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List of Beta-Readers

NOTE : If a reviewer beta-reads a fan fiction, that reviewer cannot review that fan fiction if it ever gets submitted.

NOTE : If you are looking for a beta-reader for your fan fiction, you can simply e-mail the Beta-Readers Email List (, and it will be sent to 50+ beta-readers, who can contact you about the possibility of doing a beta-reading (if they are interested in doing it). One does not have to be registered or subscribed to the mailing list in order to send mail to it.

The beta reader mailing list is for requests only. DO NOT use it to distribute your story.

Viewing Beta-Readers 11 to 20 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Boba Fett; Bria Tharen; Camie; Chewbacca; Corran Horn; Darth Vader; Dengar; Gavin Darklighter; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Guri; Han Solo; Jabba the Hutt; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Mon Mothma; Nom Anor; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Prince Xizor; R2-D2; Soontir Fel; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles; Wes Janson; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zam Wesell; Zuckuss

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
I'm not a fan of, nor will I read any Ani/Padmé stories. I have no problem with Prequel stuff, but there's better stuff to write about than just Anikin and Padmé. That's just my loud mouthed oppinion, but it's the only limit I'll put on my beta-reading. I'm not a big fan of alternate universe, but as long as you give me a heads up on what's been changed, I'll still be glad to read it (especially if you bring chewie back ;))

Comments :
I tend to make corrections in red and then send you a new file. From there I let you decide what you want to keep and toss. I can find 90% of grammar and puncuation errors, but if you need a hard-core grammar and punctuation check, I'm not the man for the job. Other than that, send it my way and I'll get it BETA-ed for you ASAP
Beta-Reading Services :
General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge

Preferred Characters :
Anakin Skywalker; Boba Fett; Chewbacca; Darth Maul; Darth Vader; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Han Solo; Jango Fett; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Palpatine; Talon Karrde; Wedge Antilles; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
; ; Adventure; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Political Intrigue; Sith Philosophy; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
I don't really like Anakin/Padme stories. Now I will read them if those two are involved in the story, I just don't like stories that are completely about them.

Comments :
As of now I have written several stories, but unfortunately they have yet to be accepted. Hopefully you all can look forward to reading; A Solo Hunt, The Face of the Enemy, The Art of War, and On the Verge of Conquest
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s)

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Missing Scene

Limits :
al3x3691 has not input any limits. This does not mean that al3x3691 has none.

Comments :
I've written fanfiction before, but my knowledge of the Star Wars universe is limited to the movies and the Force Unleashed. I'm working on absorbing more info, but there's a lot of fiction out there on the Star Wars universe...I'm an AP Literature student, so I'm good with technical stuff, and I'm big on action sequences, mainly influenced by the writing styles of R.A. Salvatore. I know that name is practically taboo to speak here since he killed Chewbacca, but his Forgotten Realms series has fabulously narrated fight scenes. You want advice on technicalities or combat sequences, I'm your man.
Alexis Steele
Beta-Reading Services :
Alexis Steele has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
Alexis Steele has not selected any characters

Preferred Genres :
Alexis Steele has not selected any genres

Limits :
Alexis Steele has not input any limits. This does not mean that Alexis Steele has none.

Comments :
Alexis Steele has not input any comments
Aliit Vodeson
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Pacing and Narrative; Plot

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Boba Fett; Cody (CC-2224); Jango Fett; Mirta Gev; Rex (CC-7567); Scout

Preferred Genres :
Alternate Universe; Humour; Missing Scene; Poems; Sith Philosophy

Limits :
Total Romances. I will read stories that have romance in them, but please don't send me any that are straight mushy-gushy scenes.

Comments :
I'm more of a plot and character critic. I will point out grammar and spelling mistakes, but they are not the first thing I look for when reading. I'm a big Mandalorian fan, so anything about the clones, the Fett family or Mandos in general, I will happily read right away.
Alley Skywalker
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Plot

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Skywalker; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn; Xanatos

Preferred Genres :
; ; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Poems; Romance; Vignette

Limits :
No Post-ROTJ unless it doesn't tie into the Post-ROTJ EU whatsoever. Very limited experience as to the OT or IT. No A/P or Obi/Qui in large portions. Look at the character list above...With the exception of Ferus, Darra, and Tahl (who i don't think are listed in the character choice list) I probably will not read it if its not centered around one (or more) of the listed characters. No knowledge of KOTOR characters or events. Very picky as to what Obi-centric story I will or will not read.

Comments :
If you've got an Obi/Ani fic (gen or slash, G or R) send it my way!
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; Plot; Proofreading; Sentence Structure; Writing Style

Preferred Characters :
Adi Gallia; Anakin Skywalker; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Depa Billaba; Handmaidens; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Qui-Gon Jinn; Xanatos; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
; Adventure; Alternate Universe; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Apprentice; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Romance

Limits :
No character death of Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan/Yoda. No graphic torture or extreme BDSM. No Ghost!/Blue!Qui-Gon. No Ani/Ami in large doses (as a sub-story is fine). I shot Jar Jar (so please don't send me any Binks stories.)

