Author: Nienna Narmolanya
(signed) Date posted: 1/1/2008 11:32:20 AM
Nienna Narmolanya's Comments:
Oh, wow. I'm so glad I decided peek into the Archives today. :-) This fic was just gorgeous in every way. I especially loved the subtle way you conveyed the very ragged emotions of Luke, and the Holy Man was a wonderful, very realistic character, the perfect man to tell this tale. The last paragraph had me in tears. Lovely work!
Author: Divapilot
Date posted: 1/4/2008 5:10:54 AM
Divapilot's Comments:
Beautifully done, and very poignant. Your story shows how important the unimportant things really are. Brava!
Author: ArtemisCow
Date posted: 1/6/2008 2:09:21 AM
ArtemisCow's Comments:
I enjoyed this tale very much. The flowers sprining up on Luke's grave was a fitting end to a macabre tale. However, I find it odd that the Holy Man broke the confessor's ethics by writing down Luke's confession for a gardener.
Author: DarthIshtar
(signed) Date posted: 1/6/2008 4:56:27 PM
DarthIshtar's Comments:
This was simple, but very well-done. I liked the premise.
Author: Nemesis
(signed) Date posted: 1/22/2008 3:50:00 PM
Nemesis's Comments:
Oh, wonderful. Very well done.
The Holy Man is a very well-rounded OC - reminds me a little of Brother Cadfael, of all people - believably serene without being altogether unworldly. And Luke's story was heartbreaking.
I loved the last line. Brava :)
Author: Jedi Arwen Skywalker
Date posted: 1/24/2008 2:57:41 PM
Jedi Arwen Skywalker's Comments:
wow, so sad. Brilliantly written, tho very oc for Luke. :(
Author: zb nf
Date posted: 2/11/2008 12:02:24 PM
zb nf's Comments:
Author: FrodoBaggins7
Date posted: 4/10/2010 11:49:20 PM
FrodoBaggins7's Comments:
Great. You know there were some pretty Catholic resemblances, alcolyte, confessor, Father. Just loved it.
Author: daenabenjen42
Date posted: 11/29/2010 11:55:38 PM
daenabenjen42's Comments:
Hadn't seen this one of yours before. Loved it. :)