Author: FernWithy
(signed) Date posted: 7/15/2002 5:53:27 PM
FernWithy's Comments:
I enjoyed this story a lot--it really gets into the essence of Qui-Gon's character, both his rebellion and his loyalty and gentleness. It's interesting to see him as misunderstood by the mainstream Jedi as a child as he is as an adult.
Author: Marnie
Date posted: 7/16/2002 3:57:46 AM
Marnie's Comments:
This was written before I saw AotC and realized that Dooku was Qui-Gon's Master. On the other hand, Qui definately does say 'My Master' to Yoda in the Council Chamber, so I decided that perhaps there was a period where Yoda *was* Qui-Gon's Master, but that Yoda was lead to hand the boy over to someone else. In the story Yoda decides to transfer Qui to another Master. Now we all know who that was! Because it can therefore still fit in with canon, I haven't listed it as AU. Just thought I'd clear that up :) Marnie.
Author: Jenos
(signed) Date posted: 7/16/2002 4:29:08 AM
Jenos's Comments:
This fic is great! It really sheds light into the way that Qui-Gon is, and the way he goes against the's neato!
Author: Jedi_Kara
(signed) Date posted: 7/16/2002 6:11:36 AM
Jedi_Kara's Comments:
I like this. It shows Qui-Gon was stubborn even when he was young. I liked it when he said he belonged to the Force and when Yoda said he truly belonged with the Jedi, Qui-Gon says he didn't say that.
Author: Anakin Starkiller
(signed) Date posted: 7/17/2002 3:43:43 PM
Anakin Starkiller's Comments:
This was an excellent story, looking into the origins of Qui Gon. I too can easily overlook Qui gon being Yoda's padawan. Its plausible, that Yoda takes on a 'youngling' from time to time before they start thier 'field work' under another Master. Perhaps it was Dooku that taught Qui Gon the advanced kata.
Author: Cam
Date posted: 7/18/2002 11:26:42 AM
Cam's Comments:
i really enjoyed this story , it helped me get to know the character of qui jon and was written extremly well however i could only rate it 9 out of 10 becasue i thought that the ending was not well written i thought it ended much to quickly
Author: Yoda_69
Date posted: 7/18/2002 2:00:13 PM
Yoda_69's Comments:
this was a great fanfic! I loved it! I myself am writing a fanfic about when Qui-gonn Jinn was young and living his life at the jedi temple. it's called Maveric jedi, and it shows how defiant and bold Qui-Gonn was even in his youth! I think this fanfic kindda inspired my thanks!
Author: Quiller
(signed) Date posted: 7/18/2002 7:18:34 PM
Quiller's Comments:
"You'll find that most of the truths you cling to depend upon your point of view." (paraphrase, Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke, ROTJ) That's what I'm reminded of when I read this fic again. Here you have two completely committed individuals, at odds, not so much because they disagree, but because their points of view are so drastically different. A wonderful story, Marnie. Subtle, with a quiet emotion that resonates deeply.
Author: Silent_Darth
Date posted: 7/20/2002 2:42:02 PM
Silent_Darth's Comments:
This really gave a good insight into Qui Gon and how he still rebels against parts of the Jedi code. Very well done. I enjoyed it a lot.
Author: Mizhnari Windu
Date posted: 7/20/2002 5:03:29 PM
Mizhnari Windu's Comments:
Very interesting. It's cool to see a possible glimpse of Qui-Gon's past. Now his role in the SW Universe is even more clear. Believe it or not this story helped me to realise something important in my own life. Thank you for that and a great story. <---Jedi Salute
Author: Diane Kovalcin
Date posted: 7/23/2002 4:17:51 AM
Diane Kovalcin's Comments:
Wonderful story Marnie, as always. I loved how the story pulled together insights into both Qui-Gon and Yoda. They are such disparate beings that, while bonded as a team, they can't seem to avoid poisoning each other. My favorite thing about this fic, though, is the incredible use of language. Simple words that evoke such beautiful imagery - it leaves me breathless. Great job.
Author: HaiGan
Date posted: 7/25/2002 6:14:30 AM
HaiGan's Comments:
May I echo the comment about the way you've managed to express the way in which two people can both be 'right'. You masterfully illustrated the way in which Yoda and Qui-Gon utterly fail to understand the other's point of view and so end up with a false impression of the situation.
I like the inclusion of Mimi. There were definate echoes of fairytale storytelling there, where the hero helps a seemingly unimportant character when he could just pass by, and is later helped by that same character. The characterisation of Mimi was also fun. :)
My only quibble is with the ending. You reach a resolution so far as Qui-Gon was concerned (and I also liked the way in which Yoda and Qui-Gon still maintained their differences in the way they saw things), and very nicely too. However, you leave Qui-Gon's family hanging. I couldn't help searching for the 'next' button. It felt as if there should be more, with a resolution for the family as well. I hope that means you're now working on the sequal!
Author: BRKyle
(signed) Date posted: 8/8/2002 11:08:36 PM
BRKyle's Comments:
You've done it again, Marnie! This is one of my favorite of your stories, because it gets the heart of the character we see in TPM -- and does it by finding the heart of the boy. Thanks!
Author: jacen200015
(signed) Date posted: 9/10/2002 2:19:51 PM
jacen200015's Comments:
This story is really good. You showed Qui-Gon's character fantasticly. I would root for a sequal. Great job. :)
Author: sammie
Date posted: 10/24/2002 1:02:23 PM
sammie's Comments:
Thank You.
Author: rangerkom
Date posted: 7/6/2003 9:28:34 PM
rangerkom's Comments:
I thought it worked well. I hope you write a story about Dooku training Qui-Gon, with references to "What is my Heritage?".
Author: dark_jedi_lover
Date posted: 1/30/2007 2:30:28 AM
dark_jedi_lover's Comments:
This is a great story. You wrote the emotions so well; they were intesne and realistic. And I really like the characterizations and relationship between Qui-Gon and Yoda. Awesome job!
Author: Shuro
(signed) Date posted: 2/26/2007 10:14:37 PM
Shuro's Comments:
i liked...its hard to explain....i like all of it....ive always wondered what qui-gons history and training and all that jazz were like....