Author: Vamp
Date posted: 3/12/2002 11:38:09 AM
Vamp's Comments:
I know what I like, but this....... I love!! Nice one!
Author: Gotmilk
Date posted: 3/12/2002 8:44:45 PM
Gotmilk's Comments:
Very good story! Any chance of a sequel? You left a lot unanswered. ;)
Author: patch
(signed) Date posted: 3/12/2002 11:30:44 PM
patch's Comments:
bringing a long forgotten four thousand year old Jedi dissedant back is a really cool way to get a new mysterious villain. this would be the perfect opening for an entire series with the ancient anti-jedi guy playing as a wild card throughout the plotline.
Author: Kenya Starflight
(signed) Date posted: 3/15/2002 8:36:04 AM
Kenya Starflight's Comments:
I beta read this story and loved it, but I like the final form even better. Great stuff! Will we see more?
Author: Amatia
Date posted: 3/17/2002 11:47:49 AM
Amatia's Comments:
Wow, it was great. But really, there needs to be a sequal.
Author: Mizhnari Windu
Date posted: 3/29/2002 7:06:58 AM
Mizhnari Windu's Comments:
Damn good man. You should write more. The fact of those forgotten JEID techniques is grounds for a story alone. Thanks
Author: mara
Date posted: 5/13/2002 12:15:11 PM
mara's Comments:
please write a sequel! I absolutly loved this Fan Fiction.
Author: Obi&Yoda Ruels!!!
Date posted: 7/13/2002 5:31:12 PM
Obi&Yoda Ruels!!!'s Comments:
That was a very nice story! good work!:-)
Author: Jedi Dax Jentor
Date posted: 1/2/2003 3:32:13 PM
Jedi Dax Jentor's Comments:
Excellent. Great writing and idea. Characters realistic and scenarios well thought out. I hope a sequel follows
Author: Trevor47
Date posted: 1/3/2003 10:25:28 AM
Trevor47's Comments:
Glad you liked it. A sequel is underway. It's going to be about twice as long and I've written about half now. It's turning into quite a challenge, so I don't know when I'll finish. I'm being very careful since the Archives rejected the first sequel I wrote--twice.
Anyway, thanks.
Author: aubytiger
Date posted: 9/2/2003 1:07:26 PM
aubytiger's Comments:
A good story, but a little heavy on the colorful words. Trying to overuse descriptive words can make it harder to follow.
Author: Trevor47
Date posted: 9/17/2003 2:06:11 PM
Trevor47's Comments:
Thanks, aubytiger. Say, aubytiger, may I know how you became aware of "Resurgence"?
Author: Ivy
Date posted: 12/14/2003 9:01:29 AM
Ivy's Comments:
I really liked this. I'm intrigued by the new villain and hope more is instore for our favorite Jedi team!
Author: Trevor47
Date posted: 12/14/2003 11:10:35 AM
Trevor47's Comments:
Wow, thanks, Ivy. I can't believe that, almost two years after the Archives posted it, I'm still receiving requests for more. Several false starts and one rejected attempt at a sequel had all but changed my mind, but your comment makes me seriously consider writing a continuation after all.
Author: KingTyro
Date posted: 4/14/2004 10:34:33 AM
KingTyro's Comments:
This is the first fan fiction I have read. it was very, VERY good. Please write a sequel. i look forward to reading more of your stories.
There weren't many errors, At the beginning i thought the rubble discription was kind of odd, also it took a few seconds to figure out that Brask was the Twi'lek.
Great story
Author: MutantJediBouer
(signed) Date posted: 4/15/2004 9:33:18 PM
MutantJediBouer's Comments:
Excellent. I don't know how I haven't found this little jewel yet, I've read all the other Obi-Wan stories... Many of them quite a few times... And we see the use of yet another ventilation shaft, quoting another fan-fic, "One has to wonder of they were a Force-inspired invention." I'm guessing this is before TPM, as Obi-Wan though he had never seen a swordsman hold his own against two experienced Jedi. Darth Maul did that for about 20 mins, abeit died at the end but still. Anyway, enough of my rambling, and yes, this story deserves a sequel, it's really good but doesn't seem quite finished yet. MutantJediBauer (My nickname has a typo) aka. Zax-Ryn Kenobi
Author: Trevor47
Date posted: 4/16/2004 8:48:36 AM
Trevor47's Comments:
TFN Archives first posted Resurgence over two years ago and it remains the only story of four that still receives requests for a sequel.
Eventually I'd like to write one, but I'm not sure what I want to do with Kwes Dashwen. I have written one sequel, scrapped it, and begun another which I didn't finish. These new comments have got me thinking about it again, so a sequel may appear yet.
Anyway, thanks. It's nice to hear that my story still interests people even after two years.
Date posted: 2/19/2005 1:43:37 AM
Date posted: 2/19/2005 1:43:41 AM
Author: Flame-Blade
Date posted: 7/20/2006 5:46:16 PM
Flame-Blade's Comments:
great fanfic! rly needs a sequal... ya i got confused and didn't know who Brask wuz at the beginning