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Posted: 11/7/2018 1:47:36 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 11/3/2018 5:18:36 PM

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Posted: 11/2/2018 8:17:02 PM

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Posted: 10/31/2018 8:50:12 PM

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Posted: 10/30/2018 5:14:38 PM

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Posted: 10/14/2018 7:52:06 PM

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Posted: 10/13/2018 9:29:43 AM

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Posted: 10/7/2018 4:11:22 AM

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Posted: 10/6/2018 8:57:16 PM

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Posted: 9/20/2018 2:16:31 AM

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Posted: 8/26/2018 6:47:45 PM

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Posted: 6/23/2018 6:45:02 PM

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Posted: 6/9/2018 9:00:40 AM

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Posted: 6/5/2018 1:16:02 AM

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Posted: 5/21/2018 1:16:44 PM

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Posted: 5/14/2018 4:07:35 PM

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Posted: 4/15/2018 5:49:36 AM

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Posted: 4/1/2018 1:23:00 AM

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Posted: 3/15/2018 1:58:56 PM

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Posted: 2/26/2018 6:59:30 PM

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Posted: 2/10/2018 1:28:56 AM

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Posted: 1/25/2018 3:49:30 AM

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Posted: 1/10/2018 1:36:58 AM

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Posted: 12/25/2017 9:54:58 PM

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Posted: 12/11/2017 3:50:13 AM

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Posted: 12/11/2017 3:49:51 AM

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Posted: 11/25/2017 1:15:44 PM

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Posted: 11/9/2017 12:37:23 PM

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Posted: 5/20/2017 4:31:00 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 5/20/2017 4:30:40 AM

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Posted: 5/20/2017 4:30:23 AM

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Posted: 5/4/2017 4:48:36 PM

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Posted: 5/4/2017 4:48:14 PM

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Posted: 5/4/2017 4:47:56 PM

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Posted: 3/27/2017 5:04:24 AM

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Posted: 12/10/2016 6:14:26 AM

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Posted: 12/10/2016 6:14:02 AM

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Posted: 12/10/2016 6:13:41 AM

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Posted: 11/18/2016 9:31:38 AM

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Posted: 11/18/2016 9:31:10 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 11/18/2016 9:30:51 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:48:44 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:48:14 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:47:44 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:47:14 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:46:44 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/31/2016 12:46:16 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/20/2016 12:32:41 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/20/2016 12:32:21 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 10/20/2016 12:32:00 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 8/8/2016 11:09:02 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: Ben lives
Posted: 10/12/2015 10:33:43 PM

Ben lives's Plot Bunny:

Duel on the Death Star. Luke & Han see Vader -- and start blasting at him. Distracted at deflecting the bolts Obi Wan hits Vader. Takes off at least arm and leg, if not killing him, and Ben runs to the falcon and lives.

After battle of yavin, does Ben take Luke to yoda? Leia too?

Posted: 10/4/2015 4:09:25 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: TheLastTalon
Posted: 4/14/2015 11:55:52 PM

TheLastTalon's Plot Bunny:

What if Bail had, with the Death Star looming above Alderaan, revealed the secret of Leia's parantage to vader in the hope of sparing both her life and his planets.

Posted: 4/8/2015 11:29:52 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: Irena
Posted: 4/8/2015 11:29:47 PM

Irena's Plot Bunny:

She's absolutely groegous. Love how you set up the shot and that you used the same props at one week as you used at 5 months. Look how she's grown! There's nothing better than having the joy to create experiences you create for others for your own family and friends. Lovely pics in all.

Author: Nina's name
Posted: 3/13/2015 7:51:01 PM

Nina's name's Plot Bunny:

What if Luke skywalker got sent back into time to the clone war era and met his father before he became evil? Luke struggles with the temptation to change the past and ruin his cover. He tries to steer his father to the light side without Anakin figuring out Luke is not only from the future but is also his son.

Posted: 3/13/2015 7:49:49 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: LordAphophis1994
Posted: 11/25/2014 12:40:06 PM

LordAphophis1994's Plot Bunny:

The short meeting between Boga and Obi-Wan at ROTS,is the beginning of the strangest humanXanimal Lovestory the galaxy ever had seen. Pairing:ObiWanXBoga

Posted: 11/25/2014 12:39:17 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Posted: 11/25/2014 12:39:17 PM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: KellyLCrutcher
Posted: 10/16/2014 12:15:48 PM

KellyLCrutcher's Plot Bunny:

What if Admiral Firmus Piett happened to be the blood-related son of Master Qui-Gon Jinn?

