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The Art of AcquisitionThe Art of Acquisition (G)
20.981 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Nevarion
Archived on: Friday, August 31, 2007
Last Updated : Friday, August 31, 2007

Summary: A museum curator slips a masterpiece through the hands of Thrawn.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Adventure; Political Intrigue
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : Grand Admiral Thrawn

[Comments - 7]
[Rating - 9.71; Total Ratings - 14]

Mobius (G)
13.868 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Commander DWH
Archived on: Monday, May 28, 2007
Last Updated : Monday, May 28, 2007

Summary: The Mandalorian Wars are tearing through the galaxy, and straight through the friendship of two Corellian Jedi, Leiraya Moran and Kylan Sheffield.

Time Periods : a. Ancient (SW) History
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 7]
[Rating - 8.64; Total Ratings - 11]


The Underworld Chronicles: The Law and the CrucibleThe Underworld Chronicles: The Law and the Crucible (G)
22.188 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Xyvik
Archived on: Monday, August 9, 2004
Last Updated : Monday, August 9, 2004

Summary: Corellian Security Force Sergeant Wyn Veguh has been an officer for seventeen years and never came across a problem...until he is approached by a shady combatant and lured, forcibly and subtly, into a life on the wrong side of the law...

Time Periods : f. Post-ANH
Genres : Adventure; Drama
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 6]
[Rating - 9.17; Total Ratings - 18]

A Thin Veil (PG)
51.118 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : ginchy
Archived on: Monday, March 24, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, March 24, 2008

Summary: A Jedi Master teaches a final lesson on the nature of the Force.

Time Periods : j. Far (SW) Future
Genres : Alternate Universe; Drama; Jedi Apprentice; Jedi Philosophy
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : Mara Jade

[Comments - 5]
[Rating - 9.63; Total Ratings - 19]

A Thin Veil

Midi-chlorian MosaicMidi-chlorian Mosaic (G)
19.132 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Sue
Archived on: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Last Updated : Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi reassures the closest thing Luke has to a mother, and she confides in him.

Time Periods : e. Classic Trilogy
Genres : Angst; Missing Scene
Primary Characters : Beru Whitesun-Lars; Obi-Wan Kenobi
Secondary Characters : Luke Skywalker

[Comments - 2]
[Rating - 8.75; Total Ratings - 16]

Apprentice (PG)
2.938 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Persephone_Kore
Archived on: Monday, April 30, 2007
Last Updated : Monday, April 30, 2007

Summary: The moment Dooku became the Sith Apprentice. (Warning: Do not let Palpatine play with your hair.)

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Angst; Drama; Missing Scene
Primary Characters : Count Dooku; Darth Tyranus
Secondary Characters : Darth Sidious; Palpatine

[Comments - 8]
[Rating - 8.38; Total Ratings - 26]


Should Be GoingShould Be Going (PG)
7.644 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Darth_Lex
Archived on: Sunday, November 2, 2008
Last Updated : Sunday, November 2, 2008

Summary: A "missing moment" scene from Legacy of the Force: Revelation; Jaina Solo's farewell to Jagged Fel.

Time Periods : i. Post-NJO
Genres : Missing Scene; Romance; Vignette
Primary Characters : Jagged Fel; Jaina Solo

[Comments - 2]
[Rating - 9.53; Total Ratings - 34]

A Force for Living (PG)
49.322 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Kev Drakis 23
Archived on: Monday, December 15, 2008
Last Updated : Monday, December 15, 2008

Summary: Courier-turned smuggler Kev Drakis recruits a mysterious human named Piala Bokur to help him on risky mission. Along the way, they discover just how much of an impact the Jedi had, and what the loss of their presence in the universe means.

Time Periods : d. Intertrilogy
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : _Original character(s)
Secondary Characters : _Original character(s)

[Comments - 4]
[Rating - 9.2; Total Ratings - 20]

A Force for Living

InfernoInferno (PG)
16.963 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : Sreya
Archived on: Monday, September 5, 2005
Last Updated : Monday, September 5, 2005

Summary: Based on a challenge to write the volcanic duel scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and heavily influenced by Dante's Inferno, this story follows Anakin on his ascent of the volcano. As he passes through the giant gates, he enters a firestorm of the traumas that have shaped his life. While this fic draws on the imagery of the volcano duel, it contains no spoilers for Episode III and relies primarily on material from AotC.

Time Periods : c. Prequels
Genres : Drama
Primary Characters : Anakin Skywalker
Secondary Characters : Obi-Wan Kenobi; Padmé Amidala; Qui-Gon Jinn; Shmi Skywalker

[Comments - 13]
[Rating - 9.69; Total Ratings - 16]

Rendezvous (PG-13)
19.774 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : TKeira_Lea
Archived on: Sunday, May 31, 2009
Last Updated : Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summary: Jaina comms Jag for a ride after fleeing Nickel One. A Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible missing scene set between Chapters One and Two.

Time Periods : i. Post-NJO
Genres : Missing Scene
Primary Characters : Jaina Solo
Secondary Characters : Jagged Fel

[Comments - 6]
[Rating - 9.81; Total Ratings - 21]


Since ForeverSince Forever (G)
6.362 K -- Printer-Friendly Version

By : VaderLVR64
Archived on: Monday, January 19, 2009
Last Updated : Monday, January 19, 2009

Summary: There comes a time in every parent's life when they have to let go.

Time Periods : h. New Jedi Order Era
Genres : Angst; Drama; Vignette
Primary Characters : Luke Skywalker; Mara Jade

[Comments - 3]
[Rating - 8.61; Total Ratings - 18]

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