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List of Beta-Readers

NOTE : If a reviewer beta-reads a fan fiction, that reviewer cannot review that fan fiction if it ever gets submitted.

NOTE : If you are looking for a beta-reader for your fan fiction, you can simply e-mail the Beta-Readers Email List (, and it will be sent to 50+ beta-readers, who can contact you about the possibility of doing a beta-reading (if they are interested in doing it). One does not have to be registered or subscribed to the mailing list in order to send mail to it.

The beta reader mailing list is for requests only. DO NOT use it to distribute your story.

Viewing Beta-Readers 81 to 90 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Beta-Reading Services :
Cailet has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
Cailet has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
Cailet has not selected any genres

Limits :
Cailet has not input any limits. This does not mean that Cailet has none.

Comments :
Cailet has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Qui-Gon Jinn; Sabé

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Apprentice

Limits :
I will not beta-read anything from the end of ROTJ on. I have not read the EU for the OT characters, and that makes me uncomforable trying to beta-read fanfic from that time-period.

Comments :
I read voraciously and am online frequently. If you need something checked quickly and efficiently, I am your gal.
Caliburn of Avalon
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Asajj Ventress; Bastila Shan; Boba Fett; Cade Skywalker; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Jango Fett; Kit Fisto; Kyle Katarn; Leia Organa Solo; Mace Windu; Malak; Palpatine; Plo Koon; R2-D2; Revan; The Exile

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Poems; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
I will not read stories entrenched in extended universe references. I will not read stories with extreme or constant romantic overtones, though I can stand romance as a part of the story. I will read, but tire quickly of, redundant stories (e.g. clone of so-and-so, son/daughter of so-and-so, etc.).

Comments :
I am a fairly harsh critic, admittedly. But I will not flame, I will not tear something down because I do not like it or because I don't agree with it. I will offer ideas on what I think needs to be fixed, edited, corrected, or added. I will read your story beginning to end and offer constructive criticism as well as praise. I prefer well-written stories that neither talk down to nor talk up to the readers. Talk to them on their own level. I enjoy stories, most particularly, that use all original characters. I also highly enjoy stories centering on the Jedi Exile (of Knights of the Old Republic II). My notes and comments are long, but thorough. If you want a complete, thorough, honest, and straight-forward comment then come to me. Just don't flame me if I trash your baby. As for my life in general (and all the rest, as the prompt states), I am a guessing game. Take a guess and I might tell you if you're close.
Beta-Reading Services :
Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Darth Maul; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Leia Organa Solo; Mara Jade; Obi-Wan Kenobi; R2-D2; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Humour; Romance; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
Calypso has not input any limits. This does not mean that Calypso has none.

Comments :
I'm fairly new to beta reading but what I've done so far I have loved.
Beta-Reading Services :
camurso_ has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
camurso_ has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
camurso_ has not selected any genres

Limits :
camurso_ has not input any limits. This does not mean that camurso_ has none.

Comments :
camurso_ has not input any comments
Captain Niarc
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Admiral Ackbar; Admiral Daala; Admiral Ozzel; Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Asajj Ventress; Biggs Darklighter; C-3PO; Darth Vader; Guri; Kyle Katarn; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Prince Xizor; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
; ; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Poems; Political Intrigue; Romance; Script; Sith Philosophy; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
Captain Niarc has not input any limits. This does not mean that Captain Niarc has none.

Comments :
Captain Niarc has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
Carithlee has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
Carithlee has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
Carithlee has not selected any genres

Limits :
Carithlee has not input any limits. This does not mean that Carithlee has none.

Comments :
Carithlee has not input any comments
Beta-Reading Services :
General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Proofreading; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Alema Rar; Allana; Anakin Solo; Ben Skywalker; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; Booster Terrik; Borsk Fey'lya; C-3PO; Chewbacca; Cilghal; Corran Horn; Darth Sidious; Darth Vader; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo; Jysella Horn; Kam Solusar; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Lowbacca; Luke Skywalker; Lumiya; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Mon Mothma; Myri Antilles; Nen Yim; Nom Anor; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; R2-D2; Raynar Thul; Siri Tachi; Tahiri Veila; Talon Karrde; Tenel Ka; Tycho Celchu; Vergere; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Winter; Yoda; Zekk

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Missing Scene; Poems; Romance; Script; Star Wars Historical; Vignette

Limits :
CassaSoloDaughterOfA has not input any limits. This does not mean that CassaSoloDaughterOfA has none.

Comments :
I'm willing to beta anything, no matter what plot, combination of characters, or time line you choose. Once I receive it I will start to examine and work, and you'll get it ASAP.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Beru Whitesun-Lars; C-3PO; Captain Typho; Cliegg Lars; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Dormé; Finis Valorum; Handmaidens; Jar-Jar Binks; Kitster; Mace Windu; Naberrie family; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Panaka; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Shmi Skywalker; Sio Bibble; Watto; Xanatos; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Missing Scene

Limits :
No limits, really

Comments :
I'll read pretty much anything listed above. If I receive something that I just don't feel right about reading, I'll tell you. But as of right now, I have no problems reading any of the above mentioned things. I am good at proofreading and will give my comments and ideas. Constructive criticism and the like. I will also try to get them back to you as soon as I can.
Celeste Jade Skywalker
Beta-Reading Services :
General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Biggs Darklighter; Corran Horn; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Han Solo; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Kam Solusar; Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Mirax Terrik; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Prince Xizor; Qui-Gon Jinn; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles

Preferred Genres :
; ; Alternate Universe; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Missing Scene; Romance; Squadron; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
I don't perticulary care for anything too Imperial or Sith. I love the good guys and Romance especially. One of the only imperials I like is Thrawn.

Comments :
I'm a somewhat eccentric person and my mom was an English major, so I grew up learning proper English. I'm good at finding spelling errors and stuff like that. I also know a lot about Star Wars.
Viewing Beta-Readers 81 to 90 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Descriptions of Beta-Reader Services

Characterization :

General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge :

General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge :

Grammar :

Pacing and Narrative :

Plot :

Proofreading :

Sentence Structure :

Writing Style :

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