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List of Beta-Readers

NOTE : If a reviewer beta-reads a fan fiction, that reviewer cannot review that fan fiction if it ever gets submitted.

NOTE : If you are looking for a beta-reader for your fan fiction, you can simply e-mail the Beta-Readers Email List (, and it will be sent to 50+ beta-readers, who can contact you about the possibility of doing a beta-reading (if they are interested in doing it). One does not have to be registered or subscribed to the mailing list in order to send mail to it.

The beta reader mailing list is for requests only. DO NOT use it to distribute your story.

Viewing Beta-Readers 401 to 410 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Mei-lan Jinn
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Plot; Proofreading; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Anakin Skywalker; Captain Typho; Chewbacca; Count Dooku; Darth Bane; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jar-Jar Binks; Jocasta Nu; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Lando Calrissian; Luminara Unduli; Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Panaka; Queen Apailana; Queen Jamillia; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Saesee Tiin; Xanatos; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Political Intrigue; Romance; Vignette

Limits :
No cross-overs whatsoever, they take away from everything. No Obidala either. No hard-core romance, thank you very much.

Comments :
Mei-lan Jinn has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Plot; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Admiral Piett; Boba Fett; Carlist Rieekan; Count Dooku; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Han Solo; Kam Solusar; Kyp Durron; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Palpatine; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles; Yoda; Ysanne Isard

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
I like to think of myself as open to a lot of things (realizing that this does not necessitate actually being open). I tend to grow weary of Episode III stuff, but this does not mean that I won't read them. Anything original, really, is fine - but, keep in mind, that I usually find romance to be a tad...trite. Oh, and I hated the NJO (at least what I read of it) - I thought it corrupted Star Wars. Please, no Yuuzhan Vong stories.

Comments :
I'm a major fan of politics and history and will instantly read any political intrigue or ancient SW history stories. I'm also a die-hard Imperial (New Republic - pff, so anything about them is great, partcularly stories about naval commanders. But I also like to unwind with a good, old-fashioned shoot-em-up fighter story. Jedi/Sith are cool, just make sure they're not omnipotent or I shall instantly reject your story. A purist, I love trilogy stuff.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Memlu has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
; ; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Romance; Sith Philosophy; Vignette

Limits :
I will not be able to beta-read for characterization, canon, etc., for any fanfic based off /any/ of the many series of books; my knowledge is too limited for me to be effective as a beta-reader.

Comments :
Please be aware that I try to be as thorough as possible (and live by the philosophy - less from choice and more from it being bored into my skull - that any piece of writing, no matter how perfect, can be improved). At the same time I do my best to be fair and honest without any undue harshness. I hope I can be of at least some assistance. *g*
Beta-Reading Services :
meowmixchic has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
meowmixchic has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
meowmixchic has not selected any genres

Limits :
meowmixchic has not input any limits. This does not mean that meowmixchic has none.

Comments :
meowmixchic has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Plot; Proofreading

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Anakin Skywalker; Aurra Sing; Boba Fett; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Even Piell; Finis Valorum; Jabba the Hutt; Jango Fett; Jocasta Nu; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Lama Su; Mace Windu; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Plo Koon; Prince Xizor; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Saesee Tiin; Taun We; Xanatos; Yaddle; Yoda; Zam Wesell

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Romance; Script; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
No slash, or any of that garbage.... I don't prefer stories that are "Jar-Jar's Great Adventure"... And absolutely no New Jedi Order... NO ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!

Comments :
I prefferbly only want Prequel edition fan-fics, but will take things set in the old trilogy, if it's interesting.... I also really enjoy Pre-TPM stories, or fanfics set between either TPM and AOTC, or between Attack of the Clones and Episode III......
Mikkel Sirko
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Admiral Ackbar; Anakin Solo; Biggs Darklighter; Borsk Fey'lya; Bria Tharen; C-3PO; Chewbacca; Corran Horn; Garm Bel Iblis; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Guri; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Kyp Durron; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Mon Mothma; Nom Anor; Prince Xizor; R2-D2; Tahiri Veila; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Ysanne Isard

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Romance; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
alternate universe

