Author: Renton Kenobi
Posted: 8/18/2001 11:58:02 PM
Renton Kenobi's Writing Tip:
Do not let others try and tell you how to portray a character. This is fanfiction. If you veiw a character in a certain light write them as you veiw them. Don't let those who say "they aren't that way," bother you. It's called a creative license.
Be truthful in your writing.
Author: LittleJedi
Posted: 8/16/2001 11:37:32 PM
LittleJedi's Writing Tip:
As a huge Star Wars fan, i've noticed that some things don't fit in the Star Wars Galaxy. Sex, for one. The closest thing to a sexual reference in any of the movies is that Luke and Leia are Amidala and Anakin's children... so we all know what must have gone on...
Another is swearing. Swear words from planet Earth don't fit (other than Damn). If your characters are going to swear, they tend to say more Star Wars things like: Holy Force, or Holy Sith, or 'Sithspit'. (the person who came up with that one was a genius.. heh heh heh). They wouldn't say things like "For God's sake..." or "For Pete's sake...", but rather something along the lines of "For the Emperor's sake...". I don't know, make them up. Be as creative as possible.
Another thing is references to places or things only found on planet Earth. For example, they don't speak ENGLISH (England is on Earth, remember) but speak BASIC. Make sure you don't have any of these mistakes in a story. People tend to put them in without thinking, so be extra careful. (and by the way, you can say "OK" (as long as it's spelt "okay") because it doesn't originate from "Oklahoma" but from "Orl Korrect", a humorous form of "All Correct".)
CHECK all spelling and grammar. Make sure you use the correct they're/their/there etc. Using the wrong ones is just plain sloppy and a pain to read. And don't stick apostrophes (') before the 's' in plurals. "'s" means that something belongs to that thing, and "s'" is when something belongs to more than one thing. "It's" is a contraction for "It is", and "its" is used when something belongs to 'it'. It's not that hard to remember. And if in doubt, get a dictionary.
And research every Star Wars aspect (like The Force) before you write about it.
Author: Rogue Leader
(signed) Posted: 8/7/2001 1:52:10 PM
Rogue Leader's Writing Tip:
How many times have you been driving along, or thinking about something, when a great idea (for a story) or concerning the one you're working on pops into your head? I know it's happened to me more times then I could count. It's a great feeling, but unfortunately, I've forgotten about it by the time I've gotten home. What do you do?
What I like to do after my initial outline of the story is take a long drive. On that drive, I bring my mini-tape recorder and I say anything that pops into my mind about the next scene in the chapter I'm working on. If I have an idea for dialogue or an emotional response by one of my characters, then I tell the recorder. Then, when I'm ready to start writing, I'll listen to that section on the tape. It helps me pull out things I like, and toss things I don't like. When I have a clearer direction in my mind about how to go, I put fingers to keyboard and I'm off.
Author: General Horn
Posted: 8/4/2001 12:15:04 AM
General Horn's Writing Tip:
I'm sure many of you, if not all of you, have experienced this at times when you are trying to think up creative and interesting ideas for the next part of your story.
You're sitting there, or standing, or lying down--whatever position you're usually in when doing your best thinking--thinking over all the parts of the story and the ideas you have down so far. You're waiting for that great idea to hit you, and suddenly, this really insane idea pops into your head. You think about it for a short moment, then reject it. It is just too far off for you to use, so you decide to toss it out and keep thinking.
But, I've found that pursuing that "insane" idea usually results in a better plot twist than I thought I would get. You have to take a second look at the idea, then weave your way through the plot of the story, creating paths that will make that idea possible and realistic. You have to make the connections, and keep asking yourself "What if...".
Sudden shifts in the story, the unexpectant, help make for a very interesting and captivating plot.
Next time you get that "insane" and "impossible" idea popping into your head, pursue it. See if you cannot turn it into the great plot twist you were looking for.
