Author: Darth Pipes
(signed) Date posted: 7/16/2001 8:35:45 PM
Darth Pipes's Comments:
This is easily one of the best fics I ever read. This introduced me to ami-padme and was the reason I asked her to help me co-write the What if the Empire stories.
This is a wonderful, emotional piece. A great job was done here with both Vader and Amidala. The first of many classics from ami-padme. :)
Author: tessa
Date posted: 7/16/2001 9:46:16 PM
tessa's Comments:
Wow! this story was amazing. it let me see that anakin, even in vader form was able to love. i was sad that amidala died though, but it will happen sometime. very good story!
Author: FanFic Apprentice
Date posted: 7/17/2001 2:19:54 PM
FanFic Apprentice's Comments:
Very good story. Another one of those 'what if' ticklers (i.e. what if Amidala hadn't died?) because it teases us with the prospect of Vader being 'turnable' even at this point.
Can't wait until the next installment from ami-padme.
Author: Qwi Xux
Date posted: 7/18/2001 4:04:20 PM
Qwi Xux's Comments:
Wow! That was amazing. It's like I was really experiancing my queen's pain... you are a gifted writer. Keep up the talented work. If you would like to read some of my work, please email me and I'll send it too you. Thanx for writing such a great work!
Author: Princess_LaLa
Date posted: 7/18/2001 8:21:11 PM
Princess_LaLa's Comments:
A wonderful fic. I really loved that. What more can i say... yeah, taht almost made me cry, and i don't do that a lot. Keep up the good work.
Author: The Cynical Pirate
Date posted: 7/20/2001 10:13:25 PM
The Cynical Pirate's Comments:
I was very impressed with the way ami-padme wrote this novel. I felt like I was reading a novel that had been publushed, and I would not be suprised if ami-padme had a future in literature. I rate this a 10, and hopefully wish to write a novel with the same excellence. This was a good read. :)
-Swin Agen
Author: hongera
Date posted: 7/21/2001 11:51:50 AM
hongera's Comments:
Very well written, it goes to show that even VADER himself CAN NOT escape hyponotizing power of a WOMAN!!!!!
Author: jordanz dirty dawg
Date posted: 7/23/2001 1:57:01 PM
jordanz dirty dawg's Comments:
wow, ami-padme!! this story was absolutely riveting!! it had action and adventure, plus drama and romance. what more can you ask for in a fanfic?? great rock! :)
Author: Emily
Date posted: 7/23/2001 4:10:58 PM
Emily's Comments:
Wow! This was the first fanfic I've read, and I'm going to read a lot more. That was spectacular. I always knew there was more to Vader than meets the eye, but I never guessed that underneath that conglomeration of metal and plastic that gives him life is -- was -- a real man with real emotions that could be utterly destroyed. This story really gives Vader life and reality, and suggests a way for Vader to be so heartless, yet still turn against Palpatine in the end to save his son.
Author: FernWithy
(signed) Date posted: 7/23/2001 5:30:25 PM
FernWithy's Comments:
This is one of my all time favorite Vader stories. The image of the fire spreading out from its heart -- and from his -- is stunning.
Author: Mcily Nochi
Date posted: 7/25/2001 8:19:45 PM
Mcily Nochi's Comments:
Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! That was great. I loved how Anakin still exists inside Vader; it really fits with the end of "Jedi." W
Author: Quiller
Date posted: 7/25/2001 10:18:25 PM
Quiller's Comments:
Wonderful characterization of a complex man. You injected a vibrancy into your portrait of Anakin/Vader that made him come alive.
Author: The Great Yoda
(signed) Date posted: 7/25/2001 10:38:28 PM
The Great Yoda's Comments:
WOW!!! Brilliant this was! Especially liked the end I did.
Author: C.Horn
Date posted: 8/4/2001 7:58:20 PM
C.Horn's Comments:
Well it was interesting enough for me to read it all the way through, but I think it could have been writen a bit better. I don't think I could write any better so kudos. chorn
Author: thrawn's lackey
Date posted: 8/5/2001 1:50:15 AM
thrawn's lackey's Comments:
Like the comment I made in the "Sands of Time" review page: I hope that George is taking note of these great versions of possible story lines. He'd be a fool not to!
Author: Qui-Gon Tim
Date posted: 8/28/2001 12:57:46 PM
Qui-Gon Tim's Comments:
Very good piece. It sorta had a Phantom of the Opera sadness to it, which I loved. It left me knowing that Vader does have some emotions, but supposedly to him, noone to share them with. I feel inspired now to write on the subject of Darth Vader the inner-conflict and the crimes that he may not have wanted to commit against others in the name of his Emperor. He is a very complex character now! I hope Lucas will dwell more on this complexity in the next two films. Or perhaps you will.
Author: Helen Vader
Date posted: 9/25/2001 12:16:31 PM
Helen Vader's Comments:
An awesome fanfic. Very emotional, very tragic. I've always been fascinated by the human side of Darth Vader, and this one is one of my favourites. Congratulations!
