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Plot Bunny Listing

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Viewing Plot Bunnies 631 to 635 of 635 Plot Bunnies
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Author: Menndo
Posted: 4/19/2001 4:41:12 PM

Menndo's Plot Bunny:

Jar jar becomes a Sith apprentice and hunts down Anakin and Obi-Wan to avenge Qui-Gon. Really! Think about it!!! With that tongue and the way he can already jump, he would be VERY dangerous...

Author: Talon Squad Leader  (signed)
Posted: 4/17/2001 11:06:40 PM

Talon Squad Leader's Plot Bunny:

An interesting concept would be to write a story, short story, or lengthened scene from a droid's point of view. Imagine: an X-wing duels with a TIE Fighter while defending a small Rebel convoy. We know what the pilot might be thinking, but what is that little R2 unit doing up there behind the cockpit?

Author: FernWithy  (signed)
Posted: 4/17/2001 10:13:35 PM

FernWithy's Plot Bunny:

How did Shmi Skywalker come to be enslaved, and where did she come from before it?

Author: FernWithy
Posted: 3/10/2001 7:40:07 PM

FernWithy's Plot Bunny:

What if Han had stayed in the Imperial navy, and wound up in Piett's position -- as a trusted aide to Vader?

Author: Mr. P
Posted: 3/10/2001 6:53:36 PM

Mr. P's Plot Bunny:

What if Amidala escaped from her prison camp (assumed) shortly after Ep. III and ran off to Tatooine, and tried to get Luke from Owen and Beru, and they wouldn't give him back? And what if, because they wouldn't of their own free will, she kidnapped him?

--Mr. P

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