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Reader Comments on "Walk Before You Run"

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Author: Myn
Date posted: 7/2/2002 6:33:49 AM
Myn's Comments:

Very entertaining story, I laughed out loud (to avoid use of that rabid AOL slang) at the prospect of the Knight's old master giving him a lecture, right after being sedated...
Looking forward to reading more,

Author: Diane Kovalcin
Date posted: 7/3/2002 3:27:21 PM
Diane Kovalcin's Comments:

I loved this story when I first read it on the fan fiction boards. I even have it bookmarked. The pairing of those two is just great and I really liked how you kept her guessing as to whom the Knight would really pick for his Padawan.
Also loved his choice of color over the ever-drab browns.

Hope to see more stories about this pair.

Wonderfully done, Jane....again

Author: Alli-Wan
Date posted: 7/3/2002 6:39:26 PM
Alli-Wan's Comments:

Oh, I'm so sorry I missed this on the boards Jane! This was great. The characters were very three-dimensional and well thought out and Kiu's daily trials and everyday thoughts were very realistically described. I loved the antics of her and her friends, as well as her consistent difficulties in 'running' even as she realizes her mistake each time. I also enjoyed how she found a master who saw her gifts for what they were; even as she is hindered she learns. Great story Jane, hope to hear more about these two.

I loved the bright colored clothes too!

Excellent work!

Author: Lau-ra Anu
Date posted: 7/6/2002 2:55:35 PM
Lau-ra Anu's Comments:

That was excellent! I look forward to reading more about Kiu's adventures with her new master!

Author: DarthTerrious
Date posted: 7/8/2002 1:34:21 PM
DarthTerrious's Comments:

Wonderful story. You really made Kiu into a three dimensional character, and her character (even though I'm a guy) connected with me. Brilliant use of suspense when Hachas was trying to talk to Kiu. Made me laugh actually. I really enjoyed thisstory and I hope that you will continue with more their adventures because this is a good story...a good starting point.

Author: Nikkos Tyris  (signed)
Date posted: 7/9/2002 10:25:42 AM
Nikkos Tyris's Comments:

Most assuredly better and more creative than anything my limited mind could come up with! :-)

Author: Erin
Date posted: 7/9/2002 3:35:06 PM
Erin's Comments:

This is a good story.

Author: Anakin Starkiller  (signed)
Date posted: 7/11/2002 7:35:28 PM
Anakin Starkiller's Comments:

I enjoyed this story very, very much! Although I was pretty sure that Kiu would be chosen as a padawan, it was nice to see *why*

Author: Lianna
Date posted: 7/15/2002 6:31:05 AM
Lianna's Comments:

I loved this story. I hope to read more about the pair as well. I always like reading about original characters, these were great.

Author: Clutch
Date posted: 7/15/2002 10:47:23 AM
Clutch's Comments:

This was very entertaining, a great story and great characters.....

.....and the reference to the medical frigate patrol mission from the first X-Wing game was a nice touch.

Author: Darth Kylosss
Date posted: 7/15/2002 12:22:32 PM
Darth Kylosss's Comments:

This was really good, I liked Kiu's character, and its really well written. I kind of liked the jedi who was out to recruit, but i thought some of his jokes were a bit flat. The story was really good tho, and the dreams were cool.

Author: master mik  (signed)
Date posted: 7/25/2002 9:15:29 PM
master mik's Comments:

I fully enjoyed this story, that i even let my
9yr old read it.

It was entertaining, funny and everything you
could think of.

I agree with the rest of the comments people
have given you.

keep up the great work and can not wait until
your next story.

Author: Mizhnari Windu
Date posted: 7/28/2002 12:41:25 PM
Mizhnari Windu's Comments:

Very. very good story. I have to be honest and say that I didn't think I was going to like it initially. Partly because it was about a female(forgive me) and it wasn't all starfighter/lightsaber ridden. But that was before I noticed your talent. You expertly homed in on all those adolescent fears/problems/questions that we've all gone through. Due to having read soo many books/fics and seen soo many movies I knew that the main character was going to be chosen. Usually I lose interest if I'm able to figure out a major pltpoint like that but your story drew me in even more because of it. Keep writing, I'm looking forward to more of your work <<<JEDI SALUTE

Author: HaiGan
Date posted: 7/30/2002 11:40:14 AM
HaiGan's Comments:

I did see this one on the boards, and enjoyed it thoroughly then- not least because I'd already come across Kiu before and thought it was great seeing her as an Initiate along with a slightly younger Hachas.

It's a very gentle sort of story- I hesitate to say 'sweet', because it's not mushy, but it's a very comforting sort of tale. The angst is very innocent and homely. Nobody dies, there's no torture, there's just teenage worries (and that lovely little touch near the end where Hachas makes a somewhat defensive remark about his cloak). Kudos for managing not to make it into 'Jedi Junior High'- it's full of wonderful ideas about just what Initiate education might be like. I especially like the way that there's just enough to show Kiu's character and to tell the story without there being any excess verbiage or scenes that don't add to the tale (unlike this response, methinks).

I haven't even touched on the quality of writing, but you're always good on that one, Jane. :)

Author: jacen200015  (signed)
Date posted: 9/24/2002 8:48:42 AM
jacen200015's Comments:

I rate this ten, it was fantastic. :) Loved it. :)

Author: Nol-Tel-Sete
Date posted: 1/9/2003 1:19:30 PM
Nol-Tel-Sete's Comments:

I loved the story. I thought right from the beging that her own fears and hopes would be resolved or broght forth. I believe that this pairing is going to yeild great resolts. I hope to read more about these to in the future.

Author: Jedi Raxonia
Date posted: 2/18/2003 6:09:11 PM
Jedi Raxonia's Comments:

Great story, I really felt for Kiu and a jedi master who wears bright colours - YES we must have more of those in stories!

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