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Reader Comments on "The Prisoner"

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Author: LLL  (signed)
Date posted: 2/14/2006 9:15:57 PM
LLL's Comments:

This was such a great story. Congrats on getting it accepted! I really love it!

Author: VaderLVR64
Date posted: 2/14/2006 9:32:35 PM
VaderLVR64's Comments:

So glad to see this one up! It is a gorgeous piece and I love it more every time I read it!

Author: me_luv_darth_squishy
Date posted: 2/15/2006 6:45:21 PM
me_luv_darth_squishy's Comments:

THAT WAS SO GOOD IT WAS SCARY. No joke, I'm totally serious. I especially liked the end where you discover that there is nothing there. Once again, absolutely wonderfully chilling.


Author: Davedrag
Date posted: 2/16/2006 3:42:06 AM
Davedrag's Comments:

Very good so far but very sad i hope you write more and hopfuly Luke and leia meet their mom

Author: corellian-jedi
Date posted: 2/16/2006 3:29:31 PM
corellian-jedi's Comments:

Haunting. No other word to describe it.

And the ending... wow!

Author: Elinon Bybeth  (signed)
Date posted: 2/17/2006 12:41:52 AM
Elinon Bybeth's Comments:

To be honest, I started to read this thinking "This is kind of implausible" but the twist at the end totally turned me on my head.

This was chilling but, reading it again, also held a real sense of sadness.

Kudos on a great piece.

Author: random@clumsy
Date posted: 2/18/2006 4:52:02 AM
random@clumsy's Comments:

I walked into that twist hook, line and sinker. Brilliant. Very plausible situation. Great idea!

Author: darth brioni
Date posted: 2/19/2006 8:53:29 PM
darth brioni's Comments:

this was very riveting- i liked how vader fought to control his emotions, and when he realized he was hurting her- i loved how she did not fear him one bit when he threatened her- many fan fics have depicted this idea, where Vader *hohhh pahhh* and Padme meet, and this is one of the best ones. Fantastic job!

Author: Dustin
Date posted: 2/20/2006 4:47:51 PM
Dustin's Comments:

Very nice piece, I very much enjoyed reading it and falling for the hook.

Author: Sunniva
Date posted: 2/24/2006 11:27:45 AM
Sunniva's Comments:

Deeply chilling. Beautifully haunting. It brought tears to my eyes. Excelent work my friend, excelent work.

Author: Kelli
Date posted: 2/25/2006 6:07:24 PM
Kelli's Comments:

This was a marvelous story. Like the others, I fell for the hook. I wasn't quite sure of it until it was revealed that Padme wasn't really there. Great work.

Author: Kelli
Date posted: 2/25/2006 7:09:31 PM
Kelli's Comments:

I know I just posted a comment, but I read the story again and so I have a few more things to say. I like how this story can be seen one one level as a story about a man so crazy that he halucinates his dead wife, one another level it can be seen as a ghost story; maybe it's a combination of both.

When I was reading the story again, one line jumped out at me:

"Show me mercy. My mother and father, my sister and her children…they are all waiting for me. It is within your power to release me."

During the first read through, it was just a straitforward plea to get physically released from a prison. When I read it again, this line had much more meaning. The way I read it was that Padme's family is dead and she is pleading to Vader to release her spirit. She is in a spiritual prison, which is much worse than a physical one. Even in death, Padme cannot get away from Vader and that is the tragedy of this story.

One more thing, I love how you portrayed Vader. I've read other AU stories with Padme and Vader together after ROTS. In some of them, in my opinion, he is not portrayed very accurately. In them, he's more or less still Anakin but covered in armor. He may do some bad things, but the character of Vader is diluted.

In this story, you can't ignore the fact that Vader is an evil Sith lord. He brings Padme gifts, but is as ruthless to her as he is with others. When she's not acting the way Vader believes she should (like not wearing the necklace) he lashes out and then tells her that she should be grateful for all he's done. When Padme doesn't answer like Vader thinks she should, he uses the force against her. Vader only thinks of himself, which is the character of a Sith lord.