Author: Tahiri
(signed) Posted: 7/31/2001 7:54:54 PM
Tahiri's Writing Tip:
Mix genres. Put humor in a romance story. Put some adventure in you're drama tales. Multiple genres can play off each other really well, making the story enjoyable for more people. Also, imagine your character as best as you can. Use some one from real life, a friend, a celebrity, anybody, to give yourself a mental image of the character. You wont over describe as much if you know for sure what a character looks like
Author: Arica
Posted: 7/25/2001 11:43:02 PM
Arica's Writing Tip:
Don't forget that things don't just happen because the all-powerful author wants it too. If you're going to write an AU where something changes, give a REASON for the change. Okay, you don't *always* have to, but it's sometimes interesting to read a fanfic and say "Oh! **That's** why Padme lived!" On the other hand, sometimes the mystery is more fun.
Author: yodasdream
Posted: 7/25/2001 7:29:19 PM
yodasdream's Writing Tip:
When writing Mara & Luke fanfic:
Remember: Mara is Mara. It doesn't matter if she has admitted her feelings about Luke - she will never EVER become some sort of driviling, lovestruck, sappy teenager. She's too practical than that. I've read too many fanfics that start with a great interaction between the two and then have it degenerate to outlandish declarations of everlasting love. Keep her character - that's why we love her!
PS Is it just me or has NJO just butchered her character? *sigh*
Author: Luke_and_Mara_4ever
(signed) Posted: 7/18/2001 2:32:03 PM
Luke_and_Mara_4ever's Writing Tip:
If you get stuck, write down questions and answers. It'll help you get an idea of what you're looking for. For example:
Could the villian be Palpatine? --No, he's too creepy. The villian needs to be someone more normal.
Could the villian be a smuggler? --No, he/she needs to be someone who can move around easily in public, without having to worry about the police.
An ex-Imperial? --Maybe, but I can do better than that. It needs to be someone the main characters would trust.
An old friend from back home? --Perfect.
Why would an old friend be the bad guy? --He/She felt bad about getting left behind and decided to get revenge...
Acutally, in writing that as an example, I just got a story idea! :-) Be specific about your answers. If something doesn't work, write why it doesn't work. And writing it out is important. You think things through more clearly if you write them.
Author: Kalor Voe
Posted: 7/9/2001 5:28:54 PM
Kalor Voe's Writing Tip:
I find it helpful to base some characters on real people, and constantly ask myself "how would THEY react?". It stops all my characters thinking the same.
Another way to accomplish this is to take part in some SW role playing (not with game players who just want to shoot stuff- REAL role playing). It can generate some very unexpected characters and dramatic situations.
Author: Loka Hask
(signed) Posted: 7/6/2001 1:08:19 AM
Loka Hask's Writing Tip:
My writing/English teacher tells me the same thing every time he reads my stuff.
"Write what you know, Andrew. Readers are convinced when the experiences are described perfectly. Don't guess. You wouldn't tell someone what mint tasted like if you had never tried it before. If you did, they would laugh, and you would be sh*t out of luck, wouldn't you?"
Author: Funky Jedi Girl
(signed) Posted: 6/29/2001 9:07:59 AM
Funky Jedi Girl's Writing Tip:
As my dad has so wisely imparted to me before, "think outside the envelpoe." In other words don't follow the beaten path, be original. The more 'way out there' the idea is often the more entertaining the story is.
Author: Casper_Knightshade
Posted: 6/28/2001 1:06:37 PM
Casper_Knightshade's Writing Tip:
Click on my name here for real email address.
One more thing. Never be afraid to express anything in your writings. Don't hold back unless you are not ready to write it. Violence, language, situations, etc. do happen in real life and SW is not immune to it. Never be afraid of expression. If you limit yourself, you limit your life.
Author: Casper_Knightshade
Posted: 6/28/2001 12:59:28 PM
Casper_Knightshade's Writing Tip:
Never be afraid to explore a story idea not been touched before, especially when dealing with the genre of Star Wars. Sure anyone can write an SW story, but that is the problem: ANYONE CAN! As an author, I demand myself to be challenged. And therefore I go out and try my hardest to do something different in subject matter, or take what all ready exist to the next level. And more importantly, TRY AND BE ORIGINAL.
