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List of Beta-Readers

NOTE : If a reviewer beta-reads a fan fiction, that reviewer cannot review that fan fiction if it ever gets submitted.

NOTE : If you are looking for a beta-reader for your fan fiction, you can simply e-mail the Beta-Readers Email List (, and it will be sent to 50+ beta-readers, who can contact you about the possibility of doing a beta-reading (if they are interested in doing it). One does not have to be registered or subscribed to the mailing list in order to send mail to it.

The beta reader mailing list is for requests only. DO NOT use it to distribute your story.

Viewing Beta-Readers 241 to 250 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Padmé Amidala

Preferred Genres :
Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Missing Scene; Romance; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
I'm not too picky, but trying to get me to read slashes or Obidalas is a bad idea. In fact, so is any story that pairs Obi-Wan with someone. Sorry, but I just can't enjoy reading those genres. I'd tend to shy away from all adventure or action stories unless they have some kind of hidden romance or drama.

Comments :
I am a hopeless romantic, so any romance that isn't slash or Obi-Wan oriented is welcome. I loooooove Vader introspections and any HL, LM, JTK, AniPadme or J/J that you can throw at me. Missing scenes are great too. I prefer to beta stuff for more sophisticated problems than spelling and sentence structure, so if that's all you want, please don't ask for my help. I read and write for the big picture, for plot, characterization, imagery, and feeling. I like to put my comments in the story, (Preferably as a Word doc), so if you're sending me your story, please send it double spaced so I have room. Also, when you contact me please let me know when (Approximately) you'd like to have your story back and beta-ed. I'm pretty busy this summer, and I don't want to keep you waiting forever. I'd love to read everyone's fics, but sometimes I just don't have time. *Glum face* Sorry. Take what I have with a grain of salt, and contact me if you need something beta-ed. May the Force be with you. *grins all over*
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Darth Sidious; Darth Vader; Ferus Olin; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn; Xanatos

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Romance

Limits :
jademancer has not input any limits. This does not mean that jademancer has none.

Comments :
jademancer has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; Grammar; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Boba Fett; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Vader; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Mace Windu; Palpatine; Plo Koon; Qui-Gon Jinn; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Angst; Drama; Jedi Philosophy; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy; Star Wars Historical; Vignette

Limits :
Generally, I'm a pretty open person. I have preferences, but I'll be happy to read just about anything that catches my fancy.

Comments :
I'm a simple dude with a love for Star Wars and a love for anything creatively written. I'm a writer myself, and if I can help anybody out in any possible way, I will.
Beta-Reading Services :
jadesaber86 has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
jadesaber86 has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
jadesaber86 has not selected any genres

Limits :
jadesaber86 has not input any limits. This does not mean that jadesaber86 has none.

Comments :
jadesaber86 has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Bail Organa; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; C-3PO; Carlist Rieekan; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Depa Billaba; Garm Bel Iblis; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Kam Solusar; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Pash Cracken; Plo Koon; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Siri Tachi; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Xanatos; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zam Wesell

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Romance; Script; Squadron; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
No smut/slash (the mental image of beloved Star Wars characters doing the naked pretzel is not a pleasant one), no Ani/Ami/Obi love triangles (because it's just not supposed to be that way). Swearing is fine (because I do it a LOT).

Comments :
JadeSolo is a college student who worships Mara Jade and Han Solo (hence the alias). She is hopelessly addicted to fanfic and is very...slowly...working on her own stories instead of concentrating on less important things (like classes). She shamelessly considers herself the Queen of Grammar (years of Latin will do that), and she usually thinks more in terms of character than plot. Sometimes she thinks of life as one big story. Obi-Wan and Rouge Squadron stories tend to be her favorites, but she likes almost everything. Place the emphasis on "almost." :-) But whatever you have, please throw it at her, especially if the characters are twisted and the story is dark, because she'd love to read it. After all, it's very likely that she'd rather be beta-reading than doing homework. --JadeSolo
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Ben Skywalker; Callista Ming; Chewbacca; Cilghal; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Darth Vader; Formbi; Gariel Captison; Garm Bel Iblis; Gavin Darklighter; Han Solo; Iella Wessiri; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Kam Solusar; Kyp Durron; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Lomi Plo; Lowbacca; Luke Skywalker; Lumiya; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Mirax Terrik; Myri Antilles; Nom Anor; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Onimi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Prince Xizor; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Raynar Thul; Saba Sebatyne; Shada D'ukal; Shawnkyr Nuruodo; Shimrra; Siri Tachi; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Tahiri Veila; Talon Karrde; Tenel Ka; Tesar Sebatyne; Tycho Celchu; Valin Horn; Vergere; Viqi Shesh; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Winter; Xanatos; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zam Wesell; Zekk

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Missing Scene; Poems; Romance; Star Wars Historical; Vignette

Limits :
JadeTakashi has not input any limits. This does not mean that JadeTakashi has none.

Comments :
I'll read anything about anything. I love reading and writing. Hit me up whenever you need a reader.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Corran Horn; Gavin Darklighter; Han Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Angst; Drama; Missing Scene; Romance; Squadron; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
no pre ep4 stuff...

Comments :
i really really really like Jag/Jaina and wes/inyri fan fiction.. so i will be definatly no matter what be willing to beta that for anyone! or luke/mara
Beta-Reading Services :
JainaSolo has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
JainaSolo has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
JainaSolo has not selected any genres

Limits :
JainaSolo has not input any limits. This does not mean that JainaSolo has none.

Comments :
JainaSolo has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Boba Fett; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Han Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Prince Xizor; Qui-Gon Jinn; Xanatos

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Missing Scene; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
jango has not input any limits. This does not mean that jango has none.

Comments :
jango has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Admiral Ackbar; Admiral Daala; Admiral Ozzel; Admiral Piett; Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Aurra Sing; Bail Organa; Beru Whitesun-Lars; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; Borsk Fey'lya; Boss Nass; Bria Tharen; C-3PO; Callista Ming; Camie; Captain Tarpals; Captain Typho; Carlist Rieekan; Chewbacca; Cliegg Lars; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Crix Madine; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Dengar; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Even Piell; Finis Valorum; Gardulla the Hutt; Gariel Captison; Garm Bel Iblis; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Guri; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jabba the Hutt; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Jango Fett; Jar-Jar Binks; Jocasta Nu; Kam Solusar; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Kitster; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Lama Su; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Mirax Terrik; Mon Mothma; Naberrie family; Nom Anor; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Oppo Rancisis; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Panaka; Pash Cracken; Plo Koon; Prince Xizor; Queen Jamillia; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Saesee Tiin; Shmi Skywalker; Sio Bibble; Siri Tachi; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Tahiri Veila; Talon Karrde; Taun We; Watto; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Xanatos; Yaddle; Yarael Poof; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zam Wesell; Zuckuss

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Poems; Sith Philosophy; Squadron; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
NO ROMANCE! I like alternate endings. Basicly anything but no romance. Bounty hunters are extra cool. Don't be too dependant on me.

Comments :
Go Red Hot Chili Peppers! I am a bigza fan of star wars.
Viewing Beta-Readers 241 to 250 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Descriptions of Beta-Reader Services

Characterization :

General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge :

General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge :

Grammar :

Pacing and Narrative :

Plot :

Proofreading :

Sentence Structure :

Writing Style :

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