Author: Wannabe Scholar  (signed)
Posted: 5/19/2014 3:30:42 PM

Wannabe Scholar's Plot Bunny:

What if Anakin and Darth Vader were originally two people like Obi-Wan said?

This can be handled in two ways:
1. Anakin and Vader are two different people who Obi-Wan just happened to train.
2. Either one could be a clone of the other (two clones from the same genetic template).

Either way, Anakin would become the Vader we all know. Still, you could show the two complete for Obi-Wan's favor and it would interesting Anakin's fall would differ from the Prequels.


Author: birmankitties  (signed)
Posted: 4/3/2013 4:54:46 PM

birmankitties's Plot Bunny:

What if qui qon was able to free anakin AND his mother . you may only adopt this bunny if you do not let anakin go to the dark side

Author: birmankitties  (signed)
Posted: 3/29/2013 7:13:47 PM

birmankitties's Plot Bunny:

WHat if Luke was given to senator organa
and leai given to the lars family

Author: IncomingWallOfText
Posted: 10/19/2012 4:35:43 AM

IncomingWallOfText's Plot Bunny:

What if Vader stuck to Anakin's principles on several key political issues?

Or to be more specific:

Four years after the destruction of the Jedi Order(RotS), Lord Vader has completed his galaxy wide hunt for every remaining Jedi, and without any pressing duties is free to turn his full attention upon "His Glorious New Empire" only to find it rife with corruption, incompetence, slavery, specism, sexism, and a shocking obliviousness to crime.

Vader sends his concerns to his master, he receives platitudes, but abides -- for a time.

Eventually he cannot -- will not -- let the product of all his sacrifices be so poorly managed, so he confronts and slays Palpatine (Using Kenobi's Lightsaber Force Lightning Block technique no less (he would be aware of the significance/irony) (see Kenobi vs Dooku AOTC)

But, this is very important, Vader remains Vader.

He institutes a few reforms, thus making the empire more "grey" rather than obviously evil -- while keeping its core theme of absolute tyranny intact. Abolishing Specism/sexism/slavery, (Anakin never displayed any disdain for other species except for hutts, and in general viewed women as equals (except Padme, but that's just a man being stupid) he obviously despises the concept of slavery, and would drop the hammer on the hutts, while choking to death all the fools and corrupt officials he could find.

This results in a much more complex political match-up, a credible lawful evil Knights Templar/Well Intentioned Extremist Empire that has a decent approval rating (like 50%) against Democracy and all that Rebellion that is looked at with a bit of incredulity, with what is left of the hutts and other criminals being ground to dust in the middle.

*ideas: Luke is relocated to Deborah to protect him from the imperial task force sent to clean up Tatooine (and their standard issue methods of detecting force sensitives)

*Yoda and Obi-Wan contemplate killing Vader together, but recognize that doing so would make him a martyr and forever sully the name of Jedi to the galaxy at large. They still might try.

*A lot of dead prime ministers -- obviously Vader doesn't have the patience to run the day-to-day minutia of galactic government, so he would delegate.

*due to the abolishment of slavery, the wookies are freed from kessel and an honor-bound chewie ends up as a mechanic for a new hotshot imperial pilot, Han Solo.

*Vader would scrap the Death Star project, "Do not be so proud of this technological terror you have constructed..." and other such superweapons, they are a waste of resources. He would instead spend those credits on better tie fighters (the man loves his fighters) and more Super and Imperial Star Destroyers.

*Just how many SSDs can you make for the cost of one DS?

*A young Mara Jade as Vader's apprentice?

Anyway, sorry about the length, just had to get this one out.

Author: blahblah  (signed)
Posted: 5/28/2012 7:53:19 PM

blahblah's Plot Bunny:

What if Mustafar went differently and Anakin defeated Obi Wan? What would happen to Padme then?

Author: Kate
Posted: 2/9/2012 6:56:41 PM

Kate's Plot Bunny:

Okay so I was brought into the fold of Star War via the prequels but now looking back I didn't enjoy they way they depicted Padme.

I would love to write a story about Padme being a stronger person and not dying without a cause but I am not that good a writer and I have trouble with the politics or moving the chess pieces intricately.

What if Padme lived a little longer than she did in the movies?

I have more ideas to if someone who is good with the technical's but needs some help with emotional. Perhaps we can work together?

Author: Jasaa
Posted: 2/9/2012 6:24:56 AM

Jasaa's Plot Bunny:

Here is 2 plot bunnies that have taunted me for few years, but since I'm not much of writer I have not and probably never will write them (these could be quite long stories). So I decided to share them

1. Luke joins imperial academy where he becomes good friends with Mara and maybe Han (L/M romance)

2. What if Luke joins hand of Thrawn and rebuilds Jedi order in secrecy. (L/M romance, starts around time of Thrawn trilogy.)