Subject Matter: Nothing is really out of bounds. But how you write it does. It's not a question about will it be offensive or leud, but does it fit with the natural flow of words in the story. If a story is an all out comedy, but you put in a very high powered tear jerker moment in it, then you better make sure that something is written before that to explain why it had to be written. Otherwise, in any case, you will lose your readers.
Take What Exist To the Next Level: My favorite thing to do with SW. Thanks to the movies and book we can get a feel for the characters, events, organizations, etc. We can take that information, explore and examine it, and then come to conclusions and create even more from it. A good example of this is when Yoda and Luke are talking in ESB outside the cave, in which Luke ask, "What's in there?" and Yoda says, "Only what you take with you.". Now, everyone can assume that meant what Luke physically took with him(His weapons). But upon further examination, I concluded that also meant whatever questions he had in his mind. Doubts, random thoughts, emotions and feelings: Let's face it Luke took those in with him along with his weapons. I imagined Luke asking:
Was Father ever on Dagobah?
Who really is Darth Vader?
Will I defeat him?
I mean there was probably million of questions in Luke's mind and the cave responded to them with the vision of Darth Vader. But more importantly, something like that, expressed in a story, is taking it to the next level of story telling. I do it in my fan fic novel "The Dark Hope" and I got great positive responses.
TRY AND BE ORIGINAL: This is hard, for we are borrowing a strong premise that is SW and writing a story that relies on it. I think that is why many write Alternate Universe stories; you have a little more freedom creatively when you don't have to worry about making a character than developing them. But that is the beauty of writing: the challenge. The effort you put in trying to be original will show as you write and reader will see that and appreciate it. I put a lot of brain into "The Dark Hope" with the characters I created and than focused on their developement as the story progressed and found that my efforts showed and readers loved it. So much so that many of them want me to write spin off stories about the characters because of it, and there you can do so much more and not worry about having the spin off stories effect your main story. Yes, if you read TDH you will find familiar names like Palpatine, Yoda and Valorum, but like I said we are borrowing from an established premise, and therefore we ATTEMPT to make things original. I guarantee that you will draw readers out of the wood work with the effort.
I hope I have helped at least one person that reads this advice today. Just remember; above all, we are all the novice.
Author: The Prophet
Posted: 6/24/2001 9:07:09 PM
The Prophet's Writing Tip:
Having been writing for the last decade and then some I have picked up many things. Taking the plunge into fanfiction I have but three pointers
1) When writing scenes where emotions ride high such as scenes of vast beauty (Coruscant at night for example) try to envision the first time you saw something that was truly breathtaking and then harness the emotions that you experienced and write while they are in your mind. Your feelings will be conveyed and will spark those same feelings in the minds of your readers. It's a way of connecting and it gives the reader true insight on what you were trying to say...
2) Fight scenes for Star Wars are easily written when music is involved. Not just for emotion. "The Duel of the Fates" is probably the most often used music. (If you don't know why, buy the TPM soundtrack and listen for yourself) That selection is fine but what if the fight was more than just a battle? What if it meant something more? My best advice is to search the other Star Wars Soundtracks for music. ROTJ is really good. But don't limit yourself to just Star Wars, there were many movies made in the early eighties and even in the nineties that will supply the listener with much inspiration. Besides fight scenes based off of "The Duel of the Fates" seem to read the same. Being unique is key...
3) Lastly, try to keep descriptions down to a few words but those words need to convey all of the description necessary. For instance, I could say that "Mara Jade was as beautiful as the Corellian sunrise with hair the color of fire and eyes that seemed to be the mold to cast the finest emeralds." Sounds heavenly but I could also say that, "The woman known as Mara Jade stepped from the landing ramp. Luke smiled and said, "Wow." That's all that's needed. We all know what Mara looks like and we know she's hot but all that is needed to be said can be said in one word.
Be true to yourself and your characters, they are your creations and yours alone. Good luck in all future projects.