Ok, I'd better stop now before I bore you to tears with my comments. Keep up the good work. I hope to read more from you in the future.

Author: till the river runs dry
Date posted: 3/8/2006 5:14:47 PM
till the river runs dry's Comments:

i realy loved the story its so sad and haunting it made me wish that someone will come along who is brave enough to set her spirit free

P.S. this is one of the best wars gost storys i've come across

Author: Julia
Date posted: 4/20/2006 3:40:25 PM
Julia's Comments:

Powerful and lovely twist at the end. Very good! Not the usual P/V

Author: onyx falcon
Date posted: 4/21/2006 4:13:05 PM
onyx falcon's Comments:

I loved the accurate depiction of Vader's character. I also very much like the erotic element.

fascinating twist that he's holding her spirit captive.

however, personally, I think that Vader would have unceremoniously telekinetically strangled that guy for walking in on him... I would have, regardless of the circumstances... if I were him, anyway.

Author: Adame Shmi Skywalker Vader
Date posted: 4/28/2006 7:01:56 PM
Adame Shmi Skywalker Vader's Comments:

Great fic, i especially liked how vader believed she was there, perhaps he actually communes with her. For a while i thought she was alive, great way to keep the fic going.

Author: nana123
Date posted: 8/5/2006 4:20:59 PM
nana123's Comments:

hi really enjoyed your story. iwas at first
sure some how padme was really with vader.
you keep his charater true. i also wonder how he would act to some one he cared about. the has to be a middle ground, and you found it.

plus how it ended. shocked me. i was so conviced
padme was truly alive. till the gaurd came in.
and it became a ghost story. my 1st thought was vader had lost his mind. then i realzed he really was seeing her in spirit. great one thanks.

Author: nana123
Date posted: 8/5/2006 4:22:39 PM
nana123's Comments:

hi really enjoyed your story. iwas at first
sure some how padme was really with vader.
you keep his charater true. i also wonder how he would act to some one he cared about. the has to be a middle ground, and you found it.

plus how it ended. shocked me. i was so conviced
padme was truly alive. till the gaurd came in.
and it became a ghost story. my 1st thought was vader had lost his mind. then i realzed he really was seeing her in spirit. great one thanks.

Author: nana123
Date posted: 8/5/2006 4:23:23 PM
nana123's Comments:

hi really enjoyed your story. iwas at first
sure some how padme was really with vader.
you keep his charater true. i also wonder how he would act to some one he cared about. the has to be a middle ground, and you found it.

plus how it ended. shocked me. i was so conviced
padme was truly alive. till the gaurd came in.
and it became a ghost story. my 1st thought was vader had lost his mind. then i realzed he really was seeing her in spirit. great one thanks.

Author: Leia101
Date posted: 9/25/2006 10:14:45 PM
Leia101's Comments:

I can't believe that he has captured a spirit.

Author: twisterblake
Date posted: 10/30/2006 1:26:55 PM
twisterblake's Comments:

hey great chapter i lovve it about Vader and his wife I hope you will continue this story on another chapter until this story is completed

Author: Caroline
Date posted: 1/4/2007 2:36:51 AM
Caroline's Comments:

Very good. Spine chilling. Very powerful!

Author: I Heart Obi-Wan
Date posted: 8/25/2007 10:35:13 AM
I Heart Obi-Wan's Comments:

That was a twist I wasn't expecting. I started reading this and I thought it was just another AU where Padme lived after ROTS. But when the guard walked in, you threw me for a complete loop. This was very well written. You described Vader perfectly!

Author: Walker
Date posted: 8/8/2010 11:45:44 PM
Walker's Comments:

A great short story, with a very compelling ending.

Author: sutzina zion
Date posted: 1/4/2011 9:14:28 AM
sutzina zion's Comments:

wow... i got chills at the end of this. great job!!!

Author: Aliit Vodeson  (signed)
Date posted: 1/31/2012 7:54:45 AM
Aliit Vodeson's Comments:

Very interesting. At the beginning I was put off because I didn't really look forward to Padme surviving. But the twist in the end was worth the disbelief. Good job.

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