Author: Bant428
(signed) Date posted: 6/24/2002 7:28:41 PM
Bant428's Comments:
I was shocked at the ending. Obi-Wan chose, yet he didn't. This story is a poem - emotion in its truest and purest form. Great job!
Author: Yoda-Wan
Date posted: 6/24/2002 7:37:30 PM
Yoda-Wan's Comments:
Wierd... but not in a bad way. YOu'd never think Obi-Wan would really think about his personal life. Nice Job!
Author: FernWithy
(signed) Date posted: 6/24/2002 8:10:08 PM
FernWithy's Comments:
I'm not usually crazy about stories of Jedi knights that deal solely with the romance/non-romance aspect of their lives, but the language used here is lovely. I think the opening lines are haunting, and set the tone for the whole piece. Good job!
Author: Mcily Nochi
(signed) Date posted: 6/24/2002 9:55:58 PM
Mcily Nochi's Comments:
A very interesting piece. I've never read anything quite like this. I agree with another comment-- it is more like a poem than anything else. A very lyrical vignette.
Good job.
Author: Viari Skywalker
(signed) Date posted: 6/25/2002 2:11:53 PM
Viari Skywalker's Comments:
Hey Arco! I'm glad to see your fic up on this site! You truly deserve it; the fic is just as good as when I first read it! Wonderful job!
Author: matth2extreme
Date posted: 6/26/2002 10:13:49 AM
matth2extreme's Comments:
Hey Arco, I really liked this story, it's cool how you show Obi-Wan fighting within himself. He loses something that he never really had, its cool. good work
Author: Lau-ra Anu
Date posted: 6/26/2002 11:15:09 AM
Lau-ra Anu's Comments:
That was awesome! Poor Obi-Wan....
Author: Merik Darklighter
Date posted: 6/26/2002 12:27:20 PM
Merik Darklighter's Comments:
That had a very unique flavor, a savory oddity. Very nicely done. I'd love to read more.
Author: Master Jocelyn
Date posted: 6/26/2002 9:24:00 PM
Master Jocelyn's Comments:
I loved this story!I think the way obi-wan had to choose duty over love.Great story!!
Author: jedisister
Date posted: 6/26/2002 9:55:57 PM
jedisister's Comments:
I liked your story. Very well written. Interesting, I have my own story similiar to this, just the other way and he remains a jedi. Very touching and sad yours is though. It was great!
Author: UrbanJedi
(signed) Date posted: 6/26/2002 11:19:53 PM
UrbanJedi's Comments:
I don't usually fanfics of this type, but I thought this was rather well done. You showed the emotion of Obi Wan in a proper manner. The only thing that bothered me was the non following of continuity by allowing Obi Wan to speak with Qui Gon. Thus far, it hasn't been shown that Qui Gon was able to retain his persona after becoming one with the Force. Other than that, I thought this was pretty good. I gave it a 7 out of 10.
Author: Mizhnari Windu
Date posted: 6/27/2002 10:38:00 AM
Mizhnari Windu's Comments:
Great job. Most people have difficulty completing a thought, much less an entire story in such a short form. You did really well with this. It sucks that he couldn't have both though. I like the idea of Jedi keeping family/relationship ties better. We can see the similar effect that it has on certain individuals in our own society. But, rules are rules. Thanks for writng
Author: Ivy
Date posted: 6/28/2002 2:58:45 AM
Ivy's Comments:
I enjoyed this story as a Beta Reader and now I'm enjoying it as a reader. Well done! I think that some Obi Wan romance was always missing in the movies, some little hint that would make him more human and more appealing. This story deals with it, yet doesn't and I find that realistic.
Author: Darth Kylosss
Date posted: 6/28/2002 4:29:46 PM
Darth Kylosss's Comments:
I really liked the bulk of this story, and I liked the end, (this sounds strange cus its short) but i think the suspense wasnt built up quite enough for that last line...
Author: Keiran Halcyon
Date posted: 6/28/2002 8:06:39 PM
Keiran Halcyon's Comments:
I really enjoyed reading this short story! Most people don't know Qui-Gon not being able to communicate after death, but he can, and does in Episode II. This may be a SPOLIER if you have not yet seen the movie! You can hear him scream "No Anakin, don't!" when they show Master Yoda seeing Anakin kill the sand people. I read the book and its in there too. Just an interesting fact. Oh yeah in Rogue Planet, Anakin speaks to Qui-Gon in his dream.
Anyway great story! Short and cool!
Author: ~Becky~
Date posted: 7/2/2002 12:41:34 PM
~Becky~'s Comments:
Wow...excellent job. It's strange to see so many strong emotions for something so short. :)
Author: jedi_knight_tahl
(signed) Date posted: 7/15/2002 8:40:58 AM
jedi_knight_tahl's Comments:
Very good work. Very lyrical and it has a certain flow to it. I fell into this deeply as though I was there watching the whole story unfold. Again, nice work. Your words flowed so smoothly.
Author: Anakin Starkiller
(signed) Date posted: 7/15/2002 3:47:07 PM
Anakin Starkiller's Comments:
Though it seems that a Jedi must suprress his or her emotions, it is good to see that they still have them.
Author: JediShampoo
(signed) Date posted: 8/3/2002 2:28:05 AM
JediShampoo's Comments:
Oh, the angst! Oh, the sadness! Oh, Master Arco, how do you do it? <g>
Author: Force Master
Date posted: 8/24/2002 3:23:19 AM
Force Master's Comments:
oh my! by the force i just love this story!!! seriously! for one so short it holds such emotion in it! im so jealous! i wish i would have thought of it! ;)
Author: Luminara
Date posted: 2/10/2003 5:45:31 PM
Luminara's Comments:
ohh my gosh! Your story made me cry! Its wonderfully done and I am a huge fan of Obi-Wan. I will read this story over and over again. I loved it! *huge smile* Your word choice was amazing and you really brought out the characters with your descritpive writing, amazing :)
Author: Valiowk
(signed) Date posted: 4/8/2003 9:49:03 AM
Valiowk's Comments:
This is an exquisite tale that has brought tears to my eyes. The ending is so simple, so sad. Even though Obi-Wan doesn't explicitly make a decision we already know what it will be, and there is so much heartbreak because of that.
Duty demands so much. You have a lovely quote in your summary.
Author: Jedi Gem
(signed) Date posted: 6/9/2003 7:24:04 PM
Jedi Gem's Comments:
wow! that was poetic. i love the insite it gives on Obi-wan..shows that he does have feelings, desires, wishes, under all that Jedi. nicely done. may the force be with you.
Author: Domingaen
Date posted: 4/18/2005 3:07:31 AM
Domingaen's Comments:
I loved it. <p> Its all too true to the way things are. <p> And the ending was the choice I wish I could take. but im weak.
Author: 1-800-jedigirl
Date posted: 2/2/2006 1:45:40 PM
1-800-jedigirl's Comments:
its truly wonderfull, makes you wonder what would have happend if he had chosen the other path
Author: Writernoob12
Date posted: 7/3/2008 7:41:56 AM
Writernoob12's Comments:
I really liked this. The descriptions were excellent as was the writing. There isn't a lot more to really say. Magnificent!