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Gungan to the left

Poll Results

Question asked : How familiar are you with fanzines? (328 total votes)

Choices given :

  • I don't know what they are
  • eraser45.12%pencil tip  (45.12 percent ; 148 votes)
  • I know about them, but have never actually seen one
  • eraser41.46%pencil tip  (41.46 percent ; 136 votes)
  • I read/collect old 'zines now, but didn't know about them when they were being published
  • eraser2.44%pencil tip  (2.44 percent ; 8 votes)
  • I read/collected 'zines in their heyday
  • eraser5.79%pencil tip  (5.79 percent ; 19 votes)
  • I wrote in/published 'zines in their heyday
  • eraser5.18%pencil tip  (5.18 percent ; 17 votes)

    Thanks to Julie for the images

    DISCLAIMER : TheForce.Net and its Fan Fiction associates do not own any content posted on this web site.