Comments :
I'm pretty much a Sci-Fi nut. I like Trek and B5, but it's always Star Wars first. I've read every SW book from the time periods of the Han Solo trilogy to the latest in the NJO series (minus Jedi Academy Trilogy, Correlian Trilogy, and a couple lesser known books). I can answer almost any questions on SW canon and can rattle of armaments of almost any starship/starfighter.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Admiral Ackbar; Admiral Daala; Admiral Ozzel; Admiral Piett; Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Aurra Sing; Bail Organa; Beru Whitesun-Lars; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; Borsk Fey'lya; Boss Nass; Bria Tharen; C-3PO; Callista Ming; Camie; Captain Tarpals; Captain Typho; Carlist Rieekan; Chewbacca; Cliegg Lars; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Crix Madine; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Dengar; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Even Piell; Finis Valorum; Gardulla the Hutt; Garm Bel Iblis; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Guri; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jabba the Hutt; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Jango Fett; Jocasta Nu; Kam Solusar; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Kitster; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Lama Su; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Mirax Terrik; Mon Mothma; Naberrie family; Nom Anor; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Oppo Rancisis; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Panaka; Pash Cracken; Plo Koon; Prince Xizor; Queen Jamillia; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Saesee Tiin; Shmi Skywalker; Sio Bibble; Siri Tachi; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Tahiri Veila; Talon Karrde; Taun We; Watto; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Xanatos; Yaddle; Yarael Poof; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zam Wesell; Zuckuss

Preferred Genres :
; ; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Poems; Political Intrigue; Romance; Script; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical; Vignette

Limits :
Miraj has not input any limits. This does not mean that Miraj has none.

Comments :
Fast and friendly service. ;-)
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Beru Whitesun-Lars; Boba Fett; Darth Sidious; Darth Vader; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Qui-Gon Jinn; Siri Tachi; Xanatos; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical; Vignette

Limits :
I, like everyone else, have preferred and favorite characters. That being said, there are no stories I will refuse to beta-read. I can read fairly quickly so I have no problems with the longer stories. (Note the X Wing series is not a favorite of mine, so although I would not refuse to read such a story, it would not be a strength of mine in regards to characterization).

Comments :
I have been a SW fan for as long as I can remember. As a fan, I have read just about every EU work out there, in additional to the movie canon. (I have been accused of having an Obi-Wan obsession). I write frequently, excel at proofing and am a voracious reader. I will be entering graduate school shortly, and I have a great deal of down time in my current job. (Translation: I will be happy to read and provide input on anything you send.) I will do my very best to offer the constructive criticism to make your work great.
Beta-Reading Services :
General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Depa Billaba; Jacen Solo; Kit Fisto; Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Scout; Siri Tachi; Tahiri Veila; Tenel Ka; Vergere; Whie Malreaux; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
; ; Angst; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Vignette

Limits :
No blaspheming. Don't use swearwords, please. The Star Wars universe has plenty of its own, so ones from this universe are absolutely unnecessary. If you want a shock factor, be creative. There are better ways of achieving it than filling the reader's mind with trash. I'm not taking the time to give you some of the options of "how", here. Note that this site takes CONSERVATIVE PG-13… If I find anything outside of that, I'll promptly ditch the project. No 'slash'.

Comments :
Yes, I'll take stuff outside my preferred characters, genres, etc.; but don't ask me to beta-read poetry. I know my limits, and that's one place where I wouldn't be of any help. Though I'll gladly offer grammatical assistance, you've got to work on it, yourself. I suggest waiting a day or more after completing your work and reading it aloud—then look for beta-readers. I'll find your run-ons (etc.), but I'll probably give you a few options for how to fix them. Presuming to know how a writer wants his piece to read is something I refuse to do. What is selected that I can help you with is from definite knowledge, as I've been told so from other people. Other favorite characters of mine are Aayla Secura and Tahl.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Plot

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Finis Valorum; Handmaidens; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Shmi Skywalker; Wedge Antilles; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Drama; Humour; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Missing Scene; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues)

Limits :
No NJO!!! No Mara Jade! No Mary Sues, no torture. Needless to say, smut & slash shouldn't be on this board anyway. Romance is iffy; if it's between your OC's, okay; otherwise you're getting into Mary Sue territory. And NO EPISODE THREE SPOILERS! :)

Comments :
I tend to write original characters, set in the Prequel Era. I focus on action/adventure, with a little humor (along the lines of the OT). Loathe the NJO, and don't bother with it. I'm pretty open-minded regarding OT stories, and love the X-wing series. I'm not averse to AUs, too.
Viewing Beta-Readers 401 to 410 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Descriptions of Beta-Reader Services

Characterization :

General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge :

General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge :

Grammar :

Pacing and Narrative :

Plot :

Proofreading :

Sentence Structure :

Writing Style :

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