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Gungan to the left

Reader Comments on "Gnarltree"

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Author: Toni
Date posted: 11/26/2007 11:49:10 PM
Toni's Comments:

As one of the reviewers, I just wanted to mention that it's great to see this one up. Great description, beautiful way with words, and a manageable scope for a short story. I just wondered whether the Jedi killed herself or died of her injuries.

Author: ratna
Date posted: 11/27/2007 2:13:16 AM
ratna's Comments:

I loved reading this on the boards. Great that it's been included in archive. Haunting, tragic and creepy all at once. Love how the raw life of the tree shows another aspect of the Force: hungry...

Author: Arwen Skywalker
Date posted: 12/2/2007 6:49:14 PM
Arwen Skywalker's Comments:

Wow. Deep, and thought-provoking. Very good writing.

Author: Erela
Date posted: 12/5/2007 6:12:30 PM
Erela's Comments:

Wow! Creepy, but well written and a cool application of a vague concept. Cool to see something off the beaten track like this.... :-)

Author: Nemesis  (signed)
Date posted: 1/22/2008 6:36:32 PM
Nemesis's Comments:

The whole idea of even the plants on Dagobah having a kind of awareness is one of the things that makes it such a creepy place. You conveyed the unsettling nature of the planet beautifully. I loved the paragraph beginning "These things all seemed good to the tree . . ." - really gets across how what the Jedi sees as a horrific thing is just the way nature works.

And its getting her as well - well, the synchronicity is nasty, of course; friends in childhood, united in death. But again, to the tree, just another juicy meal . . .

Well done. Excellent piece.

Author: Birdie
Date posted: 2/7/2008 7:38:40 PM
Birdie's Comments:

I thought it was creepy, but not bad creepy, more like suspensful and interesting. I also like how you didnt mention their names.

Author: Perigrine  (signed)
Date posted: 4/18/2008 5:17:26 PM
Perigrine's Comments:

I enjoyed this a lot. The dark history of Dagobah's cave wasn't something I thought about much but now I'll always think of this story whenever the cave is mentioned. Well written!

Author: Darth Matters
Date posted: 4/23/2008 11:29:48 AM
Darth Matters's Comments:

The story is very good, but there is one single problem.

The tree absorbing the jedi and taking it to the side of the dark one. Wouldn't the light and Dark side energy of each neutralize the other?

That little detail aside, I enjoyed reading this, nice job.

Author: Burnseyy  (signed)
Date posted: 5/27/2008 12:38:31 PM
Burnseyy's Comments:

lol pretty unfortunate circumstances, ey.

really well written! i loved the descriptions. (:

Author: Ki-Aaron-Mundi  (signed)
Date posted: 4/18/2009 11:22:26 PM
Ki-Aaron-Mundi's Comments:

It's been over a year since I first read this piece, but I enjoyed it just as much on this second time through. You've got some great Force philosophizing going on here, what with the images of the Force as hungry and when the Jedi declares, "the sunlight is darkened."

As mentioned in an above comment, this story is very creepy, and absolutely in a good way.

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