I have additional ideas about them, but just gave general ideas here. feel free to contact me if you want to hear more about them

Posted: 2/9/2012 6:24:14 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: Aliit Vodeson  (signed)
Posted: 2/1/2012 11:20:16 AM

Aliit Vodeson's Plot Bunny:

What if another Jedi survived the purge and met up with Obi-won and Yoda while they were talking about what to do with Luke and Leia?

Author: Amortin
Posted: 7/3/2011 12:41:11 AM

Amortin's Plot Bunny:

I want to write this fic badly, but I suck at writing... What if, at some point early in Anakin's life, the force brought back Revan to train Anakin to fight the coming galactic empire... And the true sith empire that lies in waiting outside the known galaxy? Also, I think the force is more of a god-like being than a sea of energy, so I think it should actually guide and contact Anakin, considering he is it's son... He could leave the galaxy to train for 10 or 20 years, and then come back, helping the rebels to defeat the new galactic empire and such... And I've seriously considered paying someone to write this, so please write it with any changes that you want!

Author: silversaber90  (signed)
Posted: 1/12/2011 8:51:45 PM

silversaber90's Plot Bunny:

What if Rahm Kota found Luke on Tatooine and he became Luke's guardian.

Author: Jania Skywalker  (signed)
Posted: 12/16/2010 3:51:11 PM

Jania Skywalker's Plot Bunny:

What if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a wife and three girls during his exile on Tatooine. How will he deal with his daughters during the adolescent years? (i.e. Puberty, Boys, & the Talk) Uh-oh!!!

Author: Embers of Twilight
Posted: 8/19/2010 12:05:46 AM

Embers of Twilight's Plot Bunny:

1. Padme is the reincarnation of the Jedi who had the prophecy about the Chosen One.

2. Spark of a Flame - the evolution of the Sith since their original creation to the time of the Empire.

3. The Naberies (Sola in particular) receive a letter from Obi-Wan with Padme's body explaining the truth surrounding her death. Whether it does harm or good is up to you.

4. Holiday Disaster starring the Skywalkers/Solos in which maybe: the turkey burns because Leia can't cook, so they go out to eat, but the speeder is stolen. They walk home, only to get kidnapped, but they managed to once again get out of it. Thus they learn to true meaning of the holidays.

Author: Kswolf
Posted: 6/6/2010 3:24:59 PM

Kswolf's Plot Bunny:

The solo kids and maybe some of their friends find a device that send them to the original trilogy era.

Author: Bluejedi
Posted: 6/6/2010 11:54:37 AM

Bluejedi's Plot Bunny:

If they cloned Obi-Wan instead of Jango...only minor genetic modifications, of course...

Author: Bluejedi
Posted: 6/6/2010 11:53:06 AM

Bluejedi's Plot Bunny:

What if some characters (like, maybe, Luke and Leia or Anakin and Obi-Wan) got stuck in some intergalactic theme park during the clone wars?

Author: skywalkeryepyep  (signed)
Posted: 5/31/2010 2:58:08 PM

skywalkeryepyep's Plot Bunny:

What if the Star Wars movies ended up in the Star Wars Universe?

Author: Big Silly
Posted: 5/12/2010 12:38:19 AM

Big Silly's Plot Bunny:

What if Padme thought that Dark Anakin was way sexier than Whiney Anakin and completely supported his descent? I mean, obviously she'd have to start wearing very dark eye liner and more black leather, but othan than cosmetic effects, what happens to the story?

Author: EmperorAndross
Posted: 4/13/2010 11:11:23 AM

EmperorAndross's Plot Bunny:

What if Obi-Wan was never a Jedi. When he and his father (The rest of the family is dead) travel to Melida/Daan as part of a aid mission, a rather different version of Tahl's rescue is mounted.

Obi/Cerasi would be good.

I had in mind that OB1's father is a medic & that OB1 has some training in medicine along with largely unrealized Force healing.