Author: C4GO
Date posted: 10/7/2001 9:35:01 PM
C4GO's Comments:
That was great! very sad though :(
Author: zanux marz
Date posted: 10/22/2001 9:46:34 PM
zanux marz's Comments:
Touching. Maybe the reason that Vader saves Luke's life is because he feels that Luke is all that is left of Amidala/Padme. He can't bear to see her die again. Letting Luke live allows his beloved wife to live on.
Author: X-Imperial
Date posted: 11/17/2001 12:27:56 AM
X-Imperial's Comments:
A great story with good emotions. Well written.
Author: Jedi_Johnson
Date posted: 5/29/2002 1:09:58 PM
Jedi_Johnson's Comments:
I can sum up my thoughts in one word: Wonderful.
Author: Viari Skywalker
(signed) Date posted: 6/22/2002 6:42:21 PM
Viari Skywalker's Comments:
AWESOME!!!! I loved it! I read this on a different site and it was one of the first fanfics I ever read, so I'm glad that it's here too! You are so awesome. Vader is my favorite character, and I love it when authors explore his emotions and thoughts! Incredible job!
Author: lord damoniius
Date posted: 7/2/2002 10:50:44 PM
lord damoniius's Comments:
amazing. simply , amazing.
Author: Viari Skywalker
(signed) Date posted: 8/4/2002 6:26:40 PM
Viari Skywalker's Comments:
Again I have to tell you what an awesome job you did on this story! It was truly wonderful, and this time I wanted to add that I loved the ending where Leia is feeling pain through the Force! I just love it when people show Leia's Force sensitivity. I thnk it is important to show that she was just as strong as Luke, even though it wasn't explored in the movies as much as Luke's abilities. I hope that made sense...I have a tendency to speak nonsense. Anyway, I love your story and I would love to see more from you! By the way, I love the new cover art! Who did it? I was just curious. Great job! You are a wonderful writer!
Author: ami-padme
(signed) Date posted: 8/4/2002 6:59:24 PM
ami-padme's Comments:
Julie -- another wonderful author at the archive -- did the new cover for me, and I love it and thank her. And I thank everyone who's left such great comments on this story. I'm glad you all enjoyed it, and look forward to comments from future readers. :)
Author: Darth Kylosss
(signed) Date posted: 8/5/2002 5:50:44 AM
Darth Kylosss's Comments:
This was a fantastic story!!! Vader was brilliant!!! although i do think padme being killed by a stormtrooper was a bit unexciting, but maybe that was the point
cover was excellent too
Author: Jediluke
Date posted: 8/5/2002 11:22:02 AM
Jediluke's Comments:
One of the best ones I've read on this website yet!
Author: FernWithy
Date posted: 8/5/2002 11:33:31 AM
FernWithy's Comments:
You know, this story started out terrific, and got *way* better after Clones. Good call on the imagery. :)
Author: Niralle
Date posted: 8/5/2002 9:23:14 PM
Niralle's Comments:
What I find most rewarding about this story is the author's style. Consistant and thorough, the description of surroundings and emotions didn't seem to consume the story's pace. Everything happened swiftly, but not without quality. :)
Personally, I enjoyed the description of the flames the most. You obviously have a knack for writing. Good work with future pieces.
Author: matt2extreme
Date posted: 8/6/2002 6:01:16 PM
matt2extreme's Comments:
Hey I just got through with this TOTALLY AWESOME story. This is really really good, you showed how Anakin still had intense feelings for Padme, regardless of the dark side. And her love for him, despite his mask and such. keep up the good work!
Author: JediWatcher
Date posted: 8/7/2002 10:04:06 AM
JediWatcher's Comments:
I've nothing to say except, I cried.
Author: kristy
Date posted: 8/7/2002 11:35:08 AM
kristy's Comments:
Nice imagery, and well-written. But all I could think about was, why was Padme running through the forest in the first place? I guess so Vader could find her alone. <g>
Author: Boba_Fett
Date posted: 8/8/2002 6:44:30 AM
Boba_Fett's Comments:
Great, the story was tragic and wonderful. One of the best storys I have read.
Author: JediPug1
(signed) Date posted: 8/13/2002 8:41:53 PM
JediPug1's Comments:
This story was fantastic! It actually made me cry! I loved how you tied Leia in at the end, also...very clever!
Author: Lossendillwen
Date posted: 8/24/2002 8:58:27 AM
Lossendillwen's Comments:
Omigod. That was so sad. Very beautifully written, I must commend u for your writting skills. U really have moved me. Keep up the good work!
Author: Amanda
Date posted: 8/24/2002 7:08:36 PM
Amanda's Comments:
Wow. Thats all I can say really. Amazing fic, very moving and brilliantly written. One of my faves now :)
Author: jedisister
Date posted: 8/27/2002 7:08:58 PM
jedisister's Comments:
Loved the story! Only thing I didn't think quite right was Vader calling her Amidala. I think he would've called her Padme like he does in AOTC. other than that it was great and I too liked how you tied Leia into feeling the death of her Mother. Keep up the good work.
