, and I never get bored of reading it. What is really cool about the story is that it deals with one of the least known threats in the star wars universe, the Charon. I also like the fact that the Imperials weren't prtrayed as being all that bad, and that they can be reasoned with. Oh yeah, the setting of the story is hell of cool too.

Author: Jairen  (signed)
Date posted: 1/29/2003 2:34:37 AM
Jairen's Comments:

An excellent piece of work. Strong characterisation, clear prose, and, most importantly, a good, enjoyable story.

Great work Embra, hope to see more of this quality from you.

Author: Darth_Pepsi
Date posted: 6/26/2003 5:19:05 PM
Darth_Pepsi's Comments:

E chu ta, indeed...
The story was explosive, and your style, although reminiscent of the great M.A. Stackpole, was delightfully unique.
Rex reminded me a little of Dash Rendar... perhaps more missions concerning Rex are in order?
Please, write more about this character!

Author: L-Klure
Date posted: 9/4/2003 11:16:02 AM
L-Klure's Comments:

Awesome story. The characters were great and moved along at a very swift pace. Not many know of the Charon and it was great to see something on them. Please write more with the same characters.

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