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Reader Comments on "Journey's End"

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Date posted: 4/9/2002 9:49:00 AM


Author: Jedi 2-B
Date posted: 4/9/2002 9:59:40 AM
Jedi 2-B's Comments:

A wonderful, sensitive story. If the pro-novels extend this far into the future, I hope they treat Luke's passing just like this.

Author: holeinthemoon
Date posted: 4/10/2002 12:07:04 AM
holeinthemoon's Comments:



Even with Anakin's death in the novels, this rates way up there. I wish they never would've killed him....

Author: Aristides Lamboglia
Date posted: 4/10/2002 12:54:03 PM
Aristides Lamboglia's Comments:

I just want to say, that it made me cry...the way you describe all the feelings they shared was passionate.....
it is one of the best fan fiction stories i've ever read...not a single piece of action and still with a lot of passion.....
Congratulations to the author and hope to read more of your work.......
you're a real artist......

Author: Thaltos
Date posted: 4/10/2002 1:25:32 PM
Thaltos's Comments:

How does one sum up the life of a hero? The Way you have.

May the Force Be with you.

Author: Drea Jade
Date posted: 4/10/2002 1:39:56 PM
Drea Jade's Comments:

Wonderful, passionate writing. Not that I ever want Luke to die, but, since he has to go sometime, I think you've expressed it better than almost anyone else could have

Author: Knight Kenobi
Date posted: 4/10/2002 8:01:30 PM
Knight Kenobi's Comments:

THIS WAS GREAT!!! I've never cried for a fan-fic novel before, but I felt my eyes water and when Luke was with his family. Great story..add a sequel!

Author: JO
Date posted: 4/10/2002 8:08:06 PM
JO's Comments:

Very good some one find him a publisher or i want a new story soon.

Author: RebelMom
Date posted: 4/11/2002 12:41:18 PM
RebelMom's Comments:

Beautiful story Herman. It was emotionally touching and I teared up at the family reunion. It's how I would imagine Luke's death would be - of old age with his immediate family.

Author: Luke Babe
Date posted: 4/17/2002 1:42:56 PM
Luke Babe's Comments:

Ok,It was very touching and-yes-i did cry....
But how could you leave poor Luke to suffer all alone!!

I am a massive Luke and Mara fan and tearing them apart like that is rather upseting for me...

And i couldn't cope with Luke Skywalker dying...

i'm in the middle of writing my own fan fiction and am hoping to post it on the internet when finished...

great ideas,
good work...
: )

Author: Mcily Nochi  (signed)
Date posted: 4/21/2002 7:39:09 PM
Mcily Nochi's Comments:

A very touching addition to the fanfic universe. I would extoll its virtues, but others have already done so, and besides, it would spoil the peaceful mood that you so beautifully wove around this story.

My overwhelming impression is that Luke's death reminds me of Yoda's. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Author: Admiral Mig
Date posted: 5/2/2002 9:22:14 PM
Admiral Mig's Comments:

I really think this was, possibly, the best SW fanfic ever posted. I got so drawn into. I didn't feel it was pretentious at all like some young writers can get. I'd love to see a sequel. I REALLY REALLY got a kick out of the entire look at how "history" has viewed the entire Greedo and Han Solo shooting incident at the cantina. EXCELLENT!!!

Author: Leaf1234
Date posted: 5/18/2002 9:25:18 PM
Leaf1234's Comments:

Great story of what might have been if life hadn't been disrupted by the Vong

Author: For_the_love_of _the_story
Date posted: 5/19/2002 2:20:35 PM
For_the_love_of _the_story's Comments:

I really think that your story had that perfect effect of giving the reader that perfect illusion that they were really there. I also think that you should keep on creating the great stories.
Keep up the great work!

Author: DarthAnakin
Date posted: 5/19/2002 2:21:18 PM
DarthAnakin's Comments:

What was this? It exclusified all things that are fundamental in the SW universe... I am appalled.

Author: starlove
Date posted: 5/30/2002 1:10:21 PM
starlove's Comments:

Great story. You were able to pull many powerful characters together. Not an easy task. Keep up the good work and wonderful storytelling.