Author: Darth_Jacob 1023
Posted: 4/6/2010 8:05:34 AM

Darth_Jacob 1023's Plot Bunny:

what if someone made a book about quigon's mother? i was thinking that she could'v killed darth plaguis's uncle wen she was 10, and that the force came from her? hows about this for a start

Suiet Mir Jinn, born Suiet Mir, was the mother of Qui-Gon Jinn. Her ancestry led back to Darth Bane. She was born to Anicostia and Kietho Mir in 126 BBY at Coruscant Galactic Hospital B26. She was named after the almost ancient word ‘Suit’. When she was 18 months old, she was at a store with her mother when it was attacked by a group of rouge Tusken Raiders. Her mother, Kietho, was killed, but Suiet was pulled from the wreckage after 4 days. A week later, just before even food became unaffordable for the Mirs, she was sold as a slave to the Geinosian junk dealer Saurato for a hefty 12,000 Republic Credits. After eight years of working for Saurato, Suiet accidentally activated a Holograph Projector onto Holonews. There was a woman, talking about an uncle of Darth Plagueis who had a terrorist group. Saurato told her to turn it off, but the speech stayed on her mind all night. While asleep that night, she had a force vision revealing to her the position of the group’s hideout. That morning, she asked Saurato for a means of transportation. He, thinking she meant to run away, gave her an ancient Bicycle with a Thermal Detonator strapped to it, saying, “Better get goin’, hon!”. The detonator said 01:57:346, being Minuets:Seconds:Miliseconds. She jumped on and rode as fast as she could. She had ridden one before, and it started to rain. She tore past pedestrians and parked speeders. At one point, Suiet hit an Astromech Droid and her overcoat was ripped off. She didn’t care. She checked the detonator and it began to beep rapidly, saying 00:04:167. She pedaled faster, turning a corner and ducking under a pipe. She could see the vacant lot at the end of the alley. Two seconds left. She was only a hundred or so feet away. One second left. At the last moment, Suiet hit a large craft that pulled out in front of her. She clung to the craft as it gained altitude. The bike was annihilated. Suiet held out her hand to guide the Thermal Detonator, which had miraculously survived the crash, onto a certain area near the far end of the vacant lot. 00:00:000. Boom. There was a huge, bright explosion, revealing a hidden underground tunnel in the smoke. She let go, falling around 250 feet, and rolled on the ground, just in time to hear someone in the hideout yell, and another one coughed twice and yelled, “Let’s get outta here!”. Despite her injuries from the crash, Suiet Mir smiled. When she was 20, a 24-year-old man named Hi-Hon Jinn married her 4 months after they met. When they were 34 and 38, they had their first and only child, Qui-Gon Jinn, and no one in the immediate family had left the planet of Coruscant. The Jedi took away Qui-Gon, and, that same month, Hi-Hon went away on a space bus that crashed in the upper atmosphere. In anger, Suiet Jinn used the force unknowingly for the second time in her life. She threw a vase across the room and, convinced her house was haunted, bought a spaceship on the Black Market, and flew to the construction site of Cloud City, where she hid out for the rest of her natural life. At an age of 127, she jumped off the edge, but instead landed on a platform. Years later, her skeleton was discovered by Kol Skywalker before the city’s demolition, and given a proper cremation.

sorry that was long

Author: Jayasolo2  (signed)
Posted: 3/9/2010 8:41:40 PM

Jayasolo2's Plot Bunny:

What if.... Zekk came back right in the middle of Jaina and Jag's wedding. He walks in looking for Luke Skywalker. And then sees Jaina Solo(Fel) the girl of his dreams getting married but Jagged Fel is in the Tux not him?

Author: xXJedi Knight BlazeXx
Posted: 2/23/2010 8:24:05 PM

xXJedi Knight BlazeXx's Plot Bunny:

What if, in The New Rebellion, the ysalamiri didn't show up in time and Luke really did become one with the Force as Obi-Wan had during ANH?

Author: Jett Hosk  (signed)
Posted: 1/3/2010 9:53:57 PM

Jett Hosk's Plot Bunny:

I think it would be cool if someone made an origin story for Bendak Starkiller, the champion of the death matches on Taris during the Knights of the Old Republic video game. Make it something similar to Jango Fett: Open Seasons.

Author: Jett Hosk  (signed)
Posted: 1/3/2010 9:51:04 PM

Jett Hosk's Plot Bunny:

After the fall of Lord Hethrir, High Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne hires a bounty hunter to investigate his death. While on Crseih Station, the bounty hunter is drawn into a dark side vortex created by the inter-dimensional being known as Waru and is transported to a parallel universe. Once there, the bounty hunter kills Luke Skywalker before the Battle of Yavin and Leia is captured and inducted as a member of the inquisitorius.

Author: DarthJacob1023
Posted: 12/29/2009 3:49:18 PM

DarthJacob1023's Plot Bunny:

what if, after the sith ending of the force unleashed, starkiller came to the death star2 and killed luke? would the jedi ever return?

Author: benskywalker22
Posted: 12/13/2009 7:01:54 AM

benskywalker22's Plot Bunny:

I was thinking that Ben Skywalker, and Jeysella Horn have been dating for a while, and that his is ready to pop the big question to her, but he keeps getting intrupted.