Author: Darth Tyranus
Date posted: 8/30/2002 6:30:53 AM
Darth Tyranus's Comments:
This was an awesome piece of writing...full of emotion that is hard to believe Vader had. You are a great author and I enjoyed your writing. Keep up the good work.
Author: Terra Fete
Date posted: 9/7/2002 7:35:14 AM
Terra Fete's Comments:
I thought it was very good as i didn't know how she died but i think it was a bit short and could have been made longer other it's excelent
Author: SailorStarz
(signed) Date posted: 9/8/2002 6:47:39 PM
SailorStarz's Comments:
This is great...I will keep on reading this one over and over 4 sure! SailorStarz
Author: LLL
(signed) Date posted: 9/15/2002 12:58:44 PM
LLL's Comments:
I forget where I read this before, but I liked it then and now.
Does this cover remind anyone of some grotesque version of that Gone With the Wind movie poster??
Author: angel kenobi
Date posted: 9/28/2002 3:57:23 PM
angel kenobi's Comments:
Very very nice story. I"m a newbie here, so this was definately a good way to start out, by reading an awesome story. Very nice with the emotions and descriptions. I loved it.
Author: DamonKaid
Date posted: 11/4/2002 12:45:40 AM
DamonKaid's Comments:
Nice piece, truly moving to the typical sw freak.
Author: Spencer
Date posted: 12/15/2002 2:17:09 PM
Spencer's Comments:
i love it, but the only thing stupid is how easily padme dies. but it is your story and i like it.
Author: Umich Jedi
Date posted: 1/14/2003 1:53:56 AM
Umich Jedi's Comments:
One of the best Fan Fics I've read yet...hope to see more from this author!!
Author: laura
Date posted: 2/8/2003 6:25:24 PM
laura's Comments:
This was amazing... very good! It made me want to cry....
Author: lordhead
Date posted: 6/29/2003 3:55:31 AM
lordhead's Comments:
holy cow!!! i got goosebumps reading the end of this. good job on this one!!
Author: Dark Armored One
Date posted: 7/4/2003 8:34:50 PM
Dark Armored One's Comments:
You know its a well written tragedy when you've got that uneasy, sick to your stomach feeling, and you ask yourself, why did it have to end like that? Very well done.
Author: rhonderoo
(signed) Date posted: 8/4/2003 6:59:12 PM
rhonderoo's Comments:
Wow! I just found this A-P!!! Great job on our favorite character! Its amazing you got Anakin and Padme's relationship this down pat BEFORE "Clones"!!!
Author: Gabirllie_Amidalia
(signed) Date posted: 10/6/2003 3:34:03 PM
Gabirllie_Amidalia's Comments:
all i can say is WOW!
Author: kevin
Date posted: 10/13/2003 7:06:25 PM
kevin's Comments:
wow amazing you captured aniken/vaders feelings good job - peace.
Author: Lady Skywalker
Date posted: 1/8/2004 4:54:29 PM
Lady Skywalker's Comments:
There are tears flowing down my cheeks at this story. I am a fan of Anakin and the very idea of their love breaking is unbearable. But this story ended it so well. I am taken aback. This is so well written. :)
Author: Ani-maniac
Date posted: 11/19/2004 6:15:18 PM
Ani-maniac's Comments:
That was wonderful. You really captured Anakin's thoughts and feelings well. I loved it!!!
Author: geo3
Date posted: 1/9/2005 9:40:10 PM
geo3's Comments:
You've gotta love the "random fic" button!
It's really interesting to read a story about these characters that evidently was written before AOTC came out. When you've got them "right" in the first place, as you have here, it doesn't really change anything, does it? The living, beating heart of the story is there, and as fresh now as when it was archived. I really enjoyed this!
The only thing I might have longed for is the deeper intimacy of Vader using the name "Padme" - if not all the way through (perhaps he no longer allows himself to think of her using that name?) - then at least once or twice at moments of his greatest weakness. But that's minor.
The scene with Leia at the end was perfection.
Author: Greg
Date posted: 5/21/2005 5:48:22 PM
Greg's Comments:
I was taken ... even when vader had his armor on - that he asked about his wife...the conflict was still there for him at the beginning -between good and evil...did he really think darth sidious could save his wife ?
Author: CountessChristine
(signed) Date posted: 6/1/2005 10:07:31 PM
CountessChristine's Comments:
This is perfect. Definitley publishable work. You did an incredible job of capturing the ambivalence Vader would feel in that situation. I like that, in the end, he stayed true to his Dark Jedi beliefs and regarded his momentary "slip" from the Sith way of thought as a passing weakness. I like how you so adeptly brought out the Jeckyll/Hyde nature of Vader. Again, great piece.
Author: jedi1952
Date posted: 2/14/2010 2:23:30 PM
jedi1952's Comments:
Even though this is truly AU since ROTS, I think your version of Padme's death is more realistic. I never found how she just gave up in ROTS believeable for such a strong character.