Author: Princess1
Date posted: 5/30/2002 1:21:33 PM
Princess1's Comments:

Wow, that was very good, touchingly sad. It nearly made me cry. You portrayed Lukes death and all the characters very well. I really emjoyed the look back at history, especially the part about who shot Han or Greedo.
This story should seriously be canon! You were sensitive about the characters, I really aperciate that. Keep it up!

Author: SithMig
Date posted: 5/30/2002 7:13:18 PM
SithMig's Comments:

This was an excellent story! I felt that you didn't try to hard to impress the reader, and just told your story. It is said that a good writer should tell his story and not make himself visiable to the reader. And I felt you did that, you didn't try and make me notice you the writer, but just the story. Well done! I hope to read more of your work.

Author: bman911
Date posted: 6/1/2002 8:02:24 PM
bman911's Comments:

I really liked this one! In a sense it almost brings star wars to a close. It leaves the reader with alot of questions about what will happen next. *If* they made episode 7, 8, 9, it should follow this story line. Please make a seqaul!!

Author: Yoda-Wan  (signed)
Date posted: 6/4/2002 6:55:12 PM
Yoda-Wan's Comments:

LUKE?! OLD?! A very touching story. Its sad to see all the Star Wars Crew gone though. Oh well, th Solo kids aren't that bad....

Author: Tahiri Solo
Date posted: 6/8/2002 10:41:55 AM
Tahiri Solo's Comments:

It was a great story. I think you should have put more people in it because Luke was close to a lot more people. I would have liked to see Tahiri,Tenel Ka,Zeek,and Han if he is not dead. I cryed.

Author: Darklord
Date posted: 6/10/2002 11:56:52 PM
Darklord's Comments:

Very touching ending.

I really enjoyed your in joke about the Han and Greedo scene in ANH.

Author: Darth Kylosss
Date posted: 6/19/2002 4:27:49 AM
Darth Kylosss's Comments:

I thought this was pretty cool, you really got the atmosphere of the situation, and I really liked Obi Wan Skywalker, I'd like to hear about him some more, and the Padawan, sorry, I've forgotten his name, but I liked him

Author: Mizhnari Windu
Date posted: 6/24/2002 10:30:10 PM
Mizhnari Windu's Comments:

Well, if there is a HALL of FAME for the elite of SW FanFics then your tale belongs there. I read alot and rarely am I impressed. Even more rarely am I in awe. Your story has drawn both from me and many others judging by the other comments. The NJO books have left me with a void of that true SW "feeling". I wish you had authored some of those, that way we as fans would be a lot more fulfilled. Well, what are you doing wasting your time reading my praises. GET BACK TO WRITING THE SEQUEL!! 8^)

Author: Padawan_Di-Lee  (signed)
Date posted: 6/25/2002 9:39:52 PM
Padawan_Di-Lee's Comments:

Darn you, Herman Snerd! You've gone and made me cry again! ;)

It doesn't matter how many times I read this story, I always end up in sniffles. It will always be one of my all time favorites. I truly hope the pro publishers handle Luke's passing in this manner; it's just the perfect end to his story.

Now do get back to writing. I want to know about Calep Seth and Obi-Wan Skywalker, and I mean beyond the two sequels you've got waiting in the wings. ;)

Author: UrbanJedi  (signed)
Date posted: 6/27/2002 2:23:32 AM
UrbanJedi's Comments:

The Good: Damn near everything about this story. I loved the emotion and the passion in which you've told this story. Let me say that usually I don't like First Person storytelling, but I think in this case you've pulled it off nicely. The Han Greedo reference was classic. A better shot at the inevitable question could not have been done. I really like the character of Calen Seth. I'm a big OC junkie anyways, but I thought he was a very good, fleshed out character. I thought the way you represented the Solo kids was very very close to the way they would (will) be at that age.