I was thinking about having a co- writer on this sense I am new to this website

if intreasted please email me back


Author: dagobaswamprat
Posted: 11/28/2009 6:31:27 PM

dagobaswamprat's Plot Bunny:

The whole point of the Episode 1 Handmaidens is that Sabe and Amidala are not that easy to distinguish. Even though the rest of the crew on Tattooine later finds out Amidala had a doppelganger, who says everyone who thought they were talking to her always were?

For example, what if Obi Wan had a nice pleasant conversation with Sabe as the Queen, realizing he's found his soul mate, just to see Queen Amidala fall for Anakin? What if he finds himself surprised by Amidala's different behavior and torn between loyalty to his student and his feelings?

Author: SonOfSix
Posted: 10/26/2009 8:31:36 PM

SonOfSix's Plot Bunny:

What if luke and Leia were not brother and sister? Would their relationship have been different?

Author: xXJedi Knight BlazeXx
Posted: 10/15/2009 9:05:50 PM

xXJedi Knight BlazeXx's Plot Bunny:

What if Padme survived and found herself aiding the rebellion? And what if near the time when Padme joined the rebellion, Vader found a young Luke?

Posted: 8/29/2009 9:35:26 AM

's Plot Bunny:

Author: BrokenAvenger21
Posted: 8/29/2009 9:35:19 AM

BrokenAvenger21's Plot Bunny:

What if Obi-wan had been chosen by a different Master after his sparring match with Bruck? How would this affect the future of the star wars universe? Choose between: Mace Windu, Yoda, Count Dooku, or another Councel Member. Please contact me if you decide to use this plot bunny. I would love to read it!!

Author: Master  (signed)
Posted: 8/12/2009 8:57:51 AM

Master's Plot Bunny:

What if instead of Anakin falling to the Dark Side in Episode 3, it was Episode 2? For example, in Episode 2 there is that scene on Tatooine where he is riding a speeder bike. What if he was using that to hunt down the Jedi on Tatooine? Then in Episode 3, he would Still be Darth Vader (As in Episode 2 at the end of this scenario) and he would have killed more Jedi, making him more of a threat.

Author: Darth_Jacob 1023
Posted: 7/8/2009 9:58:08 AM

Darth_Jacob 1023's Plot Bunny:

What if there was a 2nd battle of naboo, where genaral grevious put out 1,880 battle droids (1,000 Battle, 500 Super, 200 Assasin, 100 Drodieka, 50 MaugnaGaurd, 20 Vultre, and 10 Spider) with 188 riding STAPs, 19 AATs, and 20 MTTs. I might make a whole series of battles like this, but i'd like to hear other ideas.

Author: dooivid
Posted: 6/30/2009 3:22:08 AM

dooivid's Plot Bunny:

What if Greedo doesn't miss from point blank range and actually kills Han?
Chewie is left to help Obi and Luke, maybe he meets the Princess and we see some jedi half wookie half human babies?

Author: Bikiluf
Posted: 6/1/2009 4:51:31 PM

Bikiluf's Plot Bunny:

Luke from Rotj or slightly older goes back to the beginning of the Clone Wars (battle of Mustafar), has Yoda recognize him as his apprentice, fights in the clone wars, fails to point out Sidious (didn't recognize him without the wrinkles), fails to redeem Vader but succeeds in saving most of the younglings from the Jedi purge and fights the empire with the survivors of order 66.

Author: JT
Posted: 5/25/2009 4:16:04 PM

JT's Plot Bunny:

Inter-Trilogy. While in his exile on Tatooine, Obi-Wan comes across a young girl who is actually a manifest of the Force (though his doesn't know this) come to ease his guilt. She also helps him find his new name, so-to-speak. But fits with the OT. (if anyone likes, just a quick email would be kind, just to prove i'm not crazy for thinking this idea up. Thanks!)

Author: Avalon
Posted: 4/4/2009 11:18:15 PM

Avalon's Plot Bunny:

Scenario: Mace Windu, after fighting and defeating Sidious, does not randomly and ridiculously state that Sidious needs to be killed, but rather agrees with Anakin to imprison him and place him on trial.

Anakin, of course, does not randomly and pathetically bow to Sidious for no reason and suddenly give up everything Jedi, and instead, helps Windu contain Sidious.

If, perhaps, the entire third episode made a bit more sense, would Anakin still have fallen? Or would the Force be balanced out in a different way? You tell me.


Author: alot
Posted: 2/20/2009 9:21:39 PM

alot's Plot Bunny:

What if Indiana Jones was transported into Han's body shortly after the Battle of Endor, and Han went to Indy's body right before Crystal Skull?

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