Author: The Musical Jedi
(signed) Posted: 6/23/2001 11:04:58 AM
The Musical Jedi's Writing Tip:
Try to envision the scene you're writing, especially if it's something very physical, like a fight. I've found it very helpful to imagine the characters doing the things I'm trying to describe... then putting into words what I see.
Author: Janos Kadar
Posted: 6/11/2001 6:49:06 PM
Janos Kadar's Writing Tip:
Try not to use very stilted language. Write to describe the way you feel it should be, not the way other authors write, using pages and pages to describe a BATHROOM!!! Seriously, I've read some like that before. If there's one thing that bugs me about fanfic is way too stilted language and over-descriptions. People often try to use overly dramatic descriptions of things; it's like overkill. Try not to include unimportant details. Example, don't: "Luke woke up at sunrise, putting on his maroon slippers and started his stretching excercises...he stepped eleven paces to the right and walked into the Moen shower and vaguely thought about what he should eat for breakfast..." Unless part of your plot involved Luke being attacked by his Moen showerhead in cahoots with his maroon slippers, don't do this.
Author: Lord Bane
(signed) Posted: 6/10/2001 4:38:12 PM
Lord Bane's Writing Tip:
Do not limit your language. If you think a character should say something offensive (or would say, in real life) by all means put it in.
Such as: Racial slurs (make em up) Swearing Sexual innuendos Violence - if a character is going to gut another character and then describe it, don't be bashful. The killer wouldn't be.
Etc etc etc...
Writers cannot affort to be wusses with their characters.
Author: Corran Horn
Posted: 5/31/2001 7:57:15 AM
Corran Horn's Writing Tip:
Don't write JUST Star Wars. Write other things too, if you like sci-fi, write a sci-fi story that doesn't relate to SW. Write newspaper articles, Reviews, poems, everything. Like sports, the more you practice, the better you'll be.
Author: TheCommish
(signed) Posted: 5/20/2001 10:55:05 AM
TheCommish's Writing Tip:
When you want to make a fan-fic, it's helpful to get a good idea in your head first, then develop it. Get a good feel for the character's personas, their fates, their hopes, etc. Develop their story to the end, and then keep it in your mind.
But, never relinquish control of your idea to others. It's your fiction, you have control of the characters. It's nice and great to take other's input, but don't let them control your story.
Do that, post your story, and the scenes will nearly write themselves.
Author: Carrie
Posted: 5/18/2001 1:08:57 AM
Carrie's Writing Tip:
When you're writing a character from the movies, try to "hear" the actor saying the line. I've found it particularly useful when writing Han Solo - you've no idea how many lines I've had to throw out because I just could not get them to come out of Harrison Ford's mouth!
Author: DarkATX
Posted: 5/10/2001 7:43:22 PM
DarkATX's Writing Tip:
Research goes a long way especially something as deep as the Star Wars Universe. Get it right the first time or you'll end up having others (most probably your readers) point out your continuity errors. Also, it's boring to have your characters not get bumps and bruises along the way. It always nice to read about a character with a slight stutter when excited or possibly another twisting his/her ankle when running from time to time. :)
Author: Liz Skywalker
(signed) Posted: 5/6/2001 11:55:49 AM
Liz Skywalker's Writing Tip:
Always make sure not to give two minor/major characters nearly the same name (EX: Calis, Calin. Cole, Colin. Luke, Lune). Double no-no: have them in a scene together. It's plain confusing.
Author: Herman Snerd
(signed) Posted: 4/27/2001 5:51:58 PM
Herman Snerd's Writing Tip:
When writing, do your best to eliminate outside distractions. Turn off the television, send the kids to bed, kick the spouse out of the room and just write. If the real world is making you tense, those creative juices might just refuse to flow.
Once you get started, don't get bogged down by details. If you can't decide what planet a character comes from, let it go for the moment. That's what a second and third read through is for. Just relax, stay in the mood, and keep writing.
Now if you can't get relaxed, you can do what I do. Pop in a classical music CD and just listen for a few minutes. I've written many a chapter with Beethoven playing in the background.
