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Reader Comments on "Mistaken Identities"

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Author: Lady Padme  (signed)
Date posted: 11/18/2002 8:58:25 PM
Lady Padme's Comments:

Excellent fic! Congratulations on getting it archived!

Author: Bobill
Date posted: 11/22/2002 3:31:59 PM
Bobill's Comments:


That was a very moving fic. I love how you described such a dilema in a killer's concious like that. You shifted views very well, and really showed how others were affected by Fetalony.

Author: Clutch
Date posted: 11/23/2002 7:32:38 AM
Clutch's Comments:

Your travel timing seems to be a little off. How could Dooku explain both failed assasinations to Fetalony when he hired her, and yet, the second attempt by Zam Wessel was the night before the story began? Fetalony would have had to have traveled from the Rim to Coruscant in less than a day. Aside from that minor technicality, this story was fantastic. (And you can never have enough Dex!)

Author: Jenos  (signed)
Date posted: 11/27/2002 7:36:14 PM
Jenos's Comments:

Dang...that was great! That was really good...touching in places, but a really good fic! My congratulations!

Author: trevor
Date posted: 10/28/2005 10:03:11 AM
trevor's Comments:

Excellent Fic. I wonder what happens to Fetalony after that.

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