The Bad: Please take this as only my opinion, but Anakin Solo is dead. I know it's all fiction, but I'm a real "stick to the story line" kind of guy. I think the story would have been a little more believable if Anakin was also "One with the Force." Don't get me wrong, I still thouroughly enjoyed this piece of work.

The Ugly: What happened to Han Solo? That was the only thing that wasn't answered. We know he's dead, because Luke says he can't wait to see him again, but when he does his "memory share," Han is not mentioned. That's more curiosity than anything else.

Overall: I loved this story. I really really look foward to reading about the further adventures of the characters. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I rated it a 10 out of 10!

Author: Matt Lush
Date posted: 7/1/2002 7:47:43 PM
Matt Lush's Comments:

Great story, Richard Marcinko-, uh, I mean "Herman Snerd". ;) You're quite the writer.

Author:  (signed)
Date posted: 7/6/2002 12:32:00 PM
's Comments:

Great story! Exactly as it should have been-perfection.

Author: Anakin Starkiller  (signed)
Date posted: 7/30/2002 2:41:59 AM
Anakin Starkiller's Comments:

Excellent Story! I rated it as a 10, and I don't give those out lightly. Two refrences to Wedge, so that is a good bonus. Plus the bit about Han and Greedo was great.

Author: Tony  (signed)
Date posted: 8/29/2002 1:41:01 PM
Tony's Comments:

As much as I like this story and how they tell flashbacks from the other movies, It had profound depths of the aging Luke Skywalker and how he put the Jedi Order back on track.

Author: jacen200015  (signed)
Date posted: 9/24/2002 6:08:22 PM
jacen200015's Comments:

That was, was. i can't really find the right word. I give this a Ten.

Author: TheBiggerFish
Date posted: 12/18/2002 3:31:45 AM
TheBiggerFish's Comments:

I rated it a 9, but I have to be honest. The only reason that I didn't give it a 10 was because at the end there, when they were all together, there was no mention of Han or Chewie. Call me biased, because I am. :p

But otherwise, I have to say that that was the most moving thing I've ever read. I don't normally like Luke very much, but you had tears flowing freely by the end of it.

Kudos. :)

Author: Neosakid
Date posted: 1/16/2003 8:34:42 PM
Neosakid's Comments:

This is the first fan fic or any story that I was moved to tears, thanks for completing the life of Luke Skywalker...and if the novels do reach this part I hope they ask your permission (minus some of the differences, IE: Anakin's death) to use your work, because it was truly moving

Author: Rachel Moonstar
Date posted: 3/25/2003 3:57:38 AM
Rachel Moonstar's Comments:

After awhile of not visiting this site i as glad to find some really wonderful fics.This one was beautiful, I started reading at like one am and finished at 4am, i had to finish itit was to good to stop reading.

Date posted: 8/27/2003 7:22:25 PM
MJSLSBS's Comments:

Lovely piece of work. I've read it about 10 times and still practically end up crying. I like it so much I saved it on my computer.
Keep writing. Would love a sequel about the next time he meets Jaina (mentioned in the Epiloge).


Author: Jade
Date posted: 1/17/2004 3:59:02 PM
Jade's Comments:

Extremely awesome story. If Luke Skywalker were ever to pass away this was how would want it to be. I cried... But that's could. Luke deserves no less, for he will forever be my favorite Jedi!

Author: Lady Jade
Date posted: 5/11/2004 4:25:04 PM
Lady Jade's Comments:

Great story!! It was so moving; it took me some time to read because I kept crying. The way Luke shares his past with his family is touching.

Author: ILT-SWF
Date posted: 12/22/2004 4:38:20 PM
ILT-SWF's Comments:

love the story. would like a sequel. ('bout Jaina)

Author: Lord Darth Bane
Date posted: 7/1/2005 2:04:56 AM
Lord Darth Bane's Comments:

I cried. Thats all i can say. not many stories can make me cry.

Author: Healer_Leona
Date posted: 7/12/2006 9:06:40 PM
Healer_Leona's Comments:

Stunning story Herman. Great OC's and I loved the idea of Luke passing of old age with his family around him... even though it made me cry. Thanks for sharing it.

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