Remember, we're doing this writing for our own enjoyment. If the writing starts to feel like work, perhaps you should take a break and return to it when you feel refreshed.
Author: Clarus
Posted: 4/26/2001 7:29:06 AM
Clarus's Writing Tip:
When you write dialogue, say it out loud. This can help you catch weird phrasings and things that might be out of character. Remember that there are pauses in a normal person's speech pattern.
Author: Lord Bane
(signed) Posted: 4/22/2001 6:18:06 PM
Lord Bane's Writing Tip:
It is often suggested to go into the writing with NO plotline, NO idea and only character names. This is the way I write (and I have read, Stephen King does something similar). Make a few characters and let them surprise you as well as the reader.
Don't let a plot stop you from doing a scene or taking a story where you want it to go. Be freeform with your writing; it'll take you great places.
Author: Luke_and_Mara_4ever
(signed) Posted: 4/20/2001 3:46:34 PM
Luke_and_Mara_4ever's Writing Tip:
It helps if you bounce ideas off family members before you start writing--that's sure helped me!
Author: Krytos
(signed) Posted: 4/19/2001 11:31:36 PM
Krytos's Writing Tip:
This may seem like going a wee bit far, but become the character you are writing about. Feel, see, taste, sense everything that you write your character is doing. It reflects on the story a lot and helps bring it that human side to it, not just a hollow character.
Author: Fett
Posted: 4/18/2001 6:40:38 AM
Fett's Writing Tip:
Firstly, I think it helps if you post on the boards at TFN. That way you can get feedback as you post each part of your story. Also I think it is easier to write a lot of short posts to make a large story than a whole large story at once.
In the context of the above, I find it helpful if you lay out an outline of your story before you write it up. Just a brief outline so that you know exactly what each one of your posts will be focusing on. Then you can make changes to your outline as necessary. This helps avoid coming to situations from which you can find no path to continue.
Author: Talon Squad Leader
(signed) Posted: 4/17/2001 10:54:13 PM
Talon Squad Leader's Writing Tip:
For group fiction, communication is key. Create e-mail lists or other common ways of getting ideas and other plots across. Some of the writers in your group may misunderstand a plot from time to time, but you can prevent this by keeping all lines of communication open. Don't hesitate to express your feelings about someone's ideas or writing. Be constructive and help the author improve on his or her writing, so that your group fiction will improve over time. It is also helpful to have some requirements for posting in large group fictions. Some groups find it easy to require that members keep in touch in some way, so that everyone knows what is going on with the characters in the story. Remember group fiction is a very adaptable way to write; you can have small groups of four or five to large groups of more than 30. Make it fun and never hesitate to try new ideas to keep you and the other writers interested in the story.
Author: Vee
(signed) Posted: 4/4/2001 6:38:55 PM
Vee's Writing Tip:
Take the character's history into careful consideration when writing dialogue. A highly-educated person will not spout rough slang without a very good reason; likewise, a roughed-up smuggler will only sound like a professor if he's doing an impression of one.
Author: Mr. P
(signed) Posted: 4/4/2001 7:11:47 AM
Mr. P's Writing Tip:
Do a lot of reading. A *lot*. When you read, you pick up writing techniques from the author(s), and also perhaps metaphors and similes that you might use. It also gives you a better sense for writing, and as a matter of fact (at least, this is what I've noticed), my writing has made me a *much* better reader than I was before.
I suppose they complement each other.
--Mr. P
Author: FernWithy
(signed) Posted: 3/27/2001 8:20:23 PM
FernWithy's Writing Tip:
Use all your senses, not just hearing and eyesight, when you're bringing your settings to life. Give a sense of what things feel like, smell like, and taste like as you write. This isn't just set dressing; it can be used to come up with some new and fresh observations and metaphors.
Author: Anakin's Angel
(signed) Posted: 3/22/2001 1:32:31 PM
Anakin's Angel's Writing Tip:
This one may seem like an "oh, duh!" but here it is: NEVER write without using a spell-checker! Spelling mistakes often drag the reader right back into the real-world, when you want them immersed in your story!