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Black Is the Colour of My True Love's HeartBlack Is the Colour of My True Love's Heart (PG)
9.557 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Nemesis
Archived on: Monday, June 30, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, June 30, 2008

Summary: What happens if the one you love is a monster?

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : Mara Jade
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s); Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 8]
[Rating - 10; Total Ratings - 13]

The Decline and Fall of the Jedi Order (PG)
32.274 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Andraya
Archived on: Monday, February 25, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, February 25, 2008

Summary: Five years after the end of the Clone Wars, two professors at the Republic University witness the final downfall of the Jedi Order as they become participants in the intrigues of the Galactic Empire.

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : Palpatine; other : Armand Isard

[Comments - 8]
[Rating - 8.92; Total Ratings - 13]

The Decline and Fall of the Jedi Order

Fool's LuckFool's Luck (PG)
51.431 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : General San_3
Archived on: Monday, July 28, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, July 28, 2008

Summary: Aboard Peragus Station, Atton's mistakes rise up to haunt him - along with other relics of his past.

Time Periods : a. Ancient (SW) History
Genres : Drama; Missing Scene; Romance
Primary Characters : Atton Rand
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s); The Exile

[Comments - 9]
[Rating - 9; Total Ratings - 12]

Lacrymosa (PG)
6.13 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Mcily Nochi
Archived on: Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Last Updated : Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Summary: A Rebel prisoner in an Imperial P.O.W. camp learns what freedom is . . . and what it is not.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Drama; Vignette
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 14]
[Rating - 9.45; Total Ratings - 22]


Perversity of LifePerversity of Life (PG-13)
7.721 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Gabri_Jade
Archived on: Monday, September 19, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, September 19, 2005

Summary: When all is lost, what remains?

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : Kyp Durron; Mara Jade

[Comments - 10]
[Rating - 9.38; Total Ratings - 21]

Reaching Out (G)
22.415 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Gabri_Jade
Archived on: Monday, February 25, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, February 25, 2008

Summary: With their relationship already distant at the time of Mara's death, can Luke and Ben overcome the pain of her loss?

Time Periods : i. Post-NJO
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : Ben Skywalker; Luke Skywalker
Secondary Characters : Kyp Durron; Leia Organa Solo; Shada D'ukal; Talon Karrde

[Comments - 7]
[Rating - 9.78; Total Ratings - 27]

Reaching Out

Sith RevelationSith Revelation (PG)
43.212 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Nevarion
Archived on: Monday, December 31, 2007
Last Updated : Monday, December 31, 2007

Summary: Two years after winning the Duel of the Shadow Sith, Darth Zeraii faces an opponent never before seen by the Sith along his path to mastery of the Dark Side of the Force.

Time Periods : a. Ancient (SW) History
Genres : Adventure; Sith Philosophy
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 15]
[Rating - 9.55; Total Ratings - 29]

Just Before Dawn (G)
8.556 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : leia__naberrie
Archived on: Friday, April 30, 2004
Last Updated : Friday, April 30, 2004

Summary: A fateful morning on the moisture farmlands of Tatooine. A.K.A. 'The Danger of Picking Mushrooms'.
Genres : Angst; Drama; Vignette
Primary Characters : Shmi Skywalker
Secondary Characters : Cliegg Lars; Owen Lars

[Comments - 10]
[Rating - 8.88; Total Ratings - 43]

Just Before Dawn

First DutyFirst Duty (G)
7.524 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : PadawanAneiki
Archived on: Monday, October 10, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, October 10, 2005

Summary: Reflections of a newly-Knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi revisited. One-shot POV piece.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Vignette
Primary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi
Secondary Characters : Anakin Skywalker; Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 12]
[Rating - 8.69; Total Ratings - 26]

Storyteller (PG)
11.683 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : VaderLVR64
Archived on: Monday, November 28, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, November 28, 2005

Summary: An old man is much more than he seems.

Time Periods : g. Post-RotJ
Genres : Alternate Universe; Angst; Vignette
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 19]
[Rating - 9.02; Total Ratings - 41]


Down On The FarmDown On The Farm (G)
44.978 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : ardavenport
Archived on: Monday, January 22, 2007
Last Updated : Monday, January 22, 2007

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have completed a difficult mission and while the unpleasant aftereffects still clinging to them are removed, they learn a little about their own limitations.

Time Periods : b. Pre-TPM
Genres : Drama; Humour
Primary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn

[Comments - 11]
[Rating - 8.26; Total Ratings - 31]

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