Comments :
I read, I write, I conquer. Umm, no? Okay, I prefer stories set before or after Episode One (but before Obi-Wan gets all wrinkly), featuring Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. But that doesn't mean I won't read anything else. Just ask. I don't care if it's Het or Slash, PG-13 or NC-17. Just remember my limits and everything will be okay! I also love commas and I am the Queen of Long Sentences.
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Grammar; Pacing and Narrative; Proofreading; Sentence Structure

Preferred Characters :
Adi Gallia; Admiral Ackbar; Admiral Ozzel; Admiral Piett; Anakin Skywalker; Anakin Solo; Aurra Sing; Bail Organa; Beru Whitesun-Lars; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; Boss Nass; C-3PO; Captain Tarpals; Captain Typho; Chewbacca; Cliegg Lars; Count Dooku; Darth Maul; Darth Vader; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Even Piell; Finis Valorum; Gardulla the Hutt; Grand Moff Tarkin; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jabba the Hutt; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Jango Fett; Jar-Jar Binks; Jocasta Nu; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kit Fisto; Kitster; Lama Su; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Mon Mothma; Naberrie family; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Oppo Rancisis; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Palpatine; Panaka; Plo Koon; Queen Jamillia; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Saesee Tiin; Shmi Skywalker; Sio Bibble; Taun We; Watto; Wedge Antilles; Yaddle; Yarael Poof; Yoda; Zam Wesell

Preferred Genres :
; ; Adventure; Angst; Drama; Humour; Jedi Academy; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Jedi Quest; Missing Scene; Political Intrigue; Romance; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; Vignette; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
Don't kill too many original characters

Comments :
Almarsáre has not input any comments
Alphonso The Blade
Beta-Reading Services :
Characterization; General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge; General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge; Pacing and Narrative; Plot; Proofreading

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Adi Gallia; Admiral Ackbar; Admiral Daala; Admiral Ozzel; Admiral Piett; Aurra Sing; Bail Organa; Biggs Darklighter; Boba Fett; Borsk Fey'lya; Boss Nass; Captain Tarpals; Carlist Rieekan; Chewbacca; Corran Horn; Count Dooku; Crix Madine; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Dengar; Even Piell; Finis Valorum; Gardulla the Hutt; Garm Bel Iblis; Grand Admiral Thrawn; Grand Moff Tarkin; Guri; Han Solo; Jabba the Hutt; Jango Fett; Ki-Adi-Mundi; Kyle Katarn; Kyp Durron; Lando Calrissian; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mara Jade; Maximilian Veers; Mirax Terrik; Mon Mothma; Nute Gunray; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Palpatine; Panaka; Pash Cracken; Plo Koon; Prince Xizor; Qui-Gon Jinn; R2-D2; Sabé; Saesee Tiin; Sio Bibble; Siri Tachi; Soontir Fel; Syal Antilles; Talon Karrde; Watto; Wedge Antilles; Yoda; Ysanne Isard; Zuckuss

Preferred Genres :
Adventure; Alternate Universe; Humour; Jedi Quest; Script; Squadron; Star Wars Historical; X-Wing (Rogues); X-Wing (Wraiths)

Limits :
I don't want to many lovie-dovie stories or any handmaidens or romances and stuff like that.

Comments :
I loke the old school stuff mostly but I have an open mind. I will pretty much give anything a go. If I start getting to much of what I think is crap then I will change my preferences accordingly
Beta-Reading Services :
Alybrylla has not selected any beta-reader services

Preferred Characters :
_Original character(s); Anakin Solo; Beru Whitesun-Lars; Depa Billaba; Dormé; Han Solo; Handmaidens; Jacen Solo; Jaina Solo; Jar-Jar Binks; Leia Organa Solo; Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade; Naberrie family; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Owen Lars; Padmé Amidala; Queen Jamillia; Qui-Gon Jinn; Sabé; Tahiri Veila; Yarael Poof; Yoda

Preferred Genres :
Alternate Universe; Humour; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy; Romance; X-Wing (Rogues)

Limits :
not too many limits, but please don't kill off many of the good main characters (and that includes Jar Jar) But absolutely NO NJO!!! I have not read those books yet, and I want to avoid any *more* spoilers, even though the two biggest things I already know about by accident :( I've read some of the X-Wing Series, but if your fic takes place after The Krytos Trap I won't have a clue as to what's going on ;)

Comments :
Other preferred characters are Zekk and Tenel Ka.
Viewing Beta-Readers 11 to 20 of 633 Beta-Readers
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Descriptions of Beta-Reader Services

Characterization :

General Star Wars (Expanded Universe) Knowledge :

General Star Wars (Movies) Knowledge :

Grammar :

Pacing and Narrative :

Plot :

Proofreading :

Sentence Structure :

Writing Style :

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