has inspired me to...
...go back to writing or reading Classic Trilogy stories, or the Classic Expanded Universe. |
(14.23 percent
; 72 votes) |
...write (or read about) new Star Wars cultures, like the Kaminoans and Geonosians, or newly expanded ones, like the Tusken Raiders and bounty hunters. |
(4.15 percent
; 21 votes) |
...write (or read about) the adventures of the characters during the ten years between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. |
(18.58 percent
; 94 votes) |
...write (or read about) the lives of Clones' minor characters, like Zam Wesell or Taun We. |
(3.75 percent
; 19 votes) |
...write (or read about) the period of time between the trilogies. |
(8.89 percent
; 45 votes) |
...write (or read) missing scenes from the movie, like the marriage proposal or Yoda's arrival on Kamino. |
(10.67 percent
; 54 votes) |
...write (or read) speculative ideas about Episode III. |
(21.54 percent
; 109 votes) |
It didn't inspire me to do much of anything. |
(18.18 percent
; 92 votes) |