Author: Kel'e'en
(signed) Date posted: 11/14/2005 9:27:37 PM
Kel'e'en's Comments:
Pitch-perfect, as all your work.
Author: Herman Snerd
(signed) Date posted: 11/14/2005 9:52:42 PM
Herman Snerd's Comments:
Geez, you'd think that I'd be able to get in the first comment. Anyway, just want to thank geo for this story. It's been quite a while since a story made such an impression me. Excellent work.
Author: TKeira_Lea
(signed) Date posted: 11/15/2005 7:09:25 AM
TKeira_Lea's Comments:
I don't know how I missed this over on the boards, but I'm happy to see it on the Archives. Beautifully done, as is all your writing.
The ending touched me to the core. The love of a mother - you seem to capture that perfectly.
Author: me_luv_darth_squishy
Date posted: 11/16/2005 2:28:15 PM
me_luv_darth_squishy's Comments:
Wow! O my gosh! That was so wonderful! I was moved to tears (though I didn't cry; I don't cry often) Again, Wow!
Author: Erela
Date posted: 11/16/2005 9:15:56 PM
Erela's Comments:
If my roommate weren't about five feet away I'd probably be crying right now. Excellent work. I love things like this, that explore characters often left alone.
Author: Gabri_Jade
(signed) Date posted: 11/17/2005 1:19:21 AM
Gabri_Jade's Comments:
I don't normally read fics set in this time period, but this one drew me in from the beginning. Wonderful characterization, and an elegant, lyrical style. Absolutely lovely from start to finish.
Author: rhonderoo
(signed) Date posted: 11/18/2005 11:52:46 PM
rhonderoo's Comments:
This is just as beautiful as when I read it on the boards, geo. I'm so glad to see it in the archive.
Author: jedi-isis
Date posted: 11/20/2005 9:11:30 PM
jedi-isis's Comments:
This was a moving tribute to a mother's love. I am overwhelmed by the style, flow and attention to detail that your pieces entail. I also do not normally read TPM era but could not stop once begun. Kudos, geo3!! This deserves to be here just for it's sheer beauty. Thank you for the gift of your talent.
Author: Anakins_Force
Date posted: 11/21/2005 4:38:48 PM
Anakins_Force's Comments:
geo, I read this when you posted it on the boards and I was in awe then too. I wish the Jedi had understood Anakin as well as you do--what a complicated little boy. Beautiful work. ~Melissa
Author: organista
Date posted: 11/22/2005 10:39:08 AM
organista's Comments:
Beautiful as always. Thank you for opening our eyes to another dimension...
Author: ratna
Date posted: 3/9/2007 4:59:05 AM
ratna's Comments:
what they said.
"Only actions taken in freedom carry with them the power of truth."
Author: Lady_Ivra
(signed) Date posted: 5/14/2010 4:35:03 PM
Lady_Ivra's Comments:
Absolutely perfect! And I'm a Qui-Gon fan, so this was really something!
Author: anakin_girl
Date posted: 7/9/2010 11:00:37 PM
anakin_girl's Comments:
I just found this. Amazing, as always. Heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time.