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Gungan to the left

Luxury Violence
A review of Fallen Angel

By : Amidala_Skywalker

Could this piece actually become reality? From a certain point of view, these events are not necessarily alternative universe. For so long Vader’s wife was but a legend, until a head-strong Padme Amidala took her place among Star Wars history. AngelQueen characterizes her personality with a gentle flow of emotion and threads of aptitude, weaving imagination into every stitch.

There are few answers in this maze of hatred and purity, projected by both main characters. The story is told from the respective feelings of both Vader and Padme, as they analyse each others actions and expressions. Their reactions are remarkable, particularly when comparisons are made to past events, such as the 'fallen angel' line. It is not easy to mistake or misinterpret in which direction the story is heading, AngelQueen is precise with that.

Readers will notice the famous last words of Anakin, or rather Vader, as he so declared. Overconfidence has always been one of his errors, that shown when AngelQueen permits entry into his mind. The tale also alters Vader’s attitude – from beginning to end. He feels only increased by the power surge Padme’s death gave him, similar to experiencing a sugar-high or a rollercoaster ride.

He is extremely blunt with his reference to his deceased wife, almost to the point of cursing her name. In the end, words had failed them and the only communication they shared was empathetic whispers. Could their relationship have worked if they’d paid more attention to each other? Well, that is another story. This is a case of love found in the most unlikely places and often, misunderstood.

Comments to Amidala_Skywalker or post it in the Jedi Council Fanfic Forum.
Uploaded: Thursday, April 18, 2002

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